.�-3.. .� . . ,f��`�ec:f':aki�r'r;�. . :�•y:rS�:�:�`'��'�- .at.�<Tl2�+h�-.5��• .W�,: Si[�7�K x_c?.cE,�c:.'r
<br /> : ---'—�T^ � . — -`;�arc����,�+.<- � - �C.- — „f s- v- -- � .w�¢ - _ . �� . _ -
<br /> - � � .- ..i. , K� '� � � _
<br /> ` �_ �,.. '-.'r�. � ' i r-.•- f,'A � _ . .r t � i ' � i -5 tr 4 :Y' t � 1
<br />. � "'y•, - R �ri-� ��FZ1���^ Y.:. . t� •Si���'4h S � t � 4-a f ..
<br /> -fS'_ `�'��j r
<br /> f.�� 17.Tcsnst�r of 4he PropeRy or a Bene�tcial [n4ere�2 in �orrowar. ti aA or acry part of the Property or -
<br /> ° � '��`;., � any Interest(n ft ts sotd or Vansterred(or il a bene�ial i�rterest in Borrower is sotd or transterted mid Borrow�is aat a nawral � `
<br /> .., ,.��.`..; . p�csonj wiEhout 4ender's pdor�conse�t lendar may.at ib optfon.require IrmGe�ate PaY►nent in fu0 ot a9 sums seaired by
<br /> CL
<br /> ' ' tAls 3ecuAry instrument ltowevar.tAls oPtIon shall nat be euerdsed by Lender H exerdse is profi�ited by ted�al Iaw as of the �
<br /> _ ' •` , date of thls Sowdty h�shvment.
<br /> �,' ' � It lcnder axm�d9es tMa opUon. Lendcr sha0 give Bomower n,�dce of aeceler�ion. The notice shaA provide a perfod ot not
<br /> � less thnn�30 Cays hom the d�e the nottce ts de1►lrered or maited withtr�whlch Borrower must pay a11 s�nns secured bY thts �
<br /> ma
<br /> � . Sacurlty Inshument II Borrower faDs to poy these sums prEor to the expiration of this period. lender a�ay inva[ce at►y r�me�IIes �• F
<br /> '. �,;. . � ' Rcrtnittod Ay this 6scudty Instiument withoat tuRher�otice or dert�and on Barrower. : '.��
<br /> � � ' 18. BOffOWBP� p1�91t 4o Re1n8t8te. H Borrow�meets�eAa(n condltons. Banowet shaD have the dgtrt to hava
<br /> � :�A� ` ento[Cement ct thta 8ocurUyy Instrument discoMinued at any ttme pdor to the earlter of: {a)5 days {a sucb oitier pedod as
<br /> t
<br /> � •, aPPRcebto law may cpe�r 1or reinstatemerR)betare sala of the ProP�Y Pursuant 4o arry power of sale co�ined��is Seeurfry � . ,
<br /> :�^�'°"� tnsWmEml: ot(b) enW o1 a ludynent e�°rdng this Seairtly instrument.Those wndAians are that Borrower. a lender s0 � -
<br /> ' sums whiCh 1�en woutd bo due nnder this SecemtS►h�ument es�the t�Foie as H"o accel�i°n had occurred (b)uues an1►
<br /> u �'
<br /> - . "•,.�• dok�u(t of any otfier covenant or e�eements: (c)PaYg aD�en.,es incucred tn en0o�ing this Securityy Inatrumerrt. tndudmg. buc ` < .� i,•
<br /> � ? not lim(ted to.reason�bto attomeys'tees: and(�taSces�such actton as Lender maY reasonabry requtre to assure that the Qen oi � �
<br /> b ��
<br /> � � ` this 8acurtlyt �natrummot. lender's dghts in the Prnpe�tj►ai►d Bortower's obRgatIan to pay the sums secured by this Security � .:.
<br /> � �-���..--J'� tnsUUment ehntl ea�Unuo unehanged. Upan reinstatement by Harrower. thts Secu�l (�sh�►ment and ihe obG�ons secured � . ; ,
<br /> . �_ ' ,`.� hereby ahall rematn iuUy eltocNre as(I no acceleraUon had arxumed. However,this�ht to reinstete sfiaD nat appry in the cese �
<br /> �' ' ° ot atxeteraUon under parsgtapA 17. ; ,
<br /> ' ? 18. 8818 oi�Eotei Changs �f LoaQ Seivtcer.The Rote or a a parttat uderest tn the Nate (mc�ather witb thTs �;�.:; ..
<br /> • '�`� Secudry lnatcument)may be eotd one or mare tlmes w�thout pdor nodce to Boirawer.A sale may resu$fin a ch�►9e in the enYity► ��
<br /> • .. ..,s'. pueovm es the'Loan Senrlcer')that coQects monthd Pallments due under the Diote and this Secur(ty Ins�s.m�ent 7h�e atso maY : r.
<br /> -_.!�:
<br /> ' � be ane or more changes ot tho l.oan Ssnllcer unretated to a sale of tha Nata H there is a change of the Loan Se�vtcer. -,�•.
<br /> ., :.�� Barmwer wiU be gN�wdtten nolleo W the change in sa:ordance vrth p�a9�pfi t4 above end appUcabEe t�w.. The RoUce wU �, ..
<br /> state the aame and addresa of the rtew Loan 8ervtce►end the address to whicts paymerts shoutd be mada The noUce wID etso
<br /> .i co�in acry othor tntormaUon wquirad bY ePAncebte law. :
<br /> � �' Z0. H�ardous Substss�ees. Borrower stiafl not cause or pemtit the presence. use.�isF°sa1.sio�a9�°���e ai
<br /> t af
<br /> �- -� any Hazardous Substanees on ar fn the Properiy. Bortower shalt not do. nor aRaw atryone etse to do,arrything e8ectin9 the
<br /> ----- --.�--::`.• Praperty that ia in ulotaUon o1 eny EnvUonmenffiI Law. The preced'ng two sentances shaU not aPAN to ths presence. use. or .
<br /> - .. . .. � �� storage on the PropeRy ot small quantltles of Hazardous Substances that are genereUy reco�ized to be appmpsiate to nortnal _
<br /> � � �- R' residenUal uses and to malntananrs ot the P�roperry.
<br /> � . .�;; . Bartower shall prompth► ghre lende� writtan noSee o1 eny imresti4atlon. datm, demand tawsuit or ather action by any ..
<br />_-. .. _. govemmental or�utatory agency ar prtvate paRy(nvot�Uig the Propa2y and arry Hamrdous Subsmnca or Environmerrtal taw of _ `
<br /> ' '; �• whtch Bortower has actua!know(edge. N Bartower teams. or ts rrotr�d bY e�Y gevemmentsl or regulatery autt►orilY. that any
<br /> � �> -
<br /> ,.:.; . removal or other remediaUan of anY Maxardaus Subsience aftecting Properry is necessary, BoROwer sha0 promptty take e0
<br /> . ,. ; ,�•� aecesaary remedial actlons in accotdanae vAth Environmental taw. ---
<br /> • As used In this parAgrapfi Z0. `Ham[dous Substanoes•are those substsnces defined as toxla or ha�dous substanaas blf
<br /> ' '� ' '`s:� Ernlronmental Lsw und the foQowing suDStaACea: gasoMe kerosene, ather ftaimnable or toxtc Deucieum Prod°�s, Y°x� --_
<br /> " �� � � � ' pesUtfdes enA hetbieides,volatAe eoNante,matedaTs containing asbestos or tortnaidehyde,and ra�oactive rt�ials. 0.s used�n � ��
<br /> � . ; ,•��' para�aph 20. 'Envlronanental Law' meana fedamt Wws and laws ot the jurfsd'.ction where the Ropeny is Ieca'te�f fhat�el.ate m `,�
<br /> .. � ,: : heatth.satety or enviroamontal protecUon.
<br /> ,'•�� � � • >.` NONdlNIfOAM COVENAMS. Bortower and Lender turiher cavenant and agree as fo4ows: � -
<br /> �� " : %� 21. Acceteratlon; Remediea Lendee ahatt gWe noti�o to Borrower prlor to accetera�oa ; .y-�
<br /> ��:�� � '���' totlawing 8onowo�'e breacb ot eny covenant or agreeme� in thls Security instrurnaeirt {but nat ` � --
<br /> ��.. . .: `�,:�,:�? prior to accelaratlon e�nder paragraph 17 untesa apptica6la 1a�nr pravides otherwis��. Tha n�tic� . . .
<br /> M1 . �_. �F st�ali specity: (a� ti�o de9auik (�)�ti�v actlon requirod to cure the defauit; (c) �date, not tess 4fian
<br /> � ; 30 days trom the da4e the notloo la g�ven to Borrower. by which the defauti must be cured; and
<br /> � �" (d) tha! tattaere to au�e t h0 d e f au t! on or bs t o re t h e d a t e s p e c ff t e d t n t h e n o t i c e �n a y r e s u k i n �-
<br /> ' � t accelaratlos� a1 ths euma svcu►+�� by thla 8eau�lty Instrumvo�t and sate af the Property.The no4ice ���_-
<br /> �� � .�.���` r�hatl iurther infarm 6on�nror at ffio tigttt to reinstate after acceleratian and the rtght to bring a �;_,.:_
<br /> � •�:.; :. �,.. � -:� cou�t actton to assert the non�exlstoneo a! e detauR or any other deiense M BoTrawor to ���
<br /> � . :`�=�: acaeteration and �ale. M tha dofttult ta not cured on or bebre the date specffte� et�the nmYla�. ��,
<br /> �� ' • � � � ��t Lender aR tt�op4ion may reqWre tmmedlato payment (n tuil of al�l sums eecure� by 4his Securi�yt �-.�:.�
<br /> tnatrument withou! tu�lher domand and mey Invoke the power a� �ate and atry otD�er �ernedies — •
<br /> � .',::• ��,� ��. perr�Hted by appitaabfe law. Ltmde►ehail bo entflled to coltect all ��anses tncurroa In pursudng �;: •.,
<br /> �� � "� the remedtea provlded in thle peraaraph 21� trtcluding, but nat Itmite� to� roaso�aable ffitomeys' ,`;,�;
<br /> �` � 469fl Lifid 00�8 O�IKI6 AVZd8AC0.
<br /> �..� � � t1 tho power o1 eato lo Invoked� T�ustee ehatl �ecord e notice e� ale4amR In e�cfi cmuMy i»
<br /> � � . - . whlch any part ot the Property la toeated end ahati mall co�tes mi s�h nottce in the maaner
<br /> •: . .' presc�bed hy eppitoabte faw to Boi�ower Gnd 4o tho othor persona prescribod kry applicabfs faw.
<br /> � � ARor the tTme reqvired by appitaobte law.Trusteo sha91 gWe pubilc naUce of eate to th0 persotos .
<br /> and In the manno►prescribed by applloable law.Ttutnsa. withou!demand on Barrowor. shaff sell�
<br />��� .��-� ' �. � h! hast bldder e! tho time and �etaca and under the te�ms
<br /> �; � the Prope�ty at publta aucNon to tho g
<br /> `� deal8nated in tiie rtoUce af eat0 In ana ar more parcota and tn any ordes Tnss2oe determinos.
<br />�. ;
<br /> � � � Trusteo may postpone eafe a4 et! or any parcot at tha Prope�ty bIl p�r a�a�n�ement at the
<br />� � � - � tima and ptaao af any prevtouaty sehe�uted eofv. 4ondor or tts desigre3 �ay purchase the �
<br /> ': • Property at any eofe. '� �
<br /> �L . . Upon Pecalpt of paymon4 of 4h� prtao bld. Trustee ehatl deliver fio t�"�o pvr�►�or Trustee's ,
<br /> �� :. ��.� dood conveying th� Property. The recfteta tn the�Trustoo'o deed shall 6e pr�ma 4�sis evidence ot
<br /> �`:� " the truth of tha sttstomonto mado therotn. Tru�tee ahatl appty the proceeds a�the sale im tlea
<br /> �., � �... Tollov�ing order. (a) to atl aoete and oxpenaeg ot exercising tho power of s�te, and the sale.
<br /> �"� Includtng the payment ot the T�ut�tao's�ooe aatualty Ineurrod� not to exceed tQ�re�
<br /> �� � � �. °�o of the pNncigsFa! amouM af the �
<br />,� �' ` - note e�t the time af 4he dect�rattan o4 dofoufR Qetd�et�8onab{o attamey's tees as parmitted by Iaw; .
<br /> � �. '. . , .
<br /> �.' � � (b)to eil suma secured by thta 8oawity In�t�umont: and (o) any oxcess to the person or persons
<br /> �� fegally entitted to it.
<br />:�"��:. • • 1 � P.�fl����A 9 �
<br /> � : .
<br /> • . - F1318.LMO(1/9� ,
<br /> 4s't �`� �. -.,. . .
<br /> ��. .. .
<br /> 97162 .l
<br /> i.,.,
<br />