, _.;�;�g' `�r_�j�a�.'S`�. • �iR�; :rnsaosit-t:c o-..-u .- ` 4
<br /> $. - t�f i"3+.ti.w ' - - � . '„�.- ��-� .
<br /> . . - � '_ � _ _ — . . .
<br /> ...'�""T"�'� s ` �- _�r�jr,;
<br /> -:r T"e ,-- .F �r'��i _ + ' L_ ..�,. �Q� O.
<br /> �f h �;.
<br /> � F_ ` �
<br /> ,;. `C" _ ' ��.
<br /> .- - ...-r :,f r c''--- -=f � � b� > 7.
<br /> _ �i t
<br /> �E �'�.,;:� TOQETHER WITH aD the 6siProvem�ds now or hereafter ereeted on the pmpeRy.and aD easemer�ta ePP��� m�6 =- �
<br /> fi�res now or hemsfter a paR ot tha pmpeAy.NI�eDlac�nents and edddtona sha0 also be covered by thts 3ecuriry Instnment ,:�° • J
<br /> . ` 'ti Ab of the foregaLng Ls r�ferred to in Ws SeauitY instrumert as the'Propedy.' :.'�� <".
<br /> EiORROWEit COVENANTS Utat Borrower ia l a w h l l Y s e i z e d o!the eslate hereby cornayed and has tha dgM to grant and
<br /> _ comay the F►nperry and thet the Pcaperty is un�eumb�ed. m�cePt tor enambranc� af reeord. @o�row�wartants and wHi .. .
<br /> , defenA g�era4y the t�lte to ffie Froperty against eU ata'ms emd demanda,s�Jad to�r�ewmbrances of reeord. `����".
<br /> . - 1HIS SECURtIY iDl97RUMENF combine.s unUbrm eover�►►ffi tar natlonsl use and rtorwnUotm covenairts with Bmtted < .,c:
<br /> ,�..4 varlaitons by Iudsdict[an to constiNte a wftonn sewrity insl�urttent covedn9 real P�P�Y. `:.;.�;
<br /> U(ylFppM CpVE1VANTS. Bor�ow�end lender covenant end agrea as foQow� �',: ;
<br /> ` � �� ` 1.PaymeM af P�incipat and IrReres� PrePaymerd and I�Ye Charges.eorrower shall DromP�Y Pay when . .
<br /> due ffis prindpal of and IMerest an the debt evlda[ced by the Nate and�3►P�Y�erd end f�e eher9es�e und�the Note. . • ,. ',�-
<br /> - ' `' 2.FtBtid9 4os T2xAS Sltd(ef8uranc9.SuDjeet to appQeahte Iaw or to a mRten waHt�by Lend�Bor:owec shafl pay .
<br /> .. -'", '�•� to Lender on the day mortthty payments ate due�md�the Note.wi�tf►e Note ts paid in tul{.e sum ('Funds')for. teaseho�[d ,.i,
<br /> ,�. taxes end assessmetrts wNch maY atta6�Pdo�t1►over thLs 3eau�y► tnsWm�t�surar�it�P��p���ly� � .�°: �
<br /> tt86� 8aod insurance
<br /> �• Payments or grosmd rents on the PmP�Y• H any: (o)YearlY he�rd or DmPertS►
<br /> er
<br /> : `�:, ` r�tums.H enY•�e�Y�Y ma�38��ce premiwns.if any,and i�ffi+lt��P�le by Bortower to Lender(n aceordance �
<br /> � :..� �-- wflA the pmv�stons of parayap Tttese ftem� are caIIed 'E�aow -
<br /> h e.in Qeu of the paymerrt of tnortSa9e instttance premhms- �
<br /> :.n`��',,.'" items.' Lender may. at ar►y�ne.co U e c t an d h o i d F u n d s i n a n a m o u n t n o t to�cceed the maxLnum amourrt a tender tor a `. �.�
<br /> _ °. federadyt netated moRgags(oan malf�for Borrowers esaow accaunt under the tederat Reat Estate SetUement Procedures Q '�;::r.
<br /> .. - Aet of 1974 as smertQed irom�ne to tima.12 U.S.C.�ffi01 el seq. ('HESPA'). unless another t�+r that apPSes to the Wnds ' '' _
<br /> . .. .,"...` I sets a lesser amourtt H so. Lender may.ai atry Um&coQed and hoEd Funds Fn an amo�mt nat to exceed the[esser emowt � F.::�_:'-`
<br /> _'� �',��•: Lender may esUmate ffie amaunt of Funds due on ihe basis of curent data and r�sonahte�es uf exPendwres of fumre � :.�r.•�:�.��
<br /> Escrow Items ar atherwise in accordatt�witi�apPUca6te law. � �";...,.,_�
<br /> The F�mds shaA be heid in en tns�tufion whose deposrts are(nsured by a tedetal agency.instrumente@Y•°��e Esaow ' .�"r-l.
<br /> lender,'rf Lender ts sucb an tnst�tlonl or in any Federal Home Loan Bank Lender stm0 apPly tne Funds ta pay -
<br /> items.Lender may not charge Borrwuer tar ho►dtng and aPAM►�9 ttse�imds.annuaQy enaydn9�a�saaw eccoimt.or veriTy(ng '`�F�._: -
<br /> , � �. . the Esaow Ite�ns, unless tender pays Bomower iateesl on the�F.n�s and appQcable �aw �,Lender to make sucb e �
<br />; s<� .. ��.��,' charge: F[awaver.Lender may require Borrowa W pay a onetlme d�Se tor an independeM s�l�.afate tex reporUng service ; .':.'•
<br /> u s e d b y Lender tn cormedfon wRh Uils toan, unless appGrabte law,provides otherwisa Utu`z� an agreeme�rt Is made or tt, ;f;:
<br />_, -� . . eOP�cable Iaw requtres interest to be paid LenQer§hs3 not 6e r e q u l r e d t o pay 8 o t r c w e r a n y i n i a e�t o r e a m T n g s o n t h a Furtds. , �r;1.;
<br /> '.' ,< ;� " Borrarrer and tender m a y agree in w��. howe�rer.ftmi 6R�est s";s��e patd an tde Fu�ds. L�ider shall gl+re to Borrower, .
<br /> er
<br /> : ,,.. ; �"
<br /> �:.:.:,
<br /> �, . . wWrmut eharg�an annuai accauMing aY*_'4e funds.showTng ae��:t3 d�fts t9 the Funds an��e putpose tor w h i d� each i`,.,�..
<br /> .'.:�::,. .,;:.� : ��' for a0 sums seaaed the Seanity instrument . -
<br /> �- ' de6A to ft�e Funds was made. The Fun�.��tedged as adddtar�"sa�itily Qcab{e iaar.t�sha�account to Borrow� •:.,`
<br /> "' . flt
<br /> ` �: . � °•., If ffie funds hetd by Len6�r�cceed.h..a*nou.^.�gem�itted to Ho hetd t►Y eAP �
<br /> cce � "
<br /> �f'' :, for the mcc�5s Funds in accordance w�h the�.^�ss of ePPIIcable law. B ffie aaowrt o11he Fands hetd 6y Laeder at acry +�( : '
<br /> • . time b not su�cler►1 to pay the Escrow items wh�e d�Lender msy so oatit�/Boirower In writ(ng,and�in su�h Sase Bmraww . . . ,,.
<br /> 6 .
<br /> . '"j sNaU pay to tender the amo�tfd ne�e�!��.�the defldency. Borrower shall make up the Qeftdenty in no more tham :`,�,�-`,..
<br /> ' at I.ettdds sole�saetion � �
<br /> ... ' twetve mcMhtY palrmeMs• Insts�+eM.LenQet sfiaD pmmPall�und to Borrower a�l Fur.� '
<br /> . � �'•`�kr Upon payment fi tu0 ot all sums seeure�t Dy this 3ecur(tY f. T�"
<br /> . hetd by Lender. If.under paragraph 21.Lender shs9 aa4ujre or seli Ns PropeRy.tendef pdor to tha acqutsfl[o:►cr sate of ti�e V,<..1_
<br /> F�mds hetd by I.ender ai�a i3me of acquisfdon or sate as a rredt against the sums s.�aured by this �
<br /> � ` proAatY.sha9 aPPAI enY � f
<br /> � .. ,,:. ;�;: Sea�ty Insflum�t. _--
<br />