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<br /> Y. -- ._�t.�.F+�_.i_-..,�--'_.°.�---..�_�'3c:�.'�_.___ '.L.--""'—_' ' . '�f `--' ._ . . - - —t..�� .. _ GY_ - - -
<br /> ' < ' .. . _ F �'—_ _ ._. . . ' �-: '_— ..T E'.
<br /> .w _Z' - , t ._ : �!� < . :.,c�- c C 'C t t� � -� �\C t k.
<br />. �: « 1 } , � � f< �,Y� � . . .�.4�: �`. . , `i �`H r, -
<br /> .yi� ' '
<br />. �•c` 'i ;.`5'
<br /> � `<�. ,� ' -��v�ecago��the�amount and far the pettad �, c
<br /> � • _ ,`�`� • payments may no Ianger be ceqnited,at the optioa of Leadet,if mortgage �';
<br /> ,� . �,�`� that Lender requires?4rovided by aa insurer aPProved by lxader again beaomes availa62e aad is obtained.Borrower shali pay ' •< :
<br /> � ..-;t:; ta maintain mortgage iasusance in effett.or to provide a loss r�setrre.�mn'1 tiie requi�for mortgage '��=�' �
<br /> ,� the premi:tms tequired ..
<br /> '`�.:,,;:.=�-i tnsuiauuae ends in accordaase with any wrIttea agreement b�weeu Borrower and i.ender or applicab2e law. ����� ;L,��;
<br /> � u e and insgeaions of the Rvperty
<br /> • ,.-"-`"'�"1 9.I n s p e c t Eon.Lender or its ageut may make reasoaabte eatries upon
<br /> `'�-.,,:�• �`'.��`� �on+oaer notice at the time of or prior w an inSpe�dua s�ifying ceasonabie cause far t�e�ion .
<br /> � . , , 10.Coud�Hon.The prooeeds of any aqrard or claim fos da�aP,es,direct or ooaseqnential,in connection with az►y
<br /> . .. 7 condemaatioa or athec ta�ag uf anY Part of the ProgertY,or for oonv�yance in liau of wndemnation,aze hereby assigaed avd
<br /> , � ' s]�all be gaid to 1� tbis Seairity Insm�meat. �'°„
<br /> ..: ;; .
<br /> ` In the eveut of a total talsing of the P�ogectY,the pmaeeds shall be appiied w the sarns secau�ed bY .
<br /> �� ~ `' whether or not ttt�n due.with aaY ex�ss paid w Boriawer. Ia the eve�nt af a partial ta�ing of the Pcoperry in wiuch the fair
<br /> r awer
<br /> - . ..:.''' mar2cet value of tbe Pmgerty immediatetY befoie ehe tatang is equal ro or g�eates than the amnount of the sums s�by this •, ,_.
<br /> : . ' ` �ty I�uume�immediately before the taking,unless Bonower aad Lender othe¢wise aSree in anitin8,the samc se�sed by . �.`�.
<br /> ;y`- �'`�_�, tHis S�uritY In�o�sbali De teduoed bY the amamt of the pmoeeds mnldplied by the foIIowing&zction:(a)the wtat . _
<br /> ` � anammt of the sums secured immediazely before the taking.divlded by (b)the fair markec vaIue of ti�FmpenY�edi�Y -
<br /> f...} 6efore the tatdmg. A�r balance sLaU be paid to Bomawa. In tiie event of a p�tial taking of the Propeny ,,�;:.���:
<br /> market value of the Pmperty immediazetgr befoie the talrmg is less thaa the amoamt of the sums secaced immediatelY Uefoie t�e
<br /> . r� ;_vf� � �ing,untess BoYrower and Ir�ec othezwise ag�ree in vvri�affi or imtess applisable taw otl�eiaise provides,the Proceeds sda11 '-� ; =
<br /> ` .' ;; ' be applied to the sumq secared b3►tDis Seauity tast�ument wh�her or not the sums are then due. t � :
<br /> � �`�-:y' If the Pto�+is abandoned by Borcawer,or if.af�aotice by Lender to Ba�wea tl�at the oondeamor offers w make an << � �,:
<br /> . '° �_ award or settIe a ctaim for damages. Boirower faits w respand to leader withm 3 0 d a ys a R e r t h e d a t e t i�e n o t ice is g i v e n. : �;f t�•
<br /> � either to restorativn or iepair of the Pmperty or w the sn�s �'�;�;`:
<br /> . ° '�-,. s- l.eader is authorized to oollect aad apply the pmceods,at ics option, .
<br /> '' • .:�° � se�i by tDis Seruriry Inst�umem,whether or n�t then due. � ��_�
<br /> � -`_-'. `_.:: lTNess Lea�c.aad Boicawec othelwise agree in writing,anY agpl�cauon of pmoeeds ta princlpal shall noi extend or -:
<br /> �� postpone the due date of ti�e moac6tY Faymeats referced to ia p�agcaphs 1 aad 2 or cbaa ge the amom�c of sac•h payments. ; ._�.
<br /> �'' ... , . i2.Bon�+nwer Not.ReIease�Forbearan�BY L�des Not a Watver.F.�teusion of the time for paymeat or mnd�&�tion -.�;_
<br /> . :,-:' y Leader w�ay succc,ssor in�c of�u�rnwer shatl ---_
<br /> 'r;" � � �. �:`:` of amort�afioa of[he sums sec�ued by this Sec�iry insncameat Sranie�bY =
<br />. �:��'`',.'-° not uperate w release ttte liability of t�e ariginal Bormwer or Bom�x�'s successors�ia interest.Lender sha11 not be requimd co ;.
<br /> >"{: time for or othe�cvise modify► .�
<br /> _ ' ' , • commenoe pmoeedin8s aga�st anS►��or in intgrest or refi�se t��d P�� �0�� "�
<br /> a
<br /> �' � � of the sums se�d b39 this Serurtty Instrament by reasoa of any demand saade bY die origin�l Horrower or SotmaQes's � �
<br /> � � sascessors in mterest.AnY forbearance by l.ender in exenising aaY rigt�t or remaedy shall not be a waiver oY or psectude�te � v
<br /> � . � ..;,`.�:.:��S: exes�ise of aay rig6t or c�me�y. The covenmmts and ag�eementa of this = -
<br /> 12. sus�o�aaa��gns Boima;aatm aaa several uaDjlity;Co�ae�-
<br />_ , . . Seauity Inst�ument sbaU bind and beaefit the successois�d assig�s of Leader and Ba�wer, snbjea to the pmvisions of _ ---
<br /> •. . �. �� paragraph 17. Bozrower's oovenants aad agreemeats shall be joint and several. Any Bonower who co-signs this Secu�iry �:, ---
<br />� . . � ?; Insuuffient bm does not esccute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Seauity Insuument only to mortgage,graa4 and convey that _.
<br /> ��-
<br /> .� . ' Bormwer's ime�t ia t��larapecty auder the terms of this S�cauity Instm�meni;(b)is not p€tsonalIy obligated w pay the sums - -
<br /> • .. se�red by this Securiry Insuumeat:aud(c)ag�that Leader and any other Borrawer may agcee to e�[ttend,modify.fos�e�or _
<br /> � ma�lcee any awommcdatIons with iegard to the terms of this Security�tnsuumeat or the Note withont tBat Baimwe�'s oonsent. _
<br /> �• - m _--
<br /> • 13.Loaa Ct�arges.gf the loaa secured bY this Sauriry Snsuument is subjecc to a law which seta ma�dmutn toaa charges. -
<br /> , : - and that law is fmaliy i��.�pneted so that the intcr�s or other loan cIIarges�or to be collecxed ia conn�tian with the =._
<br /> . . . - L�an exceed the DermitteA limits,then:ta)any suct4 tuan chatge shaU be��y the amouat neoessary w reduce ttte charge F:;
<br /> ,.:�. �imits w�be refanded to
<br /> :to the gcamitted limit:and N)�Y s��adY collect�fiom Bomower w�ch exaeeded permicted �:;;N_
<br /> - . � gorroRer_�.eader may choose to make this refw�d bY redacinS the princlpal owed tiQder t�e Note or by maWnB a d�x �,.-.
<br /> � ' ' paymeaz to Boxrawer. If a refund reduces priac��]• the reduaioa a►ill be hreated as a pastial pr�paY�eat withoirt asy
<br /> �.�._.,
<br /> ._ ��: . ' p:epayment charge under t6e Note.
<br /> . 14.Notices.Any notice to Borrower provided f�r.in this Security Insuument sIIaU be given by deliv�it or by mailiag �:':_'_
<br /> .. . . . ' it Dy fugc sPass�mail unless applicable law requires use o4 auother method.7'[�e natice shall be directed to the�roperty Address e>-,
<br /> , . , or any ad�t address Bormwer desig�ztes b]+notice to Lender. My nodce to Lender shatY be given by first class aaai�to � -.-
<br /> — --'s 3.�der'��dr�slate�h�i++or any other address l/eadet desigaates bY notice to Bor:awer.Any notice pravIded ior cm tbls � _J
<br /> ea e
<br /> � � . . �S e C U r i t y I n s t r u m e nt suall be deemed to have been given to Bormwer os Lender when given as provided in t6is pamgrapb• �._ '
<br /> all
<br /> � . . . 15.CovernTng 1.�w; Sevc�Wty.. This Securiry Insmiment s 1�a 1 1 be govem e d b y f e d r s a l l a w a n d t h e i a w o f t h e �.. _
<br /> . judsdic�sp in wmich the Psages�y is lac�ted.In the event�hat aay provlsion or ctause of this Securiry Inst�ument or the D1ote
<br /> h
<br /> . aonflias wizi�appl�cable law.su¢b conflict svall not affect oth�gsovisions of this Security Inso�ent or the Note wIIich eza be ����°:
<br /> : � . ' given effeci withwt the conflicdng pmvision.To this end the pravisions of this Secuiiry Instrument and the Note a�+e dvclared -_
<br /> , � � " to be severabte.
<br /> 16.Borrowei's Copy.Bormwer s1�i1 be given ane oonfoimed copy of the Note end of this Secvrity�mu�t. .
<br /> . . iann ac so
<br /> _ . � � p e%�-6RtNQt9s�2�.o� ve9eame � •
<br /> . . . �
<br /> `��
<br /> ' . . . �� . ... • .. .'�; .'
<br />_-• ' ' :�' : . . � _ : . � � , ,• • . � _ • . , , � . . , • � � ' • .
<br /> . , , , . . ,
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<br /> • . . r .. . . +y . . ' ' . , .. ' '
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<br />.. 1 . . . .. _ � ' .--. " ... ..... —.
<br /> . , •. .
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<br /> .i • ' . .. . "_ . ..��_-__._�_�_.._._'"_._�_ ___���_ _�� . � ___—
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