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.. . . - <br /> c' �ri�' ''.._' �. - .��. • � .:a '� �� .�;. ..0 s�-_ <br /> y i <br /> ..t n.:: ` . - _ . . . ' 1. _ ' _ - — _ ` __ - <br /> . r�• �' Y f J_ !3, '` `*• � � F `!� .L�: <br /> �< ..,t;e ��__ � .Y�� {f _ . �' . _ _ ��2.�- _ , � . � . ."x�.v } <br /> . ` ' . ', _ i `� .� . �. ' •� _ <br /> Ci f� . - .. � 1 " _ ' •' .. . -ti� c . ' �� . WL :C -Q <br /> 4 ' _ _ 1. F i„ _ , ( l. .. (� l ' _ <br /> h [ • . . . � • - .,- � a - ` � � �;` f�`�.� .t. <br /> . - , � ,��. � - ��� F -4 . ..�,. .. f,.`,- . ` _ . , . "�� ' - .t• , <br /> . . ..Y S , . < . `<'c` c 0. .....�� _ _ ..+—.-- F t. <br /> -� _ ` . .. - •.6,� 4 <br /> ^ r �..i <br />--.:. , r - 97�/0���� .. <br /> :`�"4;' � ' TOGEtHBR VIi[i'H ail the improvements now or heceafter�on the pmPertY.and aU easements.apFurtenaasea.aad . <br /> ' `"�^� ° fixtu�es aow or hereafter a patt of �he propesy. AU replacements �d additions shall also be caveced by this Seauity :; . , . <br /> inst�umen�All of the foregoing is cefened cv in this SecuritY insuument as the'PraPertY-� ` .: 5 <br /> BORR�WER COYEI�tANTS that Bomower is[awR�llY seised of the estaze beiebY conveyed and-has the r�ght w grant aud "� <br />� `, . convey the Pcoperty a�that the Prope�tY�s uneacum�����Pt for eacaimbranoes of record. Boaawer waaants and weit . ��. <br /> ` , ' defend geQerally the tide to the Pmpercy againsc all claims and dEmand;.subjea to aay ensumbr�ces of reoo:d. , <br /> 5. .�,� ge e <br /> • y�,y,,,..� <br /> THIS SECURTfY INSTRUMBNT oou�ines uniform covenants for nauonal use aad non-uniform cavenants wittc timiced <br /> . ._.�-.+L --- <br /> waciatioas hy jurisdictlnn to constitute a unifoan security insuumeat oovering zeal propert3►- <br /> .. ' � UMFORM COV�NANTS.Borrower aad l.ender�anzl �.ate Charge9. Borrower shaU promptl}►FaY whea due the <br /> .' ����, . 1.Pgymen4 of Priadpaf and Intemst;prePaY� , <br /> , �.s•...:-.c!:, principal of and interest on the debt evid�i►Y the Note and aaY prePaYment anc}late chaiges deie under the Note. ,__ <br /> Borrower shaU pay to . <br /> : ,.�. Z.FLnds for Teueg sntl Easura�ce.SubJea to applicable laar or w a a+riaen waiver hy L,e�der, `f,`. .- <br /> � •� l�nder on the day monthlY PaYments aze due under the Note.�mtil the Note is paid'm full,a sum t�Funds')for.(a)Yearly ta�ces <br /> . . ove.r this Secvrity I�trum�t as a lieu on the ProPe�ty►;(b)YeaztY leasehald payments � <br /> , ` ��which ma3i attaia Prioriry insarance Premiums;(d?Y�Y Qoad iasurance premiums. `:�' f. � <br /> . � ' or grmmd reats on the Ymgerey,if aay;(e)YearlY t�a�or prapeny� . <br /> if and(t?aaY sums Pay�le by Bormwer w i� ascordaace wit1� � . <br /> . if azry;(e)YeazIY m°rtgage insmance Piemiums, anY; . <br /> � the pmvisions of paTagtaph S,in lieu of the paymeut of mortgage i�ce Premiums.These items ue call¢d'Fscrow items.' '' ._ <br /> . ��r may, at any ume. wIIect and t�old Fands in aa amount not to�oeed the maxim�amouat a leader for a federally . <br /> �,'���, s.....: telated�ortgage loaa may reqnire for Bornnwer's escrow aa:oimr uader[I�e federal Real Estzte Senlemeat Pc�acedures Act af . <br /> � 19T4 as ameaded fmm time to time. 12 U.S.C.Seaioa 2601 d seg.('RFSPA'),anless another laar t6at applies to the Funds �._,`` <br /> .:,:�.` ... , sets a lesser amount. If so,I�nder any�.�ltect aad hold Fuads in an�cowu not w excxed the lesser amouat ._ <br />,' �,_,- - - I x u d e r m a y►e s ti m a te the amount of Fimds due oa the basis of c�nrent data aad reasona62e�of eapeudituies of fiuiue <br /> � ' Essrow Items ar�t hecarise in accoidanoe cvith a p plicable law. insaumenWiry, or�tit5► <br /> �. •,..�`.::'.':-.',.� 'ihe Funds s1�all be 6eld 'm an iastitutioa whose deQosits are insured bY a fedetai ageacy, ,.. <br /> (eastuding I.ender,if Ixnder is such an iastitutioa)or in amy Federal Home Loan Bank.I.ender sball apply the Fumds w pay the <br /> .. 4. .,. Borrower foT Holding and applying the Funds,annuallY�alYzing��w�00��r <br /> ._. . .. . ._._._� �w Item4.Lender may not chatge N <br /> veritying the Fsstow Items,unless Leader pays Boiroarer intesest on the Fuada aad applicable law pc}smiu Leader to maka sw� .: <br /> ;;4 a c�e.However,lcnder maY reciuire Eoaowa to pay a one-time char&e for an independeat r�6tate tax ieporting�service : :;l; <br /> �,�� <br /> ;_ ;, ,:,` used by Lender in connection wIth this Io�, ualess a�plicab2e !aw pro� othetwise. Unle�an agreement � ; <br /> �, � applicabte laar reqaims interest to be paid,I.ender shalb m�be reqnired to�ay Borm�.a�y interest or eami�g,s on ttte Funds. «_. <br /> :.'ii1i�'"tt.: �'``: Bormwer aud I�atder maY agree in writing,however,tf�anterest shall be paid oa tba Funds. I.ender shall g'�ve w Bonower. __�= <br /> �',r�'�1,;`•, :��,�`� s��ra credits and debits to the'Funds and the putpos+e far wlsich eash �� <br /> i.,.�, ' ��i:i:}/. W11hODi C113T��,8Yt 8IIIlU81 8C60UIItiII$Of thC�1dS, $ ��� <br /> ; '':`'. ', :f��t:t�� debit to the Fi�was made.The Fonds are pSedged as�ditional ser�icy for all swns secam�by c�:is Setauiry lnstrumen� _"^"�" <br /> - -,..` . If the Fuada held by I.eader excced the z�uuats�aed to be held by applicable law.L�ea�shaU aa:ount w Boaowet 4,:,_,. <br /> ;,�Y�r��. ,,:,;.._,���:: for the exeess F�mds in accordaace with the requicemer�s af app]icable law.If the amouni of the Funds he2d by Lender at aay . { <br /> . f�.is not suffictent to pay ttte Escrow Items when dn�,ixnder may so notify Borrower in writing, snch case Botmwer t - <br /> ' �'•� "s shail pay to l.ender the amount nece.ssazy to make up the defecteacy.Bonrower shall make up the deficiency ia no more tl�an . <br /> .� twetve monthlY payments,at I.ender's sole discretioa �� to Borrower aay -- <br /> � : ,'. Upoa PaYment in fu11 of all sums secured by this Security Insuument, l.ender shall prompYxy <br /> '� Funds held by Leuder.If,nnder paragrapb 21,l.ender shall acquire or sell the Froperty.Lender,Prior w the acc�uisit�oa os sale <br />�-..�tY.{:f:� � �. . �:'F <br />'-, ri,� .. . <br /> .,;.��,`,. . - = of the Property,sha11 apply any fimds held by Lender at the time of acquisitton or s�¢�s a credit againsc the s��se�reci bY <br /> �,"`'_ .. �:` this Sesutity Insuument• ��'^n'N._ <br /> " p �cei4��ey Lender�mder paragragL^.� . ��. <br /> . , .'�; 3.App�iCeition ot Aaytnents.Unless applicable law rovides othetwise.aU pay�eats �. . . <br /> �e <br /> , . �..:,`, 1 and 2 shall��p1ie0: fin;t,w anY P�Pa7!ment charges due umder tE�Note;seoond,to amou�payable under para8rag�...a �.;={� <br /> , . � .":�� t�,to iuter�s due;fourth,to PrinciFa1 due;and iast,e��y late chazges due under the Note. 1 <br /> � � ���i� 4.Ci�arges;Lleas.Boirower shaU pay all taaes,�ments.charges,flnes�impositions ataIbutab2e to the Property . <br /> . 8d teasehold ayments ergrouaA rents.if any.Borrower shaU pay . �`�'_— <br /> . . ' which may anain priority over this Serunty Insuumeat. p them on ame direct1Y - <br /> � • .:�: these obligations ia the manner pruvided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that maaner,Bosrower shall p�y - <br /> . : :� ti fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to l�e paid under this ParagraPb• _ <br />-- ' .,� to the person owed payaien�Borrower shall promp Y =_ <br />_ •� � ' � If Borrower matces these gayv�.�nts di�ectiy,Borrower sh�tl.promptly fumish to lxadxa receipts eviQenc�ng the payments• _ ..�'v <br />�';;�,`.•;i;�' ,i Bom�wer shall pramg��dischazge any lien whi�Fr�prtority over this Sec�ie�dnstruatent unless Bomower:(a)agrees Ia [ <br /> ' L i�< <br /> :. ' . .. writing to the yayment of�he obli�tion secured by the lien in a manner a�eceptable ra i.euder,(b)cont�wts in good faitb fhe tien �:�:� <br /> ` .,.� by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, leg�l pmceedinF,s wl�ich ia tTie Lendet's opinion operate to prevent che "���'�s° <br /> .,`��i enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of ihe lien an agteement sadsfactatY to I,ender subordiaailng the lie:e to . <br />— � � Wis SecUrity Insttument. If Lender determines tbat any part of the Property is snbjecc to a lien which may�aia priodty over � . <br /> ,'��.� . .� �� this SecurltY insnument,Lender may give Bortower a aotice identifYiaS the lien.�mrower shaU satisfy the tien or take one ar :. <br /> ;� more of the acdons set forth above aithin 10 days of the�iving of no6ce. <br /> fatm 30 90 <br />-� . . . ��BRINEf���.o� v�2ms <br /> ;w,.;. . . . � ,_ <br /> . � . � . . ' � • ' � . . . , • � . . � ._ . . � <br /> ' � � ,. • _ . � • . , . .. . , . <br /> : • <br /> . , <br /> . . . . <br /> . � . .,. �, • . . . . <br /> ... , . . ,— . . , . <br /> . . , -�--- --- --• ----•--=t------- - - __ __ _ ._ _ � _ - ___ <br /> : ' ,. • . . I : . .. '' ' . . .. • • . � ' . . . �, <br />