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<br /> , . a/�� /�O/_�(/ LCANNO. 1559200860 � � � _ `
<br /> (D _
<br /> . 4� `a .� -. � .
<br /> " ' If Lender exercisas thls optlon.Lendar sifall Ne Barrawer ao�e o�ac�tetffiian-The notice sf�atl Pal�suma secured ' �� ` � �
<br /> �' �` ; ' o#not less than 30 days from d► �aweriatfs o�ll thess siuns P�to to�e�n piratlon of�pe od.I�.ender may Ir►voke � � .. : � .,
<br /> . ,;� tiy�SecurRy instrument If Bo lnsY�vmerR wftlwut turther notice or demand on Borrower. . .
<br /> . '� any remedRes�ertrtitied by this Security . .
<br /> " �` 9�.�o�rawe�'s R�gi�'t 4a Reins4a4�. (f Borrower meets certatn cond�lons.Borrower sha11 have ths dg othe perlod - ._..
<br /> �--��r�`�-�=- Insbu�e'st d�scoMtnued�t any tuna pdor Lo the ear►ter ad:(a)5 days( uch - ' i�` ,..`
<br /> ._� - e�forcemerd af thts Sec�tr�i�► utsuar�t to anll Pawer of sate carrtatn�f i� -_-�:-�—----�-
<br /> . as aPRttr•a61s!aw may spec�iy far refnstateme�t�betore sale of the Peope►'tY P .
<br /> mertt entorcfng this Securiryl tnsuument Those cond�tons are that ....�'. .�� .
<br /> � , this Sece�rDy InsWme�or(b1 er�UY�f a jud8 Instrument and the Note as ff no �"` -
<br /> Bortower.(a)�alfs Lender sU sumswhichthenwoWd ba due under this Seau�l � enses tncurred . �.� � � �� .
<br /> � acceterattan had occurred;(b?c�tres�Y d�tt of any other cuver�ants or agreemerns:(c�i�Y$ �P < -
<br /> . , In enforcing 4hts Secu�i InsWmer►t.Induding,but rtaY Nm�e�!to.reasonabte aiMmsys'fees:and(�ffi4ces such ectlon . 4 _
<br /> - as Lender tn�Y�easc�l B4uire to assure thai the lien oT thSs SecurftY tnsWment,Lender's�Igtds the Property a�►d ��,;-f��.�=.
<br /> z'�� 6orrowefa o b 1 i g a t lon to pa y d'i s s u m s secured b y tl►Is 3�Instrumerd shall cor�ntte�nchan$ed.Up°n -
<br /> . ° , r e i n s t a t e m e r�t b y B o r ro w e r.th[s Se c�u i t Y InstnuneM and th e o�iiigattons se'aujed�he�e s h a U�re m a i�n t�[un e d ff e e c t i v e as if
<br /> no aa:eteratian h a d c c a��d-H a w e v e r,t h t�d g h t t o r e i n s t a 4 e a h a l l n o i a p P Y � -.
<br /> ,, para9raPh 17.
<br /> ... ;;. �_.�T -
<br /> :�., t8 sat�otN a�so ld one or mor�e d es w�ho preior nottce to Barrowe r.�A sate may�in�aechange U i t he e�1 •� .
<br /> . , ,.�°� Instrumem) °Loan Service�tl�t cailec4s mortWY paYmertta due underthe Note artd thts SecurYtl►1�mer�t Thsre �.
<br /> , -. (Imou�m as the o f t h e L o a n 8ervicer unreiarted to a sate of the Nota tf there ts a chanSe of the Laan ,, ���.__
<br /> .`•�'. atso may be one or more c h a nges h 14 attrnre an d aPP t i c a b t e l a w. �,
<br /> � S e n r i c e r.B o r r o w e r v u u f l l b e g h r e n w r Q t e n nottce af ths change in accordance w�h p��P e n t s s h o u l d be � 'r{�'�� '' —
<br /> v �
<br /> � � �' The notice wID state ffie name and address otths new Laan Se r v fcer an d t h e a d d r e s s t o w h t c h p a y m _,. ; --- -
<br /> _., . .'`�-.f made. The n�tice wA!also coritain ami other iniommttvn requtred by appUcabie Iaw. �'r:`-�.
<br /> ta
<br /> � :';� 20.Memrdous Substances. Borcower shatl not cause or psrmft theno aRow��ne te�se to do:anyth n aHecUng ',.-.."�
<br /> �F:� any Hazardous Sututances on or in the Property.BoROwer st�ati nat do. � to the presence. � -�`�•%�,:.�.:
<br /> _± .� ,.:ti;,,;�-.h,°.. the Prop$s3y thffi is U vtola�on of any EnvfronmaMal S,aw.The precedtng two seMences sha11 not apply �::.;-:�
<br /> � ,:. _� use,or stara3e on the Propetty of small quar�udes of Hazar�dous Substances that are gen�raity recognb.ed to be ;�;;.;:��i"
<br /> ` :::;':F:��;i:" �late to ncmial resideMia1 uses and W maiMenance of tha PropeRY• . _
<br /> .. :. .4f:<_, aPA�P
<br />::a.� � ` .:�<;;..,.- Bomuwer shatl promptiy gtve Lender wfiten notice of any ir►vesttgatton,�a�nd arry Haiar�douis S�s�ncs o°n by ._,. . `�
<br /> " . `�:f"'� a n y S o v e m m e N a l o t r e g u f a t o ry a gen c y or ptNate pariy tmroluing the PropeRy o v emmentai or • .,,,�„_,
<br /> ry° Fmtironmr�ai Law of whict�Botramrer h�s a c t u a l k n o w t e dge.I f B o R a v r a r l e a m s,a r i s n o t�i 2 d b y a n Y S k' �. . �,
<br /> ;'..,;Fs,<�''
<br /> �g�t��z n hority.t h a t a n Y r e m a v-a f o r o t h e r r e m e d i a t i o n o f a m 1 Hazardous Substance aife�ing the P�o pe�rty is ..:. #��.
<br /> , .� Ret�ssar�r=8onower shall promptiy take all necessary remed�aB actions tn accordance+n r�h E m i ro n m e r�l L.a w :,,�,��;
<br />=?:`-j .:� `� ���:
<br /> �, . - qs used tnthis pa..��aPh 20.°Hamrdous Suhstances°arzthose substances deflned as toxtc or h a z a r dous �
<br /> s���by�vir�srrt�1 Law and the following substances:9asoline,[�osene.other Rammab�e ortoxlc ; �:: �
<br /> y p e t ro l e u m p r o d u d s t a�d c pesttcides and herbicides.vofa2Ae soiveMs.mae:�als containirtg asbastas orfomnatdehyde,
<br /> . . � ra h 2 0.°E m�r ro n m e r�t a l L a w°P n e a n s f e d e r a i t a w s a r s�¢�ws af the i �
<br /> � �'. � and radi�cth►e matertala As usedon��h�s th�at eia e to heaith.safetY or ernironmemai pa+aiecdon. °
<br /> _" y- C,..yt.- _ �#"�:
<br /> � ���--; IU1�3t�tC2�i7ii W�i8�C!2tlE!�Qe�� , ��=-
<br /> ' � �` NONdJNIFORM COVEN/WTS•Borrower and Lenderfurther cavenant and agree as 3�n�f o r v s: "
<br /> B1.Ace�ierattom;�tamedteti..Lender shaLl giva notice to Barrower prlorto acceierat#on to�o�ing 8orrower'e ... •
<br /> a �
<br /> �� breach ot any cover.�r:�or agreemern in thia Seauri2y InsUumertt Nu!rtot pr�or to acceleea�e$�on r�q u�to ^;. � -
<br /> � 1 7 u n i e�a p pficable taw pro�Ades atRsmise).The ttottce shaU speCity:(8)ttte detaui�;N) � : _:.:.,�_
<br /> � � � � h -
<br /> . • c a date.not tess t ha�3 o d a y s t r o m t h o a 7,a t e t h e n a t i c�i s g i v en 4���er��me n�1ce may -_-
<br /> . c u r e��a u t t,O t h ffi te i t u r e t o c u r e t h e d e t s�a c l�o n o r b e t o r e t h e d a t e s y e P�ft .:�.. . _
<br /> .. � det�uit�e'�t be cured.an0(� ent er�d eate ottfie Property.Tha notice s h a U
<br /> � resuit tn acceter�tla�°�ot the suma aecured by thts Securit��str�rm
<br /> .. � er IrKonn Bon�r o�4he rt9ht to reinstate a8er ecceleration end�e rig n and s�ate.I tf�e defau�ts not K 1� ;.- -_r
<br />- the norae�dstertcs a9�detauit or any other detenao of BoROwer to s�''eratto :; ,,r%`��
<br /> �� ' cured on or betore the date spedfled tn the natice,l.er+der at fts op���ay requTro Immediate payment�n tull of
<br /> "'' � . all suma securetD bY tDila SecucE�ffist�ume�with°ut tur�her demand snd m�y tnvoke the pawer ot sate and anx r�:_
<br /> . .. .%.
<br />_ � � o3her remedtes permi�tt�ed bY epp�cabte law Lender sh�i!be entitted to coltect ell ex9eneee tnc�d a�p��01 .��.,"_.s'�:;�� -"
<br /> �21.tnctudin ,6ut na't Iimtted ta,reaso�attomey►o' + —.
<br />- � . . . � �e remedtea provtde0 in this paragrap 8 . �j: _°�'
<br /> � • titfa eWdertee '``?�-'�"�
<br /> .. � . . : . It 4he power of eate Is tnvoked�Trustee sha�l record a aa4tce ot c��i in eaa�b eounty in ri�j 6I te to �f `^•%��ii��„'
<br /> ' tho Prope�ty 18 tocated and oriail mail copies ot such watt�a fro the mar�er pres��bY eDP �... _ ;,,,,r,{,;, .
<br /> . • Borrower an9 to the ather pc�sons pre�ctibed by appu���w. ���e time t�quired by eppltcable tew. . �:
<br /> Trustee sha0 give pubilc nattce of eate to tha person�$�au����8 highest blddepte the time and p ac ,;��:4►:,. �
<br /> - � wRhout demand on 9arrovrer,shaU seil the Propertyt p � .
<br /> _ � , and under the terme destgna ie�;n�ee no�;t����o��by p��nn�uncemeM a t�te tirt eea d�ptace o� . ��
<br /> , Tru�eama,ypost�one sa e o nY P
<br /> - . � :. any�ouaty schedutad sac�. dsnder or tt�designee rray purchase the Prope�ty at any sate. ..
<br />=_ � . .��.°�,;;:' , tl�pmn receipt oi paymeM c��.":a Ortce btd�Trus4ee aRab1 deliver to the parchaser T�ustee'a deed conveying .
<br />��" � � the Property. The recitats In tCto Tn�ste���e�e n t1�e 4otlowtng order.(a)t atl coste and expenssg���de . . . .
<br />'=''� ' thoretn. Truatee ahatl aPP�1l � �
<br />-�''. ' � � FORM 302II 9/SO .
<br /> ,' ` '``, ., iscrc�rn���a�sa/a�e�r� � . �
<br /> _ _ � --=-�-� — ---- -- — -
<br /> _ . _-_�_�r:____-- -- -, ---. . --.. ', . .. . . . . ..
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<br /> _.X . ; , . , . . . � . � . � .
<br /> '.i; � • . � . . �.�� -�..—.��_.._-___ _
<br />