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<br /> . , . .' g?era 1D8Gj�� LOANNO. 1559200860 ,
<br /> � � • THIS SECURiTY lNSTRUMENT combines itnNcRn cavertaMS tcr nffitoriai usa and non-�mffoRn covenants wJth �
<br /> � � ° Itmfted vartations by jurisdlCUon to const�ttte a unibrm secur�l tnswment covering real property. ,
<br /> •� `� UNIFORMCOVENANTS.Bomoweranr�lerxiercovenantandagreeasfoitows: �
<br /> .-��'y""",� 1.Ps�ettt o4 Prtrtdp8l end I�te�es�:Pte�y►�ent artd late Ct�arg�s. Borrowef shall prompttY paY when due .: •"�r
<br /> •, `� the prfndpal of and Iriterest on the debt evidenaed by the Note and anli P�P�ert and tate charQes due urtder the = -
<br /> ` � . Nole. .
<br /> � 2 Fuatda tar Texea end Instaance. SuUt�,ectto appltc�hle law orto a wfiten waiver by Lender.�orrower shaA pay � �< :
<br /> - . to Lender on the day mordhly paymenss are dua u►►der the IVote.w�il the Note is patd tn f�l,a sum(°Funds'for:(a) :
<br /> ` . _ - y�r{y t�ces and assessmer�tss whtch may attaln priorfty overUds Securr�y tnswmeM as a tien on the PropertY:(b Year1Y ,. t.�,
<br /> � - leasehold gaymertis or gr+ound rerns on the Property,ff any.(c)YearlY trazard or property tnsurance premittms:(� _ , .
<br /> � - yeartY flood tnsurarcce prenniums.if anY(e)Year[Y tt�ortgags insurance premtums,ff anY.and(�anY sums payable bY
<br /> � - Bomawer to Lender.tn accoNance wftF�the pravisions o'f paragraph 8r In fteu of the payment of mortSage tnsurance
<br />. � .� premi�ns.These�ems are cailed°Escrow Items.'Lender may.at arrytime,caftect ansl hatd Funds in an amo�mt natLo
<br /> �cceed the n�dm�sn amourtt a(ender for a fe�e�ally reladed mortgage lasn may requtretor Bor�ower's escnaw accourR
<br /> . , . , unde�Y�fettewi Rc3at Estate Settiament Proced�ues AcE of 1974 as amended from time to Uma.12 U.S.0 �2601 et ; �
<br /> ' �; . seq.�SPA�.uness another taw tl�at applies tathe Funds seLs a tesser amount lf so,Lender may.at arry time,collect �•�'F; : ::
<br /> artd hat3 Funds in an amouM not ta e�cceed tt�tesser amaurR.Lender rsiay es8rtre�4�e amourtt of Funds due on the
<br /> e
<br /> • ' , basLs af cimeM data and reasorc�te estimates�f expertditures af future Escrcw ttems or atheN+rise in accordance with .
<br /> , , : , appllt�bie taw � ° .
<br /> Yhs Funds shatt be heid in an instfi�tton»'hose deposfts are insureti by a federal agemy,in�trumer�taltry,or e�rttty . .. --
<br /> `�-`tiF"- -���'`� (in��ng Lender,aff lender fs su�h an inst�Rlan)or in arry Federal Home Loan Banlc Le»der shaD apply the F�mds to `c ti -�•;,
<br /> -;�M"�i�,-: ,, n Ut�Funds,annuaity analyting the �_
<br /> ;;�,.::��,,. ;.>; Pay t 6�a E sc r o w I t e m a L e n d e r rt a�y n o t c h ar g e B a r r a w e r f o r h o f d i n g a n d a p P h i l 9 .
<br /> .-,.✓�g�;�:�, , .• ,..� -
<br /> estxow accour►t.or verNying the Escrouu Itema,unlesa Lender pays Bomrnver iMeresf cn the Funds and appiicable law :;, ,:,s,
<br /> ' . .� partnRs lenderto make suah a charg�Howevar,Lender may require Ba�avi►er to pay a one time charge for an ; �. :
<br /> ' tndependeM�ea!esi�te tax reporting service used by Lender In conne�icn wtd�this loan.unless apPticabie taw : , .
<br /> �,,��f,i-: �" ';` ` provtdes othennrJs�Untess att�greement is made or appltca6ie faw requires interest to be patd.lender slrall nai be '.:-4=_--
<br /> -. � ,�`.,•..,. ,.; �4�'�m PaY Borrower arry i:�rESt ot eamings on the Funds.Borrower and tender may agree in writing,hav�cever. . � ;'"'.�
<br /> � tirat�rest shal!be�d cnth��c.,►da Lender shafl give t�o Borrower,wfthout ctrarge.an annuaf accouMing of tha .:� �� '`f�
<br /> ' �. Furs�s,showing crediis and deb3s to the Ftmds and the purpase{or whtch each deBR to the Funds was mada.The '` �`��`',
<br /> £ Fuads are ptedged as addi�onal sec�rfcy E m r�sums se c u r e d Dy t h l s�5 I I n s w m e M. � -���-
<br /> ._ , -._ .;; � �-�.�.�::�:�:=
<br />.. ' ff the Funds hetd by Lender exc�t�res��mts permitted to be[r�l�ry applic�6le law.Lend�shall accourR to . � ��
<br /> � � Borrower torthe excess Funds Fn aa�ar6�.�°+na�ritl►the ret�uiremerits t�a�fisable tatu-If Ure ama�of the Funds held %-F�
<br /> t
<br /> by Lender at a�ry ttme Is nflt suiftetEnt W paytfis Escrow 9�s when c+t3a i.ender n��so notify Barrawer in wridng� ':'.;�,ri:'
<br /> �� , and.in such case Bor[ower sh��aay to Lemd�r tfie amotmY necess�ary to make erp�!s deftclenay.Borrower shall make �•..,--
<br /> _. '..:_:,yt�v,
<br /> � � up the deftciency in no more ttr�cf twetv�cr�art�iy pay►neMS,at Lender's soTe dlscreho�. _
<br /> _ a Upon payme�tn full of eil sums secured by th(s Secu�ty tnstrumer�Lender shafl promptry rehu�d to Barrawer arry _:
<br /> - Funda heid by Lender.p,under parag�h zt,�ender siiafi acquire or seii tne Fro�'ty,Lender.p�tar ta tha acqt�lsiNen - �
<br /> " • or safe of the Propercy.sha11 appiy any Funds held by Lender at the tima o�acquis�ton or sale as a credit agatnst the
<br /> ,��� � , sums secured by thts Security lnstrumertt. -
<br /> � � 3.Appiication ot Paymertts. UNess appitcabte taw pravtdes otherwise,afl paymeMS recewed by Lender under �
<br />� � • • patagraphs 1 and 2 shall ba applted:ftrst.to arry prepayment charges due underthe Note;second.to amounts payabte _
<br /> � ',-. ��,�,�.: �;: under paragraph 2;third�to iMerest due;foorth,to pdncipal due:and last,to any late charges du�etnder the Note. � ,,�_:�,:
<br /> 3�;; � �''� q.��es;![ena Borra�Nev shall pay ail taxes,assessments.charges.8nes and imposi�or�aaributa�le to the , ,�
<br /> ; '` ' . prope whTch may auatn pdQr3�y over this Seaanity Ins3nunent.and teasehold payr�c-s�ts or ground rerrts..ff ecs��y ..-
<br /> {�.. . . ,,.
<br /> `�''�:`' : Borrow�r sha(I pay thesa o611g�ns in the manner praufd�d in paragraph 2,or ff r��Said in ttrat manner�B�s�r shail " _:..
<br /> �� � � �� pay them on time direc�fy to the person awed paymern.Borrower shalt prompUy furrfish to Lender ail noitces ctt .
<br /> _ . . � am�to be{ra[�i under this paragraph.Ii Borrower makes these Ra�^ients directly.Borrower shail prompUy fumish to . _
<br /> . . . � Lender�eoeipis evtdencing the paymerrts. .;
<br /> •� Borrower ahail promptty ctFscharge arry Ilen whtch has pdorfry av�r thls Security Instrumen4 untass Bo��-fa) i� �. ;�al,,
<br /> � agrees in w�iting to tha pays�t cf the obfigation secure�by the lien in a manner axeptable to lender.(bj ::..-
<br /> � geod tafth tha itea��,or d�agafnst erdorcemeM o4 the 11en(n.teg�l proceEdlr��whlch[n the Lenders apinlon � •• %,:�.':_
<br /> . : , , operate to prevc-c�II t?�e entorcemant of the�or(c)secures ftom tha b�ot8er o4 the Uen an agre��ant satis[actory to .
<br /> Lender subordinating the 41en to th(s Seccrc3y[nswmerrt.l4 Lender det��rnines that any part ot�&Y�rtl►is subject to
<br /> ` � �,. � � a Ite�wi9ich may attaln prioriry over thls Seairity InsWment,Lender may give Borrower a notice ide ng thQ lie�.
<br /> . Borrower shall satisly the ilen ortake one or more of the actiona set forth above withhin 10 days of the givtng of noUae.
<br /> � . � 5 H�rd or Property Iniiur8nce. Borrowersliall keep the tmprovements now exisiing vr hereafter erected on the ' �"�:;��
<br /> . Property tnsured�gatnst lass by flre,hazaNs taduded wfthtn the tenn°�dended caverege'and arry other hazards, `��''"''
<br /> � � ' Indud(ng fteads or�tooding,br which Lender requires insurance.Th1s tnsurance shall be malMained in the amounts end
<br /> . ' tor the pedads that Lender requUes. Ttie tnsurance carrier providtng�he lnsurance shaI16B chosen by Bomower subject .
<br /> � � to Lender'sapprovaf which shall not be unreasonabiyw�hhetd. If Borroweriallsto maintain caverage desedbe�i abave, �-
<br /> � � . . Lertder may�at Lertder's apttan,obmin caverage to prartect Lender's►igtrts tn the Praperty tn accordance with
<br /> � , D��Db 7. - .. .
<br /> __ _:_--- � ISC/CBIIDTNE/10'!92/3�(980}d. PAGE�OFB ___--
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