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<br /> : . :' T�3I8 DEED OF T8U8�msile this.�l�d�Y of Octnbar �lg�� -
<br /> • _ •-: . - ��� S��tc c__,_�,ane_and Cindra R. L�nP. Hneband and �•ifP� za .Toint �enants �r�-
<br /> ''�". OS F �±ins Gr2nd Ir�lzad. NE__68801 �
<br /> `�� �8 � f� �
<br /> �,. ;k�'�s.., Wb088 BddtE88 38 T�t 7 a P.narant O a •
<br /> ,. .. ae'lkasto�s._S,�T33rL �G-111�.-ILY � ,
<br /> � ������ 1 Ransas Cit4 P� 1220 tn'ashint�ton Ste 1Q0 Kansae City IK� 64105 �
<br /> -• � • -�•'_ •- ea��3 Na�w�6 Fiasacfal Nebraaks,InG�whQSe ma�g edd�aa is 2319 North 61ohb Rd
<br /> --.--�-s-�� � .G*'�L�2QLnd. NE �j8803 .esBeaeSrSffi9.
<br /> r .
<br /> , . W3�1�.7Y¢s0u�a herebF�9.6��6arg�sfo.sell,ead mnvey tn 7ltaetee ia trust.wilh power atesIe.l�e fullowiag des�ed ,
<br /> ... . , ..�. P�4iP Ha7� CanaLy.IQe�: �.
<br /> , •
<br /> � . � ��- � Lot 1 pleasant Viaw llth Subdivigion ta thP City of Grand Tslgnd, Hall County: NebrasIw_.
<br /> • F '
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<br /> �� ,�;v. - �$E'�WI1�1 tCA8ID6I��iCalLB�".ilt9r LIIId 8pp�8a9IIt4H�H16'^�i�„�.`A�q$Ot�II BS�WU39 Bp�D�L$6IId�B 16II18��iR`9 8at1 . �
<br /> . � _ pSLfi�A?Y�l� _
<br /> ' . . �wriveyanceisintsndedfurtLeDiaposeafsacm3�tEep�nLEaBeaefidatyafR�tora�Pmmi�or9nateatevendateiat�amauat ' .
<br /> . ' af$5Q40 00 (16ta1 otPaymente)Bai�'thtal afP�fn repayabie sora�ding to fine te�ma of�id aote. Payment m�q be made ia "
<br /> - . . :! edvence in e�q amo�t at aqy time. Defanit ia maian��a�4 D��t eball.a!tlie Bene9eiary�s optioa aad wiWonL notic�eas�.rendes .. :
<br /> . - tbe en�e anyatd balsuoa of eafd Ioan at onoa dne eatl psq:abl�Iess aay reqafred rebate oRchaigea •
<br /> � . , Zb ymtect the secarity attbie Deed o411rasi.�asros caveaaate aad aQeee�
<br />, :r,;;`-.: :. . 1.7b keeD the yiogerty in goo8 condittan atW repau;ta yarmiEao waate thereo�'to complete ayy bnflding.etmclnie orimpmvemensbeiag
<br />_ buitt os ebout to be buitt Weeeoa;to resto�p�mD�e�,Y bnilding,sdrucdue or imymvemeat then�u wLicb msy 6e dnmeged ar dea�oyed;
<br /> ead to comyjq wlth eII Iawe,a:+3inaaees.re6alattoas,�te.ooadittoas aad�i�ima atPecNag the p�pmty. • ;.:,
<br /> � . 8.'ib pay bsfose deliaqueat all tawA�t tett�and��•,�,,,qnte ayon tEe PmD�Y:to�ap ihe psayerty frEe aad slear ot n11 olh0s e�gee. .
<br /> _ ,• � ]ieas or ensambraacea imyaising th0 aecaui�y oltLie Deec4 cT�ust
<br />- • . . 8.TbFr�e,pallbnIIdingenoworhe�aft�eieetedantheyroyerty�dher¢lacantinuaae�yins�e+eflegaiast2oasby8eeosof�esberarde
<br /> � . ia�ema�Snot tesalLna tho total debts�ared hp ttde Dead ofRiasi t�'i�olicfeaehellhe hs2dbyt�l�aefioi�9.aadbeia s¢cL�.s.penies ,
<br /> � � - ' as the Bene8des9 maq appio�e ead Lawlose payable fust to fbe Benefiefary ee italnt+�e8t mt�Y aDP�anA fhea to t'�3lnsta�R�e am�aat �
<br />-- ' : eoIIecie�nades aa,Y��Do�i►�Y�BPD��'�4Y indeEtEdae�4i�im.fiq�d ia eacb euder ee the Be�Gr�y aLaII detmmlao. ..
<br />_ ' • Snr3 applL�tdan by tbe Beaeficiary eLall not canse di�naam'o4�ayt pinceedinga tb foseclasa thie Deea aYZ�vaE o�r eme os weive a�
<br />° � ..' �.' � default os aotdca of defeWt os iavalidate aqy aeb dons yuraaaatto snch n�i�:Int�a�v�1Cy otforectosa�,eII rlg�ta otlhe 9kaetaria i�aenaCe
<br /> po}idee thea in fo�shall yase to the p�hns�rat t�e fo:ectusare BaIo. . __ ti. .
<br />-.' .��� � . a ZU oMafa tbe aritu+a enasant oi8ene8elary before seUIag.eo�oqingorotIleiwise traasf'erNagtd�e prapasey or eAy pastthmQOf aad a�qy
<br /> - .�, each sete.wavep�w os traaefet wlthouC the BeaeScinr�e wslttea oons¢at eLaU cunsEitnte a defanit ffider tbe tesms hereo£
<br /> . b.'ib defOIId a�y►ectioa or Dro�edIng P�uDo�g to ftffecC the secaTltY hEtieoYorthe righte os yawere of BeaeBri�ary or RY'astee.
<br />° _ � , 8. BhonY��astar fail to pay when dae any ta:ea.as�ente.las�aaco Pn,mivms.I�eae.enenmbraaoes or ath�cLatges apiaat th0
<br />• • � . D�DeQtY hereiaabove desceWed.Beae8dei9�Y DeY the seme.aad the amonat so pa�d,with interest at the sate eeE fo:th ia tDe aote aeemed .
<br /> • � heseby.eL8�16a sdded to ead 6eeome a pare of t�e debt eecared ia taie need of Z�ruat es yesmiLted by!aw � �
<br /> - : . ' IT IS�L-�UTUAI.LYAGItEED THAT. ; .
<br /> � L In t�e eveat aay�tEoa oYthe prnyerty is takea or dameged in an•emiaemt daassda praceediug.the eat�e amnm.�t atthe aw�+d or snch
<br /> yortion rhereotas may oa�eoesse�yi w ti�l�y eat�r the obli�atiea securea t�eDy,s�31 ae paia t�Eeaeadary to be�;�`�ed w e�id obl3�tton. .•..
<br /> � 2. ByaaceDtingDaqme�ofaayaumseen:edherebyaReritednadate.8enefidarydaeanntwaiveifse�tLtas+e4�D�DtD�t�
<br /> - , dne ofeli ot�es enms so secured os to d�.,etare defanit fos feiture to eo�� .
<br /> .:�;',�:';: .�. . 8.The 7lvstee ehsll reonnvey a11 nr any pae4 ofthe ymyerty cove:ed by tbie Deed ol�uat to tt�e�rs entitted tanrelo,on wrEtl�a reqaeeL .
<br /> _ . 'r.:',•:': of the 7lustcr ead tbe BeaeBdery,or nya�eatlsfaetion afthe oLligation secu�+e8 aad written reques6 G�rn�nveyaace�3e bq t�s�c6etaiy
<br />- . � . or the pe:soa entitted themto
<br /> K . . :
<br /> . . A9110194(N4
<br /> . . . . . .
<br /> .. . . . . . •
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