_ �-3 . ...._._ . . . _ .. r:��: ;;,
<br /> __:----� - – ' _ _ - _ -
<br /> ' ._ _ . . . ' . .._. ' ��i' _. -.. . �4 ..
<br /> �.�.n ^ 7 . - : , .. .. ... � . �� ` ,<` `�J... _. . �' T.h ' - ... _ � . .
<br /> . �.�^. - .'
<br /> � . . . .. _ ' ' � . v k Cy.
<br />-°, ` . .�a.- �, y ' _` ._..--- -_'-.~ ._..____r.� ..W_....___"" ..� .. .., . _ . -• _ . .. _ ._._.._ �.,��c . _ „ �.
<br /> s <<� - 97�/O �.�'9.� - . : ����� .
<br /> �, . . ' �18. BorrOtetP.f's Rtght to Retii8t�4e. It ecROwer masta c�ffit� eonddt�na, 8orrower sAaO Rava Ute tight to have , ' • `
<br /> entoreert�ent af t�is Searitv tr�tcumsnt d�eanUnuad at any tb+sa P�►or to ths esr�er ok(a)6 days (ar auct�athsr pestod as appi�bb ..
<br /> . � i Iaw maY specdY!or re6is�,nant)Es[oss sa�ot fhe ProD�f►Durauent eo ea!►Ooerer ot aeta eonminsd h�th�Saau@yr tn�nk ar ` .
<br /> . . (b)entry o1 a Iuda,�tetlt BnfOtCing this SB�urdl/(n8WrtiefiG TA059 COndIItOtls ef0 tt18t BOlrOwd: (9j OflyB LEt1d::t eD Sums ut1W1 tA5�1 .
<br /> wautd be dne under t�is S�Y tnstrument and tAe Note es @ no axa�attan Aad accurte� (C)cusas any dofauQ of eny otAer `�4 , • '
<br /> • eovertant or eS�1�(e1 VaYs a0�cpenses tne�rted b �foce�g tAts Sscur�l tnstrum�►t� tna0id�fg.but not 6n3ed W. �naD� < , , ,_
<br /> ettomeys'tees:and(�talres such ection es Lsndar mflY rea�onabty�a�uta to esaura fl�s!tM U�n of thts SeeurhY Instruman6 Lende/s . . < <
<br /> rights �n the?�opsrty end Bortowets obti�aVon to DBY tAo sums st�a+r�d by tAb�CUr&f► Instrum5mt sha0 ceM�ue unehm�gcad. vao� . � �. .
<br /> � retnsmtement by Bortaw�this S�1I tnsburt�snt end tA9 oLB�tions SECUred he:eDY shaU rert�luLY sf�ecNve es B no BceE�^ n . � °`
<br /> � � hed oeeurted. HoMrever,thTS tlgNt to rafisffite Sfi80 not eypy N tPto eese ot eseederati0n und�p8regreph 17. _
<br /> a
<br /> �- b9.Sate ot Note; Change ot Loan Seevieer. The Note or n p9ttial Int2s65t tn tAe[dafe (togeUfer w�A th13 8eeurily - - - _:.: ..
<br /> .`;.�- ` -_ - Instrument)may be sotd one or�e timss wEhaut pr�r not�e to Botrovra. A sete msy�sutt in e ChBnge in th8&ntRy{btawn tis thu - _- ---°.�'-=r� .,
<br /> .. . . - 'Loan Seivke�'}that co9ects mantdy paymenffi due under the Nate and thta�CU�3Y �nsWrnent 7hera atso may Ae an9 ar more ��. � .
<br /> . . - cAsngas of the Loan�er untefated to 8 se�of the Not� H tAere is 8 cAen80 a!tha Laen Ssrvtcer.Bortav�r wUf be gtuen vm'tten . �..
<br /> ' ' � novice of the changa tn eecotdanee wfth para�apA/4 8bove and epp&cabt0 faw. The rtotfea vr�!sffit0 the nsme eitd addmss ot the �
<br /> � ° . new Loan Secvieer and the address to vfiicA payments sAOUtd Ee mada. The nollce vdD atso eo�in any atAer hNom�atton�6sd by .. ..
<br /> . " apPfiCeble faw. �� -
<br />_ ° . 20. Haatudot�s SubstettCeB. Borrower shaU not cause or pe�m�the Oresence,usa. disPo�a1.sto►aSe. o�cet�ase ot arry
<br /> �. � tta�rdous St,rDstanc�s on o[(n the Prop�ly. Borrower shsU not do.nar a6ow e�ryona eise to do.etryth6�g ef(ecWig the Propmry that • _
<br /> .. - is in via4-4ion ot any Emriromnsntai Law. 'R�a pr�eding two sttntenoes sReA not eAAt1l W the p�sence. use. or storags on the .` _
<br /> . .: ProDegtY c7 s�.+su quent3fes of Hazardous Sbbstances that are 9eneraRY wco8ntmd to be sppcopriate to nortnal residsnttal uses and to '�,:�
<br /> m8intenence of tAe Fropetty. -�: �'i'f:--
<br /> . ;�� • ���:��___
<br /> , Borrower sha0 pramy�y gtve LenQer wr�ten aot3ce a!enY Imrestigation,ctetm.d�nana fawsn�or otltsr actton by any govemmentei . , ,�
<br /> � , or�uiatory agency or prlvate paRy 6wotu6�g the Properh artd eny Ha�rdous�hsmnce ar EmtronrnenffiI Law of wl�tch Bo�rower has � •
<br /> ; h
<br /> ,. ' t actuat imowteQge. H Bortowet Iesms,o� ts notHied bY enf►6avemmentr�l or reguteiery author�S►.Mat any removal or other�eme�ation � :_. -.-.=..-:
<br /> � `,,._ .,:: of eny HamrQous Slibstance afPeeHn9 the ProDertf► � ��. Barmwer shaD OromCUY ffike aU necessa�!► rerr►e�al actionts tn ,a .:
<br /> . .:r•';'� BCCOtQ8tIC8 w$!1 EfWIfOMt611t81 LBW. ��_T
<br /> _ :�<�.`�`fi-�.g Ae used � this para8raph 20, 'Haiardous Slibstences'ang thase subsmnces danned as tmdc or hea��rdaws substances �y -- . - -
<br /> e •
<br /> " Environmentai Law and the tottowfig substenees:gasofste,k�osene.other ftammaDis or Lmdo peLroieum produets.t�e�Qas and ���`
<br /> . . , herbtctdss.vataUta saMe�.rna�als containing es6�tos cr PortnafdahYde. and�adtoecttva matc+tiai9. As use�in�is palagrap0 20. - .=:�--
<br /> "` 'Envtronrtre�:tal Law' means fedetal favr3 and Iaws of the jurtSdkUon wh� Ne Ptopetty ts tocated thet retata b C�'�.se�t3l or ��.!t '^`�:.=_
<br /> _ ,'�'` ` em�rorur�s:�3 pmteslFon. • • .
<br /> '•f.���=-
<br /> :•r'`.,• - _ �.-:e:.7.i�.::._Y.--
<br /> . ..p_...�a��.
<br /> .. °,, [�te�9-1�:i'rCRM COYEIVANT3. BOrtower and Lmtder dufhet Covese�3 and agrea as toQows: :'A'�.�xi
<br /> � ` '. ��. ��releratton; Remedies. Lender �a11 give na�xe to Bo�rower prtor to accete�a» fottowtng �� ���_
<br /> � t;'� eorro�c�'s breach of any covenant or agreement in t�is S�rity Instrument (�� a�at priar 40 --_
<br /> . -,. � ascete��ta» un�fer paragraph 17 unless�pl8cable fa�prqvides othemisel. 7he n���haU �e�6y: � .. .. --
<br /> � � � ' � (a)the d�iaul� (b)ffie eeYton �eqWred to cure the d�sui� (e)a da4o. Rot e�a than 3�11 Caye tros�m ffie
<br /> ` ; ` date fhe rroflce is given to �orrow�r, by which the d�►�a[t mus!be cured; ar�� (d)that tatiure to cur� �' "i �=
<br /> � '���'��5�" �� the detauli on or before ti�e date �eemed in the e��t�ce �ay result in ecceterotios� ot the suma
<br /> ..r..:, —
<br /> � � secured by thlti S�cariry instrument eaa� salo of 4he �rope�iy. The noUc� slfa77 �'arrtfter intorm • °:'��,�
<br /> � Borrower ot tl�e rtght 4o retnatate after accelerstton and tize rig�t iQ brtng a aourt ae4lar� to e�asert the ;�.;�.,
<br /> • nom-existence o4�deta�+It or any other defense ot BoROwer to aeceteretlo�and ea[e. tP#he defautt!s � •��-�
<br /> ����--�t��'�;�"�' not cured on or betore the date apectfted tn tfie nottce, �ender at tts opUon mag requ�re Immediate
<br /> . � payment i� full o! tUl surns secured by thls Security IrtsWmen4 wi4hou4 l�rif�er demand en� may � •• ' �±�-�_�
<br /> � tnvoke the povuer o4 sale and any ofher remedies permitted 6y appitcabte taw. Lender ehatl be � ��'�—�=
<br /> . � entttted to colteM a11 expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provtded tn thia paregPap� 21, � � ��r;�
<br /> . � � tnctuding, but not Id�Yted 40�reasonabte attomeys�fees end�of tiUa evidence. _ �- —
<br /> . � � If the power of wle ts invo�ced, Tiustee shail reeord m �otice o9 detautt in eaeh aouMy in whlah . -
<br /> � any part of the Propeny is[�eated end shall mail eopte� oi such notice in the manner pres�ribt� by "� :��s�.�_
<br /> � ' applicable law to Borrower end to tfie other persoa� preacribed by appllsabte law. Aftar the tlme � �;,. �";�tft',;
<br /> � ' required by appiica;;�2e law,Trustee shatl gtve pablic notice ot smta to tho pertons and Tn 1he�nanner .. ;�,.;
<br /> . . . � �rescribed by a�pQ�cabte law. Trust�e.vsu'�hout demaad on Bo�rower,shtefl aeN the Pra�Brty at pobtia , • �:, :� . _
<br />= � � auction to the ielghest bidder at the time and ptace and under 4he term� deal�natsd tn the naUee of . . : - _ --
<br /> - : �;ti.;;,;. �: sets ic� c�e or more pgrceJa end tn any order Truatee determtnea Trus4ee may postpone aafe ot al! . . ,,.�_��.
<br /> •.�•�:r.� .�• or sny �a�cel of the Property by punita announcement et 4he time and plsce o� au�y prevlouaty �- . -
<br /> - �� seheduig9 �ate. Lender or(te deatgnee may pnrcl�ase the Property at�ny aale. �-` :�
<br /> � - - Upon receipt ot poynaeM of tD�e price btd, Trostee sleall deltve� to the purchaser Trustea'a deed ° � .,
<br /> � � comreying 4he �ro�eriy. The recitNa In the Truatee'o deed shali be prime fa�te evidence of the truth '� '� ��
<br />::` :: :.,��-.:. :
<br /> ot the s�4emente r.�ade therein. Trustee oh�ll spply the proeeeQa ot the sato tn tha toltotiving oraSear: � �• .. .
<br /> : • (a)4o all aosts artd expensea�� exercising fh� power of sale, and the raEe,lncfudirtg tha pa}rmcc�E of � . ��",<�.: ' :
<br /> !. � � � the Trustee's tees actuatt inc�ed, not to exceed 3 96 of the�7;�s af emoun!04 the nots � ��f'�<���'�°��� �
<br /> �,' ' at the tlme ot the dectar tlon o4 defautt,and reasonabte euomey's teea as �ermitted b� lav�; @)ts a�i -�`'fi`- �
<br /> "�{�� ' • � sums secured by efiWs Security fnatrumen� and (c) any excess to the p�rson � ��rsons tegally • � ' :- �
<br /> ;' : . enBUed to it ���;• � .
<br /> . � a2. Reconv�yanee. Upon paym�nt o!ell suma eecuted by thLs Secufdy fnsbument�lend:t SAaD reqtrast Truste0 to recomoy .;;�;1;�,;..��.���� .�
<br /> _ ' , Ne Pro�¢y and shaD SumenOer this So�r3y tnstrument end a0 nas�evlQencing Qebl socured by ths's S�uAry tnstrument to Trust�. •'E'����.. •
<br /> � '��J�.:��:�.. '.
<br /> - . � . TNStee sr:=D�ecomrey the Property wtNoLK wartanty and w�hout et.�.�to the person or persons �altyr enWed to U. Sueh petsan or ' ' .:.:�r;., � , .
<br /> persans shaU pay arry recordaUon costs. . �,�,,•, � - .
<br /> • c. :
<br />—_ . .�k
<br /> '_�-"-� . . .
<br /> � , . 23.Subs4itute Trustee. �.�r,at Rs opUon,may ham tUne to tirne rmnova Truateo ond epAoht a suCCessor trustee W � •
<br /> any Trustee apAointed hereunQer by an Insdument recorQed b ffie county H which thm Securdy InsWment b reCOrded. W�Iwut ;.��;'� • �_
<br /> conveyance of the Properly. successor trustee sha9 succeea to a0 the t�. powss and duties eon4mred upon TNStee herebi and by � . . �
<br /> eAAlicabla lavi. � � ..- �
<br /> -- • � 24. Reque�t ior Notice�. Borrower re�esb that coplaa o}the notices o1 detauB and sab be Sent to Borrowsfs address . , �
<br /> , • � vfibh Is the Property Addrass. � ,
<br /> -- � . 25. Ridera to this Securtty tnstrument II one or more riders ere �cecuted by Borrower and recorded tagethm rvdh � - - :
<br /> - � � � this Secufdy tnstrument,tho cavanants artd ogriasmsnb o1 sazh sucfi Hd�sha0 be tncorparated into snd sAaO mr�end end suppternent � , - -
<br /> °- � ' ths covenants and agreaments of this Secur3y tnsWrt�t es ft the dder(s)were e peA o1 this Seeur7ty Madumm�L ,�
<br /> �.t • �
<br />_ . � ,
<br /> , � Fo.m so�e croo
<br /> - =—, F,o�o.tMO�ero�l P,pe�m a � -_ —, .
<br /> . a �
<br /> i I i _.
<br />- `:., . 59t � . -- .-� - �
<br />