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<br />Cornerstone Bank
<br />119 C Street
<br />P.O. Box 639
<br />Shelton, NE 68876 -0639
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<br />WHEREAS, Cornerstone Bank, York, Nebraska, as Trustee under the Deed of Trust dated June 29, 2006, I
<br />executed by Wood River Motel, Inc. also known as Wood River Motels, Inc. a Nebraska Corporation; Trustor(s), in
<br />which FIRST STATE BANK, Shelton, Nebraska, (now Cornerstone Bank, Successor in interest to First State Bank,
<br />Shelton, Nebraska) is named as Beneficiary, and the undersigned as trustee, and recorded July 6, 2006, in Instrument
<br />No. 0200606007, of Mortgage Records, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, has received
<br />from the Beneficiary thereunder, a written request to reconvey, reciting that all sums secured by such Deed of Trust
<br />have been fully paid and that such Deed of Trust and the Note secured thereby have been surrendered to the
<br />undersigned, as Trustee for cancellation.
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with such request and the provisions of the Deed of Trust, the
<br />undersigned, as Trustee, does hereby reconvey, without warranty, to the person or persons legally entitled therein, all
<br />the estate and interest derived in the Trustee under the Deed of Trust in the following described real estate, to -wit:
<br />See EXHIBIT "A"
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Cornerstone Bank, York, Nebraska, has caused this Deed of Reconveyance to be
<br />executed by Kendell Holthus, Executive Vice President and has caused its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed on
<br />December 31, 2012.
<br />County of York
<br />Before me, a notary public qualified for said county, personally came Kendell Holthus, Executive Vice
<br />President of Cornerstone Bank, York, Nebraska, a corporation, known to me to be the Senior Vice President and
<br />identical person who signed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the same to be his voluntary act and deed as
<br />such officer and the voluntary act and deed of said association and that its seal was thereto affixed by its authority.
<br />Revised 7 -15 -2011
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<br />Witness my hand and notarial seal on December 31, 2012.
<br />G ENERAL NOTARY - State of Nebraska
<br />My Comm. Exp. Oct 13, 2014
<br />Cornerstone Bank, S ccesso in interest to First State
<br />Bank, S,el , Ne,r. k.
<br />BY i .. _ 111PZs
<br />Ken b ell Holthus, xecutive Vice President
<br />Notary Public ,,
<br />My Commission Expires:CCJ / 06 / J
<br />Prepared By: Jacqueline Osentowski
<br />Prepared For:
<br />