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<br />. . ` • TOGE fEIFR WITH all the impruvements now or heceatter er�tod on the propeRy.and atl eacements.appurtenances.ansf
<br /> . 5atrares now or he[eafter a part oi the prope►tY. A►1 replacecnents and additioos shaf! also be rnvered by tdis Security ..
<br /> '. _. • . Iastcument.All of the foregoing is refeme�d to in this S�xuait7►[ns���e"�16��`•� to t and ,.`:_
<br /> ' ' BORROWER COVENANTS th3t So�ower is lawfully seised of the estare hereby oonveyad aud has the risht �sa� .._.�` 1'
<br /> s' .` "� • a n d t h a t t h e P c o p e e t Y is unencumbe�d.escept for eacvmbmnces of r�eoord. Borra�ver warr.►nts urtd will '
<br /> � oonvey the PmpenY
<br /> �-�''"ry�= Qefead gea�rallY tt►e title w[he Property agains�all cl�ims and deaiands.subject co uny encumbr.uzoes o i recu r d. � '
<br /> ' ` ,:r ; THIS SEC11RFfY WS7RUME1V7'eombiRes unifosm oavenants for mtiaml ux wid nor�-u�f°�e�°venants witd timited
<br /> ' .` variasions by juris�i�ion to constitute a uniform securitY�nununent cave:ing real propertY•
<br /> ` • . �:`.. ' UMFORM COVEI�iAD1TS.Borrower and Lender mvenant and agree as follows:
<br /> �t .. ants Late Ci�tges. Bonower shap promptly paY wher.due the ,_. ;
<br /> 1.p�ym�t ai Priad[usl aatl Inie�st: PcePaYment en � ��and late c6ar8cs due under the Note. �
<br /> "" principal of aad interest on the debt esridemxd by the Note and any prep Y �° �:
<br /> � � ' 2.Fmtds Por Tases and iffiuraafle.Sublect to applicable taw or to a wriuen waive*by Lender.Bosrower shatl pay m 4•,.A�..
<br /> _`. ,4.�. ..c:0 : ..�r
<br /> : -, ����y�o�y P�y�nt�are due nnder the Note.antil the Note is paid in full.a sum t'Faads'y for.(a)yea�1Y t� `ti�_',
<br /> . aud ass�ats which may suain priority over this Seiauity Lutrument as a lien on ttte Property:(b)YeadS+leasehold paymeats
<br /> ��•�--.�:,` or�rvuud rents an the Property.if any(c)YeartY hazard or property insurance Premiums:(d)Year1Y ilood insuranoe pmmiums.
<br /> �rcmiums.if az►],and(� aay sums payabte by Borroarer to L�nder. in acxor+danoe with _
<br /> `. • .<:' if any;(ef Ye�iY�nS�insurance p �ce p�ums.T6ese itemg ate called'Fscrow Items.' _
<br /> � =} t6e pmvisioas of P�8'*�Ph 8.in lieu of the payment of mortgage.
<br />_ •,,x�:`.",;�; irender a�ay.at any time,collect aad hold Fnnds in an amomm �ot to exaeed the maximnm amou�a lenda for a federally �
<br /> f o r Bmrnwei s essmw a c o o u n s u n d e r t h e f e d e r a!Reai Estate Sett[ement Pcoceduces Act of
<br /> �;-.��;,.; r e t a t e d m u rt g a g e I o a n m a Y t e q u i re •RESPA').u n less ano t h er l aw t h a t a�p l i e s t o t h e F q n d s �:�1"rf.;
<br /> �`"�%�� . •�" 1974 as a�ended from time to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 26U1 et seq.(
<br /> . - . .- s�s a tesser amount. If so. Lender may.at any time.oollect and�hdd Funds in aa amouni not to exce�the tesser ammm� ��.=�:�:�
<br /> � t�s of future - *� ::'
<br /> ' .� �', � Lender may estimate the ammmt of Fuuds due on the basis of current data and reasonab1e esti��s of expendi __..
<br /> - '.. `.f `; Escraw Items or otherwise in a�xordance with applicable law. ���;�y� or�city I.��.;;�
<br /> ' a xo
<br /> � . The Funds stiall 6e deld in an instiwtton whose dep�sits are insured by a federal a�►�Y� 1 the Funds to pay t6e F� �'�`
<br /> - :.;--=`c (including L,ender.if l.ender is such aa institution)or in any Pe�erai Home Loan Bank.I.ender s1�a11 aPP Y t :
<br /> Escroar items.Leader may aat charge Horrower for hoiding and aPPh+�g�Funds.annualJy analyzing the aci°w aooawat.or r
<br /> �'��:7;_�..,°:.. ucable law pem�Its Lender to matce snd�
<br /> , . � -
<br /> " � verifyiAg the Escr°w Items.unless I�ader pays Bo:rower inte�est on the�uwis and app.
<br />`,� • • :. ,"• re Bormwer w pay a one-time cbarge Cus an independent real estate tax reporting servioe ,-, ;;,
<br /> a charSe. However,Lender maY r� t is made or t �;
<br /> s ':���� • . �d bI► Leader in oannection with this foan, anless applicable law pmvides othe�wise. Unless an ag�men _°
<br /> . applicaE3e law cequires interest to be paid,I.ender shaU not be eaqaired to-PaY Borrower aay imensc or eamin&g oa the FtuWs.
<br /> Borrower and Lender may agree in writing,however.that inte�st shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give w Sorrowet.
<br /> . , withotrt charge•an annaal acoounting of the Fuads.shoaring crediu and debits to the Funds and the puipose for which each r ��_-
<br /> . ' � debit w the Funds was made.'ttie Fnnds are Pledg�d as additional securitl►for all sums secured by this Securiry Inst�a�t- __--
<br /> 58CA I
<br /> I f t he F u n d s h eld b y Lender exeeed the amouats pemiitted to be held by�plicable Iaw.I�nder shall a000tmt w Battoivea �
<br /> � f o r t h e e x ce s s F u n d s i n a c o ordance with the r e q uu�ements of applicable taw.If tLe amouat of the F a rt ds h e l d b y L c n d e c a i a n y ��^_
<br /> � ame is not sufficient w pay the Escrow It to maice au the de�cci'auy.Borroare 8oshall make aP We defic��en�Y c n no more than
<br /> . s1�al1 pay to Lender the amount necessa�+ P o. �.�.
<br />" � � twelve momhiY payments.at Lender's sole discmxion. �. '_
<br />_ � ' upon p�►yment in full of all sums secured by this Security lnsmime�t. l.ender shaU premptly refand to Borcower a�r p,.
<br /> � .''" � � Funds lseld by Lender.If.under paragraph 21.lxnder shall acquire or sell d�e Pco�rty,Lender.Pr�or to the acquisition�or sata
<br /> -�.�'�'r�.:_��_�:'' shall p1y any F�ds held by Lender at the crme of acq¢isition or sale as a credit against the sums sec�ued b3►
<br />__ . .•..�:, ofthe�c�rty. �P
<br /> . `�,�,' this Security instrument. -
<br />— : • ; 3.p�p���om�$�ym�s.tJniess sypiicalsie 1aw pravides othenirise.all paym$nts received by Lender oader paragraphs -- _
<br /> � ''`�.�r 1 and 2 shall be apptied:first,cm.w*�Y P�PaY���TSes due under the Hat�:secund.w��pay�le under p�B�Ph 2: _
<br /> ' . . �:';.� � ihird.to iaterest dae:foa►cth.co pc;:�rspal due:and last.to any late char8es�:ander th�Note. r--_
<br />:Q. .. •.�.� sittons atuibutable W the Prope¢ty -
<br />-:, 4.Chatgcs:I.ieas.Bortoae�shal!pay all taues.assess�ents.chasges.fines and impo .. �,.�_ .
<br /> . , �� wtricb may attain prio*ity over this 5eturity Insttument.anA leas e ho l d pa y m e n t s or g r a�d r e m s. if an y.Bosrowet�batl pay ,
<br /> � �. • • t h e s e o b l i g a t i o n s i n o�m a n n e r p rovideA in pata p a ph Z,or if not paid ia tlr�axinaer,Bon'ower si�al}PaY them on titnediredlY , �.'..,
<br /> �.�-
<br /> �i • .,, ,^ .` to the person owed pciyment.Burrower shall promptly furaish to Lender all�odces o f amounts to be pai d u n d e r t h i s p a r a g r z�h• : � ;.
<br /> p qm �
<br /> • . �� I f B n r r o w e r m a k e s t h e s e p a yments dire�ctl y.Borrower shall pr�mpBY fumish to Lender receipts evidencing the pa * ' ' __
<br /> . . � gumower shafl promptly disc�arge any tien which has praority over this Security insttumettt u n tess B orro w e r:(a)a�e e s i n � ;
<br /> � ar
<br /> _ �' . � . ���'., writing to the payment of the obligation secared bY the lien in a manner aa�eptable to Lender.(b)contescs in good�itit dee lien �,g.-;
<br />:�_ � • by.or defends against enforcement of[he lien in. legal proceedings a+hich in the Lender's opinion aperate to prevent the = •
<br /> " � enforozment of the lien:or(c)seca�res f'rom the holder of the lien an agreemeni s�isfactory to Lender sabordinating the lien to �'":�-
<br /> � this Security Instrument.If Lender ddemtines tha�any part of the Prope�ty is subject to a lien whlcb may attain priority over �;.
<br />-- � this Securiry insuument.Lender may give Borrower a notice identifyin�the lien. Borro+ver shall satisfy ti�e lisn or take one or � ,::.
<br /> — more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the�iving of notice.
<br /> �.�:
<br /> � : � . , �ao7s siso ,
<br /> _ . . . Pega 9 of 8 -
<br /> • . . � .1 �1+� .
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