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<br />� �� f 4�` + � ��� !O�� }``
<br /> • • � Z. Tare� Trustor shatl pay each instaitment of a0 tax6s and specJal assessrreerns oi every ktnd,nativ or hereatter
<br /> � � � tavled against the Tnut EsCate or arty part thereot. Oefo�e delInqusnay. �r+it�out nottce or demand.
<br /> , ;: . •
<br />,' ` .. �.• �, ` 3. lnsraamee and Rea,gfis. Tnistor shatl maintain Bre and euter►ded coverage�surance insuring the Improvemems
<br /> � , .; �.,•�',`,� constitudng pan of the 7n�st Estate�ar suci�amo�ts and on such terms�easonaitty satisiactory to Beneftciaty. So IQng as the .
<br /> � �, Property is secured bV e Nts2 deed oi trust or martgage.camp i t a nce w i t b t h e i n s u i a n c e r e q u l r e m e n t s o f t h e f i r s t deed af bust o► , ;��
<br /> _:��.��--°- mortgage shall be sufitcterti to satisfy the requi►Emems o4 this paragraDh 3 relatiag to insurame. ':
<br /> s"
<br /> . Trustor shalt pmmptly repair and replace the Trtut Estate or aRy paR thereo!so thaL except tor urdirrary wear and tear. ,�
<br /> • •- the Tn�st Estate shaU not detedorate. !n no evem shall the Tnutur commit waste on or to tha Tn�st Estate,or commi�suffer or f -
<br /> �• perrnit arry act to bo Qone in or upon the T�wt Estate in vtofation of airy law,ordIr�ance or regulattaR. Trustor 5ha110a11 an�Promptiyt
<br />—; ... �=_'� discAatge at Trustofs cost and expense all lietss.encumbrances and charges�e�►ted.imDosed or assessed agafnst the Trust Estate •
<br /> .. '•�. cr Sny part thereof. • ,
<br /> . c'..:;r� 4. Acticr�sANectTir9 Tiust Estats. T�ustar sha(i appear tn and contest enY actian or proceedin9 P�Parting io aHect '
<br /> the security hereof or the dghts or powers of BenefEciary or Trustee,and shaq pay a(!costs and expenses.inctud'u�g cost of evidence •
<br /> - . . ` ot titte and atLOmeYs'fees,in arry su�h actton ot proceeding in whfd�Beneftciary or Tcustee may appaar. ff Tnistor laits to make
<br /> .°' /:: ;"
<br /> '�� • �� arry paymer�t or to do arty act as and in tt�e manner pmvided in any oi the Loan tnstruments.Benefidary andlar Trustee.each in � ,
<br /> -,f -. -. .�.:; their own d'u�xeticr4 without o6ligation so to do and wilhnut natice to or demar�d upon Twtar and withoui�eteasing Trustor tcom -. --
<br /> � � " a�ry o6Hgation, may make or do the same in sud�manner and to such extent as eitt►er may de��scessarl►t o P���e securt t y � �;,''
<br /> , `' � hereot. Tnutor shaH, tmmediate{y upo�demand therefor by Beneflciary, pay a(1 costs and e�z�ses incurreA bV B���ll in
<br /> • ,,4'�? connectlon with the exercise by Seneficiary of the toregotng rights,inc[uding wittsout limitation costs of ev:dersce of titt�s court
<br /> �`:, a¢�-ts,aDA�is,swveys and attomeys'tees. � .
<br /> . .'>_ . .
<br /> .:`.-.,,;.� . ..�
<br /> � �= 5. Emlaerit Domafn. H the Trust Estate,or any part�eof or interest there.�n,he taken or damaged by�san of
<br /> "'f�" any pubtic tmpraveme�t or condemnat[on proceeding,or tn any oth�snanner in�tuding deed in tieu thereof('Condertna�"1.or
<br /> ...'��.. ;; .
<br /> .. , ::�'
<br /> if Tn�.stor receives acry nottce or other tniormation regarding such proceeding. TrusMr shatl give prompt written�otice thereaf to
<br /> ' ' �� Beneficiary. Trustor shatl 6e entttted to a11 campensation,awards and otfier payments or relief thereof and shall 6e entitied at its •
<br /> .._ . �.t;. ..
<br /> ,. . '•'j,' option to commence. appear in and prosecute in its own name arry actfon or pmr�eedinga. Trostor shall alsa b�eMtUed to maka 4[
<br /> • arry compromise or settlement in connection with sucA taWng or damage. �{°:;
<br /> � ` 6, Appallrtment o/Su�TrrRStee. Benefidary may.irom�ime to time, by a wrttten insWment eacecuced and _
<br /> �knowtedged by Benetici2.aY.maited to icvstor and recorQed in the County in which the T�ust Estate ts tocated and by uth2rwise +
<br /> - � • � �mplying with the provistons o1 the ay�`.csbis(a�v ef the State of Nebrasica suUstitute a successot or suecessors to the Trustee r�-•� :..
<br /> • c�amed here3n or acting hereunder. ..
<br />_ • ` �� T. Successo�ssadAssl�This Second Deed ot Tncstapafies to,i�ures to the banef[t of and bi�ds att par�°s herato. _
<br /> � " 'S their heirs,�_gatees,devisees,personal representatives,successors and assigns. The tenn°B�neficiary"sha0 moan the owresr and
<br />. , � • Molder af arry promissory nqte given to benef'rciary. [wheiher or nat named as Benaficiary heretn�.
<br /> ' �.i
<br /> � �' 8. l49e�gei,CansaOdatlo», Sales or Leasos. Trusto�cavenants that Tnutor wiQ not seil,tease or othetwise dispose ���
<br /> ' • ,�� ot arry oi the 4rust Estate. tn the ev¢rtt tixit Trustor selis,teases or otherwisa.disposes ot any paR oi the Trost Estate,Beneflciary
<br /> may at its c,:Jon dectare the In�ebtednes, secured hereby immedfiatety due a� payabte, whether or not ar►y detautt exists.
<br /> Beneflciary shail consent to a transfer oi the Trust Estate to a third party to the extent such third paRy meets the requirements
<br /> A� �• � contained in,and assumes the obltgadons set forth in the First Deed af Truct. The covenants coMained herein shaii►un with the
<br /> _ �. •�� ' PropeRy and shaU�emain in full•torce and eifect until the tndebtedness is paid in tutl. . .
<br /> ' S� � � 11 b deemed an eve�t at detauft her�der. , � `�'.
<br />- •t�:,;,� • � s. Everrts ot Dofault. Any of the�followiag events.,Isa e
<br /> :.�.��f;: . . ,
<br /> . . �: '_,
<br />- � . (a), �etault shall C�e cnade in tN�a vayment of the I�debt�d�.ss or arry c�har su.�sc�ss�1 here0y vuhen due; -
<br /> ' • or •
<br /> ; C-
<br /> � � ,. (b1 Trustor shall�2Aorm any act in ban{wptcy;or ' � _ ..
<br /> - : (c) a�ouR of competent jurisdlcUon shali enter an orQer,juQgment or de�e appra�r:r3 a potiUon Eiled against �
<br /> - ' � Trustor seeking�y�eorganizatlon, dlsso►ution or simitar relief unQer anlf present or tuture te6e�ra�,szate or other statute.
<br /> taw or regulatian ruatt�e to bankruptcy, irsalvency or other reliet tov debtora,and such order.;.a:rament or decree shaU
<br /> • • remain unvacated and unstayed tor an aggregate of stxty(60)days(whether or not consecutive)from the flrat date oi entry �
<br /> � � thereof;or any trustee, receiver qr tlqutdator or Trustcc ar of ail or any part o1 the Trost Estate,o�W a�ry or a11 of the :
<br /> � royaides,revenue9,renta,issaes or protits thereof,shall C�aADointed wlthout the consent or acqutesCence ot Trustor and •
<br /> . :..; .! " such appointment shall remain unvacated aQ►d unstayed tor an aggregate of sixty(80)days(whether or not conseautive);
<br /> ' . or �
<br /> ,
<br /> _. ' � .. 2 .
<br /> . . . .. .. . . . . . .. , . � , . ' �: . , .., . . . , . . • . . . .
<br /> . • . � ' ' _ . . • , , . : . . . - : .. '. . . '. ' ' . , . ..' . . �
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