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Exhibit A <br />201 300117 <br />A certain Part of Lot One (1), in Fractional Section Eighteen (18), Township Eleven (11) North, Range <br />Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, described as beginning at a point on the West line <br />of the North Half (N1/2) of said Fractional Section Eighteen (18), which point is Seven Hundred Eighty <br />Seven and Six Tenths (787.6) feet south of the Northwest corner of the North half (N1 /2) of Fractional <br />Section Eighteen (18); running thence South One Hundred Sixty Two and Five Tenths (162.5) feet along <br />and upon the West line of said Fractional Section Eighteen (18); running thence East One Hundred <br />Twenty Eight and Five Tenths (128.5) feet and parallel with the North line of said Fractional Section <br />Eighteen (18); running thence North One Hundred Sixty Two and Five Tenths (162.5) feet and parallel <br />with the West line of said Fractional Section Eighteen (18) to the point of beginning <br />