<br /> :�:�.::.�:.�-=• _ . .� ; . � -„"..;�.....w. �...:._._
<br /> ., ;� ,�- = �-�'��.:��:
<br /> � � t
<br /> :.3°�� - �, , r .r ti,p ..
<br /> r � c k�� . $,�- � �a • .as' �5�. . .� . �, . � ��iya,t�'�-
<br /> ,� .r�. � . . i _ i l t . �± �J }Y ,y�
<br /> :.._+,.. �- �ti:. ,�•.it �,� � v � t _ - -Ly �LC 5:.`s .._ s'-� ,�.{l ,--
<br /> .\ - .. � . �1- „u..> >Y�rJ'a� �1��T4 • U�,
<br /> __.Kid�t' U� 4 nS'4. •14 r
<br /> - �`_'_ . 17.Trans#or ag tlt� Property or €�BsneRctaf ir�teees! In �ano�r�c If ffiI or any D� of the ProPectY or
<br /> B �
<br /> - � : .` . any hrtaest in ft is sotd or tianstErted(or U a benefldal Urterest tn Bortower is sotd or transferte�in tuil oet eD s ms ewred by - . . <
<br /> � p e r s a n)wlthaut Lender's pdar written wnsent.Lender may.at its option,require(mmemate paym _ ; ..
<br />��.`.'_':-:�.°-�-..'�a thls Seau[t�l fnstrument Howesrer.this optias shaU not de e x e r c t s e d by L e n da i t e x e r d s e i s p r o h d o i t e d b Y t e d eral law as of the _.c^::�_-;'
<br /> , °` • j` data of this$eauf�ty(nstrument ..
<br /> (i lender mcercises thls optton. L�der eAell glve Bo�rower noUce of acceIerarion. The not{ce shaU pmvide e P2dod of not
<br /> , .s . �'•� �. I� �gp �ays nom the date the notioa ts deIIvesed or maQed w�-Wn whtcl► 8orrower must paY eli sums sewred by tht9
<br /> ma
<br /> � � gerau[ry InsUUment. If Bortower fa�s to pay these sums pdor to the e�itatlon of this pmiod. Lender may�voke any remedtas , ,
<br /> , p�by��c���m�t yynhout 1�Mer notice or dc�nand on Bortower.
<br /> fth
<br /> ,`� . . t,p �eips48t0. tl 8ortcw� meeGs cerlsln condidons. Borrower shafl have tAe dght to have �, �
<br /> • 18. Borrawe�'s 6�tgtt4 -"•�r <
<br /> erttor�anent of this 3euuity Instr�emcmt discontlnued ai any tIme prtor t urs�enY P w�5o���corttatned in this Security
<br /> '_:,s f,:.�"`�t e P P�m C t e t a w m a Y g P�!!tor reinstatement)betore sae at tne t�oP�Y P L e n der all
<br /> Uca�
<br /> • instrume� cr @l �1!�a I���t eretorcing Nis SecuritY tnstrument Thase condiUons era N a t eo r r o w e r. (a)P a Y g �;; �
<br /> c_','.-. :�'t sums which then woutd be due under this Sewrriy tn�mmdQnses ineiwrted in erdordng�th[s Sewriry Instrum�l,inc��n .g but � .
<br /> QeFduit of any other covenant or egreem�ts: (c) PaYg e� ns
<br /> . `, ,' not�mied to.r�sonaL[e attomeys'tees: and(cn takes such adton as lender may reasonaCty requtre to assure tt�at the ita�ot , �-•���;;
<br /> tfie sums seared by this Seatrity
<br />_ . .. thts SearttY h�strnmerA. Lert¢efs dghts fn the PmPeri1►end Borrower's ob�gatlon to PaY ` -
<br /> ,�. -�� �•. �..��• tnsWment sAaR co�nue unchanged Upan retnsffitement by BoTrower, tMs Secur�ly tnstrumerrt and the obUgaUons seeured O ,. •;
<br /> ., , ', herepy sha0�nain tuBY eftecflve as B rto accete�atton had ocwrted. Howener,thts dght to refistste shall not aPPN(n the case � : :
<br /> .�'.V:. - � ,���,��,''•E
<br /> , , of accele�atIon euid�para�aAh 17. v.
<br /> -_:,f,� 19. Sa1e of Mote; Change of Loan Servic�r. The Note or a a patdal irtereat in the Nate Rogether with this � . .
<br /> , ` 3ecuriry Instrumen�may�e sotd one or mare Umes wHhout pdor noUce to Borrower.A sate ma5►�esu�in a chenge tn tAe ecnit�l ,� �. f. ``..:
<br /> . �`,�`'' pmown ss!he`l.oan Serv[c�')lhat eoQects moMhiy Payme�rts due under the Nate and thts 3ecurfry(nsWmene. Th�e etso may .
<br /> • -:- '.;�;. be one or more cAanges of the Loan Servtcer��etated to a sa:e ot the M1[nry 4 a�bo�and ap��te law.e TAe no�ce wal - ' •,
<br /> ' :t:: BoROwer wID be given wrftt�noSce of ffie cfiange tn axordance wRh para�s0 .
<br /> wQt �"•�
<br />- _, .. �, t•ti state the namthes info���N�bl►eAPp�hie�aw.d the address to whIch Payments shauld be mada The notIce wq!also .
<br /> .. ' contatn an1+ ; `;�.W
<br /> '._s�.- �.;. ;�_. 20. H�dOUS Sub8t8nCe9. Bonower sbaA not�use ar permtt the presence. use. disPosal, storag� or retease o!
<br /> ;�:•. :.
<br /> f��� `-� �f,/�" Hamrdous Subs�nees a+or in the Property. Bartower shall not do,nor allow enyone eise to Co. anythfn9 afted6t9 the �'=�_
<br /> . ,,...�.;�',;ri�. enY to the presence,use. or
<br /> . .:f?�,f'.: proDerty►+thai Is tn vtofatton of enlf 6ivlronmerttel Law. The precedng two sentences s�all not ePPN
<br /> ��j• of Haiardous Substances that ace generaUy recognized to be appropdate to normal
<br /> �.. � storage on the Wvperty of sma� quartItles . `:
<br /> "..>�;, ; ': .. reside�rtial uses end to maintenance ot the PropertY• �
<br /> �'''6` °' e l e n d e r wriUen noUce ot eny Ua�tlgatlon. ctasn, demand. Iawsuit or other actian bY enY �':
<br /> B a z i o�u� s d a 9 P m m P B S► 9� w Ue ge --
<br /> �:``-�- imolvfng the Property and an7t F�+do�s Su b s t a nce ar E n v f ro n m e��l L a w o t _
<br /> `";�: ' gav�,al or reguiatosY aSen�l W P�e DenY
<br /> ' whfich �na�ower has acWal Imowledge. If Bartowa feama or is na+.iRed by aRI►�2mm�ffii or regulatory authotity,that am!
<br /> . ' . removai or other temediaUon of enY Hazardous Substance aftectiTM9 ProD�Y is �QCessaN. @anower shali promptry lake eU ;;`_' ,
<br />,.��..�, 'r.. .. .
<br /> � necesseni remedial actlons tn accorQance with EnvtronmeMal IBw. °: a°?::
<br /> T^�:�° ,. " .. /Ls used in fhls paragaPh 20. 'Na�rdcus Subs�nces' are thcse substances�5ned as to:dc or hazaMous substance.s E I► �'��
<br /> •'n, , . ol'irte. keros�te. other ftamma6te or toMo petrofeum prodicate. tatde �-:..
<br /> . .:,i' � EnYaonmeatai Law and the fo�owu�g substences: gas .�•4;.�
<br /> • "�`.•`:,• pesCctdas and herbictdes.volat'te sehenis.matede►s conteining asbestos or fom�aldehyde.and eadroadive materhata As used tn :,�•:;: .,
<br /> ':.�:F�.�:
<br /> , . , :n�';�• paragrapuh 20. 'EnvEronmet�i Law'�r.s fxderal laws end taws ot the judsdidion where thx Pcoperly is lacated that relate to .;��K:.:
<br /> . f j'�,vz � heaNh,safeiY or emironmental pro�5�n.
<br /> ��K..
<br /> { � ��1�_�
<br /> , 's �. NOSWUNIFORM COVENANTS•Bo:ruwer and L,�e�dr1 tutther cavenant and acges as toQaws: ` s;�
<br /> '� - `�'.`:':r, 21. .Acceleration; Remedi�s. Lender shall gtve nc4tce ta �orrower prior to eccelera4ion �j�-.�
<br /> � �'°���,<:' foilovv�rg Borrawer's breac9e af �ny covenant or agreomeM In this Security instrumen4 (but no! �,�:n,;;;;
<br /> - . . ,.�,.�,�.,..
<br /> �r i o r 4 o a c c e lera3tofl under�ragrapb 1? a�less apPlicabte law pravldes a4henivtse�. The �aotice N.:��_,�-
<br /> ' Ehatl apecify: (aj the detauE� (b) tlte actton ►equtred to cure t he d e i su t� (c� a d a t e, n o t l e s s t h a r r �n,�s
<br />_ � � ,-�.f;� 30 days trom the date tha nattce is��n to �orravr�r, bY arhtch the detault m�st mQ cured. and �;�::�:.
<br />_- � . � ' �r (a) that tailure to cure 4he d0iault om �r 8efore the date specffied tn the notice may resu[� It� ` .
<br /> .�.„.. . acceteratlos of#he sums se�acred by this Security la+strument and sate o!tho PropAtty The natica _---
<br /> � + .r ,. � sl�yl0$urthe� InToren Borra�roaa a�t th� N9ht to reiras�lo after accetetatton and the rlght to br1n�a
<br /> '''':y`'�.' court actloo to asse�t tho asan-axistence o! a �efautt or any oUeer defense of �orrowec � _-___
<br /> :;.. .,
<br /> � acceleratton artd sale. if tha defauk is not cured on or betore the date specified tn the �a4iaa, "" �-
<br /> . � LenQer at its optton may require immediate paymeM in full �atl sums secured by this Secu�ity �_.i
<br />� �°'<��� InstrumeM without fuRher demand and may tnvoke the power af sale and any othe� ►emedles ���--.
<br /> ;,,.;.. .
<br /> _ � �• '�. .;":�i�!' permttted by appltcabte Qaw i.en�ler si�all be o��� to collec4 ail ex�ensos incurned in pursuing
<br /> � � ' �'``� 4he remeddes pravlded in 9�'� paragraph 21, in�Cac�ing, but not pmited to. reasonabte attorrteys'
<br /> ��r
<br /> - tees and costs ot titte evidence. _
<br /> � H the power a! sate is invaked, Trusteo sfiall reeord a oottce of detauR ieo o�eh eounty in �`��.:
<br /> �, ��` . whlch any part of the Pra�srty Ig tacated and shatl matl .coptes of such noLice 6n the manner
<br /> '. � �. prescrihe8 by appUcabie @aw to Borrawer and to the otPter persons p�e°�ribed by appiica6te law. _
<br />-- � • ARer 4he time required ��p�icabte law,'1'ru��shal� 91ve pubfic na�c� ot ealo to tha peer�ns .
<br /> - � � and in tha manner prescribed 6y appllcabto la�nr.Trustee,without domand on Borrower, sha5]�n_�
<br />-_ � � . tha property at publlc auction to the highest b9dder at the t�me and piace and ura�er the torans
<br /> - � ' �� dosignated lo the notice o? safe in one or mmre parcels an� tn any order Tnrstea deter�n3nas. �
<br />- ,,�`z� o one �'a of ali or any parcef o!the Property by publtc announcement d bta
<br /> _ - . °.:,;,;,, ,�. Trustoe ma1► p �P urch�so �
<br /> -` - . � � time and plaeo 04 a�ry �ravtousty schedul�d sdto. I.ender or its des�gnoe may p ,
<br /> .;. ,_,.
<br /> - Property aQ any sale.
<br /> W''" � � Upon �eceipt ot paymern of the price bid, T�ustee shall deliver to the purcEoasor Trus2ee'e
<br /> -.9 ..
<br />-_ � : deed convaying the Praaarty.The recitats in the Trustee's deed�s`hQ� bo eeds af th� gatde ln the
<br /> 4he truth of the statemer�3s mado theretn. Trustee shall app y p � �
<br /> st�t
<br />-_ � tolfouuing order. (a) to att casts and e�cpsnses af exercising tho power of sate,,and the sale, �
<br />:-..;�.•. ' .� including 4he payment ot 4he Trustee's ieea actuaily incuned. not to ettceed three
<br />• - � °!o �the principal amouM ot the ,
<br /> " - note at th0 4ime ot tho deciarattoa oi de�auit, and reasonaDte attomoy's fees as permi8ted by�aw: �� �
<br /> _i�� � : ' (b)to ati sums secured by thls Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons �
<br />- - , legaliy entitied to i4.
<br /> . , vaga 4 ot 5 C�
<br />- i1316.LM�l�19�
<br /> 97t42 .
<br /> t � _ .
<br />