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<br /> '� (e ti 1 (�1_.
<br /> ��� ' ' !1. Misseflaneous Fravisions. �'7�, f��j�8 �
<br /> .�.
<br /> -,=-'��;:=4��;: =�
<br />,:.: - .:�;z;_ i , .
<br /> ; _.�4 ' _:,
<br /> (a)Bo2awer 1Y0t Reteasee. Extension ol the time tor payment or moeificatiort ot amort¢at�on ol the sums secured by th(s 0ee0 0�
<br /> . ��•y`ii _ -_
<br /> Tcust g►a�ted�y Lender to ang successar in a�te�est n1 Bonower shatl not operata �o re�dse, in aaY manner,the IieDw'ty of Me
<br /> . , `. � origina! Bortowei and Borcavr9rs suecessors in interast. Lender shau not be required to commencB pmceedm8s a9ainst SueA
<br /> • , 4��� suCee55or Or tefuse to e�ctend time�or payment or otherwise moddy emabzation ot ihe 5um5 sscured by this Oesd of Tntst by ,
<br /> ,:���;' :``.� , _
<br /> reason o!any demaed mada by tne original Bo�mwer and Borrov�ers successors in interest.
<br /> -�
<br /> � `' `.. :}• n h�ein mentioned.
<br /> . ` ' ;�. (b)lenders Pawers. Vvd�out aftaetin9 1fle feb�Tity of eny other persan Gabie tar the Payrme"t ot any ob� .
<br /> -_--.�;�'},,,.�: and,ud�t�!8fi&Cting Me Her►or cl�arge oi this Oeed of Tcust upon any portion of tne Property not Men or theretofore�ekased as _,•,;i_ -
<br /> � � securdy►tor the fu0 8mount af aU unpafd obfigat(oes.Lender may,irom tmie to time and without notice (� reteass enY pe�son so
<br /> � ..3 '�
<br /> �.�.;, _ '.::, ��.��a�e��y m ager ang af t:.s tertns of any such ohligations,(u� grant ather indutgan�es.(N�refease or reconvey. . _
<br /> ,. � �. .or cause to 09 reteased or�econveyeC at ss�y�at E.eaQer's aptions any ParcH,Partion or au��`r�iAertY.(v)take ot retease `� ``-
<br /> r�#��5;'f�+�;''�s_ 2ny Other Cr Sdddanat Secunh'`.4'�y aYsfig3Yw:►�erem mentioned or(vi►make compositions or C��:a:-angements w4h de6[ors in a:` :
<br /> �.��, �-
<br /> �a�'n��,.i;;�� retation thereto- � ° -
<br /> s��� �.� � �
<br /> �,t�:: ��,;.� -_,
<br /> .:� (c) Forbeara��e bv L�nder Not a Wa�ver. My fortearanee by Lender in exerc+sing a�Y �9ht ar temedy hereunder, or othervvise � rs' :
<br /> ;,r ��, BROrdaO bp appGCeb►e taw. sha4 not be a waiver of ot preeh�de t�e e�cercise ot any sucA rigt�t or retrtadY•'�e Pro�µremeet ot
<br /> � = B�surenee of Ma payment of ta�ms ar ottier itens or c�arges Dy Lender shaU nat oe a waiver a/Lenders right to 8cctt�rt►te tt�e ��_ T^;'
<br /> , '<':� F,�-�.�
<br /> � � rr�Nt�ty o1 tt�e indebteQness secured by thts OeeO o1 Trust. . `-�-;
<br /> ;3. . �,"`•=m"
<br /> - ��; - (��iICAiSaSOfB flCw n �••ns 80und' �Off11 Sfl SAVif181 Lk'14�IRV: C8P110f��. �19 COV8f1871tS 8fta E19f8Btl�BfltS A 8 f 8It1 COit{B�IBd 8� � =.
<br /> : � ����. h � roundar aha11 inure to, ine respoctive 6uCCessors end ess�gns of lender and Bcnowor, SuOject to tAO �� -`
<br /> a t n d, n n a t n e r�q �s e r�,�:-::..
<br /> • . `.� provlS�Cns of purIIgrppt+ 9te1 �ereo�. Aa covt�nante e�o 3greomonts ot Bo�rov�er sn30 be Jomt and severe l• Y h e c B P G O n a e n d _-
<br /> � �'�.c F��, AE3ading9 of 1�8 ptvagraphs ot thiS�DeeO of Tast are for conven�ence anry an� are not to be used to interpret Or d81inB th0 _
<br /> • t r.' pravlstons nereof. .
<br /> .` "" '� (e)g,eauatt tar N_ottces. The O�les hereby requeat tnat e copy at eny aotica ot Qetaurt nereunder and a eapX ot any notice ot . E:� ___
<br /> . ,. .#:
<br /> s�° sa�hcreunder be ma�00 to eacA party to this Oeed of Trust at the etldress set foAh Detow in the menner prescrbed by eyA�� _
<br /> �•;:�__
<br /> � �� I � '# s taw. F�ccept far 8ny other notiea tequired under appl'�cab19 lav+to be given in 8nother manner.any notiCe psovtded br in this Deed �_-,_
<br /> r:,�{ a �
<br /> ���:"�" ot T�ust shaU be 9�en tiy mat�ng Sucb notbe by certJied mail addressa0 as f4uows. or at sucb other aQd�res.s as sha0 be __
<br /> ,��:-�:` QBSignated fn virRing to the oMer Darttes.as GrOviQeO�er6(n: . —�
<br /> � � ��� � YIMOTHY � B N� NETT --__
<br /> � .� --—
<br />- '� � •�;s eorrawer — - -
<br /> . ��t USA L S�"�NE1T -- -
<br /> �� � 616 RAVENWOOD ORIVE �
<br /> _ ,�:� GRANQ l�LAH� R!E9E4.�lsKQ 68801 �� _
<br /> ' ���?�r� .�'�� UNITED NEBRA$iCA BQ►E'�C6 . "_
<br /> c�`�, r: Lendsr _ _
<br /> '' .�'':.:.. . � : e-
<br />- . • ,.;:;�:•'� ; 700 N. WE88 RD. _
<br /> � ',„ .�.; , GRAND ISLQND. NE 6�BQ3 - --
<br /> - ',. :.�': -
<br /> . • � �' � UNiTED NEBRASKA BAtVK � . ,
<br /> . . ; �'';;,:;,;':-,� Tr�stee :•
<br /> �. �:�,;: � .. � 700 N WEBB ROAD .�:.
<br /> • .. . :���`' GRANO fSLAND NE�WA� 68803 ..
<br /> . ..r s
<br /> - ,: �} . -- .�
<br />_- . � 'i.� � - _
<br />_ " ,<. . �::
<br /> _ �,�J',51�,..i:I , _
<br /> . �n: _
<br /> , ' qny notice Orovtded tor in thls Oead of Trust shall be deemed to have been given io Bonower or Lender wh.en given in the manner -_-_
<br /> . ? dos�gnated herein. � . . � - `
<br /> . .,;:;1:� _
<br /> • . ' , � ; (f) e lo . LenOer may make or cause to be made reasonabte entries upon sa� insflec.^:�,�s ot the Property. provlded thal � _
<br /> . L8n0er sfia�glve Borrower notice prior to any such inspection speci(yin9 reasonabH cause thetetore retated to LandePs interest in �,�;`;��
<br /> , `' � tRe Property. � .
<br /> �.-u��:
<br /> � . i9)Beconvevance. UOon payment of ell sums secured by this OeeO of Trust,Lender shall request Trustee to teconvey the ProAertll � —
<br /> � ' '� ; anA SAaO surrender thls Oaed of Trust and all notes evidenc�ng Indebtedness securad by this Dead of Trust to Tn►stBB. Trustea
<br /> � . . ' She�l rBCanvey the PtOpeRy without warranty entl w�thout chnrge to the person or persons�egalty entitted theret0. Such per8on Or �
<br /> petson9 ShaO p8y.ell Costs ot teCOrdatlon,A any.
<br /> ' � � (h)Personal Proaartv 5eeuritv AareemeM. As additional SecurRY for the payment o! the Note all tbRure9, eQuipment, and other '
<br /> � personal propeRy used In connection wdh the real estate or Unprovements located thereon,and not otherwise Oeclared or deemed ••
<br /> • to be e part o1 the real estate secure0 �ereby, shan be subJect to a security interest tn tavor of the lender under the Nehraska
<br /> UnHortn Commerciat Cade. This insUument shatl be consuued es a Securay Agreemenl under said CodO, ena the lender shatl
<br /> ,. '� ' �.:c I,� �� have all the rights a�d remedies ci a secured party under said Code in additron a the r�ghts an0 remetlies created and aceorded
<br /> '"'' �' the ls+.:ar pursuant ro m�s Dee�o'.'^:st. � •
<br />_;�.:... . . _ Pape S o�a ,_.
<br />_ ° G1t388.LM0 tdlb7) �
<br /> .__: ' ��'_--..��— _-�-- _
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