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<br /> � . �• � 97� l0 �5fa3 � ::
<br /> ' . THI3 SE�IJftI�'Y II�TSTRIIIt�T eombirsea uniform�oavenaata for nalfoaal usa and aaa-w�iform oovanants with limited � �.
<br /> � va:iatioae by jmisdiction tm m�stituLe a unifarm sec�iry instnament ooverIn��eal P�PBrtY• , .
<br /> ` '<,��,�;z UNI�'ORM COVENAI3TS.$Qre+nWer sad Iea�r wveaBnE aad sg,�ee as foAova� when due tfle ��
<br /> - L Pay�ent otP:inoiPslend Interesti Pa+alAaymen4 eadl�be Chsrges. Barrower shall P�P�Y PaY .,
<br /> t and late chatgea dne ua�2sr the lYate. .°�`.:
<br /> •� `. prinripal of aadinterast on t�e debt evidenaed by the Nober snd eaY P�P�n .
<br /> S I�CUnds 8or Zl�iYee and lnsmrence. SvbJect to agp�'irab2e l�w mr to a written waiver bY Lander,Ho�mnvuer�halt paq to
<br /> �' -' -- - .:;:'' Lsnde:on t2ie day mont�IY i�3�nL9 a:e due nnder the Not�ur�the Note ia paid in ti�ll,a snm('��'7 far:ta?Y��Y�S . .
<br /> . . � � snd essessmenta whidi may at�iin Priax�s�over tbie S�curii�►lasbument es a lien oa the PcopertY: (b)YeailY lessehold
<br /> ,` , ... FeY�nte oT giamad rents an tJne Propestp.if any;(c1 Y�Y b��°Y��Y insu�tattee Preffiu�t�Ye�Y$oad iasuraiu� •�';
<br /> . ., ,. premius�,if mi}r; (e)Yearl�►��8��n°������and (fl snY �F�Ie hy Barrnwer Lo Lnder,in
<br /> • as,casdaae�witb the piovlslona af pa�agespb 8,ia lien af t3ie�yment aFu►hrtgxge instnant�e Fsemiuma The�iLeme a�e ealled .;�'�t?��.
<br /> `�:•�1� 'tiscrow Items:I.ender mag.si an�►13me,collect andhold I�mdsin aa amomtt not to esaeed�e mammum amount a lenderfor ��-'
<br /> nJ
<br /> . a federauY related ma�ga�e lo� maY �4�fre fos Barmwe�ta escrow amo�t nadsr tT�e fedsral Rea] Esmte Satslennent ,� ::.:
<br /> . _ prooe�res Act of i974 as amended£mm time ta tdms.l2 UB.C.�2601 et seq.f'�A'7,ualess eaother]aw that sppliea to the ,
<br /> �,'y-. ' � • Fl�nda sats a lesses smouat df eo,I�nder may,gt anY tdme.oo]2ect and hold Flmds in ea smo�t not m esceed td�ie teseer , ,� .._;
<br /> � � � �nouaL Leader maY e�mat�the wnouat of Ftimds due on the us9de of turnent da�aad ressonsble estimates of espenditunes - ..
<br /> � � af�Luna Escraw Itema oz aS�swi�in a�osdaa�wit6 applicah2e lav�. � as entity
<br /> -- -�--� The �ads abaII be held in aa instit�ms whose dePa�ta see insured tsy a federel agenci►.i��m�topeytlie �: .
<br /> ' '•I,• Qnclading Lendar,if Lenderis snch auia�tntias�)or in a�y Federal Home Loaa Bank.I.�nder sball ePP�Y
<br /> � , ::;:�> ' the Fuads,annuall,Y aaalY�n�the escmw ercmmt,ar
<br /> ,':s::,<:- E s�r o w Items.Leadar may not dtaege Basrawer farholding aad apply'�ng ,
<br />- • .. veritjdng the Escrow Items.un2ess Lender paye Bormwer intsiest on the F�n d s sn d a p p l i c s b le 2a w p s n a i t a L e a d e r t o m a k e ':.;�. ..
<br /> � � .sach a cl�a�e•Howe�e�.l�nder may req�re Bormwer to pay a cme-tlme cbargs for an inde�ndent real esl�te ias reposting ,
<br /> .�._ .,. - ee=vioe nsed t�►Lender in connec�on wi�tliis loan,unless applicab?e law geovIdes otheswise Unless an a�C+eement ia mede� _ -
<br /> • . '. ' , aPplicable la�vi+eqt�res interesE to be patd,Lender sl�all natbe r¢qu�ed to pay►Bormwer aay interest os e�on the F�ads. :
<br /> Bosmwer su8 E�ender may e�ee ia wrIting,however,that interest ehaII he pand an t3ie Fi�ads.I,ender shal}give to Borrawer. _ �
<br />"- ' ' wlthout cliatge.an aa�u�t acooua�ag of td�e Ptinds.e�uwin8 ce+edite and deMb 4a�dse Ftimda aad t�s p�uPase far which eath :_�
<br /> : "� f debit to the Funds was�'..a.�e F1�ads are pledged ss edditlonal security for aII�aama secia+ed by this$xaaity Ias�rnmenL ' '
<br /> ' � F If�Se�nds he2dby I�ades esceed the amonnts peimitted to be heldby applicaBle law,Lend�r sbaU aeoount to BonoweTfar �d�'�`;
<br /> ' % the esoese Fbnds in secordance with the neqaisamente of applicable taw If the eanonnt of tho�ads held by Leader at anq time _
<br /> _ '•,;';�:h�"� ••E is not su�a�-at to pay th�Escmw Ibeme when due.Lender mas►so nottf�r Barrower in writis��ud,in sucb cese Banower sbaA _ _
<br />}s�`�. , ; �y to Leu*a�r the mnaimt neceasary to make up�e de�c[ency.Barrorovei'sl�ell ma�e up t�te�aency ia ito.�4tore td�an twelve -
<br /> a�nthly g��asente,atLeudei's sole disesetion. ' -
<br /> Upo��anL ia fiill af�11 sums a..�e�med by tbie Secarity Instrument,Lsnder shall�rOmPtt9'reflmd a�n.�cmmwer any Fimtls
<br /> ' nr
<br /> . --` ".# held by Lear�i'.�uade�P�Ph Zl,Lender shaII acquiYe os eeIl Ehe Pra�r�9.Z�.Pri�r to�te es�=„�laon or eale of the –
<br /> ` '� PmPertY.�l aPP1Y�v�ds held bY Lender at the time of aoqniffitton or eale ss a credit�inet the snms secured hy tbis
<br /> . ':; 8c�urity Tns�ameat .
<br /> � aAppliaatdonofPoymeata. Ualess applirable 2aw pmvldes ct�eravlse, a11 payments reteive� Ly Leadei � _ _ .
<br />_ .. . � . . paragrapl�1 and 2 aLell be applied first,to anY P�PaYment�a�ges dae uader the Note:s�ond,w amonate Payab .
<br /> . P��P�►�thisa,to interest due:fourEb,�F�dP���andlast,to aa3►late chaigea dne miderthe Note.
<br /> ,..:..`.(���. � f � 4 C�Sa�e�Lteaa. Boreower ahaII pay all teses,asseagmente,cLar�es,fiaes aad imga�.�ane at6rlbumble ta t�e Pknperty ,
<br /> wbich ma8�in PrFarit3►m►er thie Bec�aitq Inett�mea4 and 2easeho2d paymeate or��te,if aay.Bmrmwer shaU p$q ,
<br /> � �� ' these oblig�ane ia the manner provided ia ParageaPh 2�o:if not paid ia that maaaes.Bdrmwer ah�t3 pay t�em on tdma .
<br /> . . � lig }y�aieh to Lende:aU notices of�annta o�be paid nader t�is
<br />_ � diiectly to�e perean¢wa3 paYmen�Bmeawer shell�+nmptdY S
<br /> . � r. paragr��. Lf Boirawe��akea these paymente dim¢tiY.Bonowe:eball P�P�Y�b to Leade=iea�Pts�nvidendng the
<br />_ . � P�ent�
<br /> . Ba�aa�'dsa]1 P�P�Y���Y lien wtdch has grioritp c�r this 9eemity Instr+iment unleas Bosrowes:(a)agrees ia
<br /> - � vrri�ss�r,�cl�ib paymenL of the obligat�on sec�ed by the lien in a�ner aasptab2e to Leader;(b)oentesLa in gnoa�th tltalien
<br />-_ ' '. L'�,ar defends against enforcement of td�e 1£en in,1e�a1 P�ee�'.�wbfch ice the Lendsr's opiniaa operate to pnevent the
<br /> " ' enfar�ement oY the liea;or(c?secui+es from the holde:of the lien�a�+eement eati�'actor�►tu Lender snhordinat�the liea to
<br /> t3ds Sec�e�3r Ins�eumenL.If Lendes de�es that any part of tho PrnPertY ie sub�ect to a l�en whieb may attaia psiarlt,y over
<br /> —' - ' thie gec�i�Instrument,Leader may give Borrawer a notfoe identifj►ing the lien.'Borrower ahall satisa►the lien ar�ke one ar . -.
<br />_ . ec i
<br />— ' ' more oYtF►e actione set fmr3�above witlrin 10 days of the g(vh�g of notice.
<br /> _ � 8.Ha�,as�or Prnperb9Iasairaace. Borsowm ghsll keep td�e impiovemente now e�n8 or hereatter eiected on t3�e
<br />=` ' Property insured a�ainet lose by fire,bazards indndad within t3�0 term ea�ad�d caverage"and any otlt�r he�.iaeluding
<br />-- tloods ar Eoo�ng,for which Lender requiroa ineuranre.Thie 9nsuranoe shaU be mainmined in tha amounr3 and foT t�e perIuda .
<br /> t�at Lea,itvs reqidses.The ineuranoe cariier pnnvldin�the inamance ehall be chosan by Bo�iower subjecL to Lende�s agpmval ..
<br /> whicb sls:�not be unreasoneblY wltLheld.If Bmmwer f�1s Eo maint�n coverage desceibed abnve,Lender may,et Lende�e
<br /> t . .
<br />-= opt3on,obtein eoverage to pmteet Lende�e righte in the Properiy in acoordanoe vdEb paregeaPb?.
<br /> �: . , v�D
<br /> __ .. . . �.o� �eote
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