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in, upon, above, along, over, across, underneath, or through the public right of way herein <br />granted. Grantor covenants with Grantee that Grantor is lawfully seized of such real estate <br />and that the real estate is free from encumbrance, except encumbrances of record; has legal <br />power and lawful authority to convey the real estate; warrants and will defend the title to the <br />real estate against the lawful claims of all persons. <br />Executed , ecem hey l g , 2012 <br />GRANTOR: <br />4:64_ <br />C M _ POLLOCK, OWNER fr <br />D. PO LOCK, OWNER <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, COUNTY OF <br />foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on /8 cla r�F neftwhy <br />2012 by ERIC M. POLLOCK AND KENDA D. POLLOCK, OWNERS, and affliming that the <br />execution of this instrument is their voluntary act. <br />s DIEM NOTARY - state of Nebraska <br />PATRICIA A. GERICKE <br />My Comm. Exp. Dec. 12, 2014 <br />Notary Public <br />201300045 <br />