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8/19/2014 2:21:44 PM
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1/4/2013 8:42:50 AM
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Legal description of the property: <br />201 300037 <br />Lots Twenty (20) and Twenty -one (21), Coach Place Subdivision, in the City of Grand <br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska, excepting that part of Lot Twenty -one (21), Coach Place <br />Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska more particularly <br />described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot Twenty One (21) and <br />running along the westerly boundary line of said Lot 21 a distance of 17.15 feet, thence <br />deflecting in a southeasterly direction and running parallel to the southerly boundary line <br />of said Lot 21 to a point on the easterly boundary line of said Lot 21, thence deflecting in <br />a southerly direction and running along the easterly boundary line of said Lot 21 a <br />distance of 18.70 feet, thence deflecting in a northwesterly direction and running along <br />the southerly boundary line of said lot 21 to the point of beginning <br />PRIMARY BENEFICIARIES <br />I designate the following beneficiaries if at least one of the beneficiaries survives me: Susan <br />Jean Crystal, Kathryn Ruth Schultz, John William Schultz III, Thomas Martin Schultz and <br />Pamela Clare Schultz. <br />TRANSFER ON DEATH <br />At the death of the last transferor, we transfer our interest in the described property to the <br />beneficiaries as designated above. Before my death, we have the right to revoke this deed. <br />We, John W. Schultz, Jr. and Joyce J. Schultz, the Transferors, sign our names to this <br />instrument this 3 day of January 2013, and being first duly sworn, do hereby declare to the <br />undersigned authority that I sign and execute this transfer on death deed to transfer our <br />interest in the described real property and that we sign it willingly or willingly direct another <br />to sign for us, that we execute it as our free and voluntary act for the purposes therein <br />expressed, that we are eighteen years of a• - or older or am not at this time a minor, and <br />/ p r that we are of sound mind and under n• o -st :in •r ndue ' -- <br />We, Carol A. Quandt and Rhonda M. Jacobson, the witnesses, sign our names to this <br />instrument, being first duly sworn, and do hereby declare to the undersigned authority that <br />the transferors sign and execute this Transfer on Death Deed to transfer their interest in the <br />described real property and that they sign it willingly or willingly directs another to sign for <br />him or her, and that he or she executes it as his or her free and voluntary act for the <br />purposes therein expressed, and that each of us, in the presence and hearing of the <br />transferor, hereby signs this deed as witness to the transferor's signing, and that to the best <br />of his or her knowledge the transferors are eighteen years of age or older or are not at this <br />time a minor and the Transferors are of sound mind and under no constraint or undue <br />influence. <br />
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