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<br /> • � 1.Dnyma�. Baaowar a�cas to makc aI1pa Ymcnts on tho sewred debt who� duo. Uniesn Bosrovrer and Lender agrae o2RsrwLsa,anY .: .
<br /> � ' ,,`; paymer►ttt Lendar rctcelves ham 8ortowt�r or far Borrower's Eerefit wll ba apatied Tuet to anY emauma BOROwer owea oo the saaued debt - }.•
<br /> -_ '�t . ,_`r: �acr�o mr�s��adute�d pad eM�tlte8 ctued de�bt s�Deid in f�ullel grepaymeM of Me searad Qebt ocaus tor any reasan.it wai `
<br /> . � . , �.��Aegrtaytns�t�TFSin.Borrotiver wiil pey eU texns.assossmeMe.end otAer Charfles attri�utabte to the when due and wi0 datesld tfs[s F
<br /> , dRi�en@se.�a whieh�Bmroweei m��h�nra eg�aInst Odanle�in ho�s'up��abo�s odeedm��o�o�ire o��tlia p�et�tye�i�env dghts.elaima or ,
<br /> . �'� �� ` ••
<br /> ` . � 8.h�e0.8orrowar will keep tha Ompertll insured unQer terma aeeePt��e to lenQer at Borrowere e�ense anC for Lender's bartafit All - .
<br /> ' instu�nca potldita sha0 tneludo a etan4ard ago etause in tavor af tender.Lettdes wiU Ds named as tasa payeo or as the Lrsured on enY sueh
<br />. � `. `. or�t o�d t e�s ede�ed d�bt.It�lend�er peQui�rtsor�aSeO�iva w,�B a ower egreas to�m a i n�n c u c h i n s u r a n e e�f o i e s�n g a s i s n d e c r�e�e s i��� ,•-'.
<br /> _ .` �t:' 4.proyotty.Borrowar wiU Icee�the properh►tn goad sondiUon end rtmke all repaire ressonaLtv neaessarY• _
<br /> - - ,f`"""��- 5,Esp�naoa.Mrrawer a�ee9 to pey att ler�s u�,induding ressongbie attomeys'feee.H 6anoYVer Dreaks env wvenanta in this deed - _-- -
<br /> ! f, � � `', of trust or in ecry obliQatfon sedaed by tt3s dasd of au3t.Battowet w01 paY tf�eae amouMS to lender es R�ovidad in Cuvenant 9 of th(s deed of
<br /> � ' wst.
<br /> 4 . 8.Prim Sae�ultV kRaraats.UNess Barrowar ftrst obtains Lender's w�itten eorueM. Barrower witl nct make or pertnit any ehart8es to enY prior '
<br /> - `�` ` ,. �'� in�g Borm�we�s°crtavenaz�m�to mahe paVmen�o�vl�ien d e.�gattons unQer eny► O�► �Se.deed of trust or other seauity a�eement,
<br /> . ._ '. 7.�ot Ft�ts aad PioRts.Bnaower essl�s to Lender the rerrta artd pmflts of the propertV-Untass Sartower and Lender Aave agcaed , .
<br /> tn wridng. Batrower may eofloet eM reta�n 1hB reMS es ton9 as Burcower Is not in Qefeut�It Bormwer deEauits.Lender.L,enders . ;.
<br /> �,.;. agerR,or a eourt eDFULrted recetuer may take pcssesston and manage ihs OroDer4V and ealtect the rents.AnY rerrta Lendar cot[ects stiail be ; _: _
<br /> eypUed fitst to thm eosts of inenagtng Ure Ora0ertll.including court costa anA att+omaYs'tees.oommissiona to rernal agents,and mzy o�er .,".�;. .
<br /> '.. , , .• n e c e s s a ry relatfld expansea.The[emafrdng amount of rer�vu�"11 tAen aDD�V�PaYme�on the secured deht as Pro�����nant 1. [.
<br /> . , . s 8.i.e�s3�!!a:Ca�:�Untt Qavetogm�rt9.Bnrrawera�rees to cam ry a+ith the provisians ot enV tease if tlda Qaed of tnat b ae
<br /> '� a teaseha(0.It thia deed of wsYis on a untt tit a eondamtnium or a planne�w+it�avetopmarty 6atrower wiU DErfarm ali ot Bortowers duttes �•
<br /> -, ._ � . , �� under the cavenar►rs.DY��.or�e8+dattarts af tha cortdamWum or Ptanned unit devetopmert. , _ .
<br /> � ,�.?, 9.yA�Mm�f.tw�l a!I.indtt to Per[orm�4wm Bareowu tf Bartower taDs ta�Dertarm eiN ot B4rmwe�s Qutiee under thls deed of trusL lander may ��`
<br /> - � .L• C�-e�y. �i.y�yip�ES Mp��pGpBUSO�SRI W d0��Bd.Lertder maY sig�Honawera ruame ar Day eny amacmt if neeessery fo*Performance.it arry .
<br /> • . . se�ry�resi�etf�e pro�parti/•TNsmaNettdsdude eor�nptetlng t4�ie cansuu�onmannei.tender maY do whatever is necess3c*b m Droteet Lendes's . j
<br /> � ...: : LenQeYr fa3ure to Pe�tartn wf8 rwt Oredude Lender trora exerei�ing anit af f�athet rigMs under the law ar this deed ot trt�t _
<br /> -,---~ -- -:''� Amr amouiqs paid by lender to protect Lendets sciauityr interest wAI be seeured by this desd of trust�:afi emourns wiU be d�c�ti�mand . .
<br /> T and v+hll Oear i�rteiest from ths dele of the paymeM widl pald in fiili at the interest ra�e in effaat un the seau�od QebL , ,
<br /> �<"� - .�..c :
<br /> ��.. 10.Qeda�dt and A�eetmegon- If Barcower taas to make any Daymerrc when Que or�re�arnr cavana�s under this deed of vusi or sny
<br /> ,. .7 oEiigatian seaued by tNs Qoed of tnr�st ar arry prtar martpage or deed of trust,Lender cnaY aceelerate the maturitll cf the sec�ued debt and
<br /> • Eerttend immed'iate psYmer►t an�maY tmoke the p�wet of sate and a�►y ather reme�es penr.�ited by aAPli+able taw.
<br /> __ �y; '
<br /> ` t 11,Rc�cast fa NoBe�o,f Osfatdt.It is herehy requested t�at copies o!the noUces of detanit and saie be sern to each Derson+nrAo is aP�Y �
<br /> . herato,et ths aQmrese of eaet�sucb Oerson,as set toRA hereim
<br /> �:;� ,;, . . ' 12.Powar W 8�.if tne LenQer imro![es tlre power of aete.the Truatee shaA first reeard in the otfiw of tne register of deeds of ea�ooumY ;f.: ',�� �
<br />,�..:, '< , ,ad�erein tha trust praperty or eome part or pareat tAereof ta situated a notice of Aatautt�sdn9 tRs informetion requir�f�i law.The tnistee ...
<br /> �all efso maii eoDTea ot the noUce of defauft to the Bortower,to each Derson wAo is 3 G�Y�+eretu,artd to other G�ax'a asprescti6ed by ,.'�s,•�
<br /> �,' : - �-- , a�plicahle(aw.Not tess t han ane ma n tl�a f t e r t h e T r u s t e e r e e o r d s t h e n o t l e e a f d e t�t s.�a r t w o m o M h s i t t A e t r u s t�e r t Y ts mt in e n Y .,�-- .
<br /> '� ' � d�corporated city or vfltage and ts used in farmin9 operationa carrled on by the uw^�tcr,L�sa T�steB shaU giva pubiic natics cs�sate to U►9 Persons ',,,._ . ` .
<br /> ►
<br /> �' � az�d in the manner presaibed by apppRcabte Iaw.Trustee,withaut detnend on BnrrauEt,a".a11 se0 the ProPe�at pubfic auctton to Mg N�eat
<br /> ';"�-;'.. .
<br /> ��,� bidQer.tf reQuhed by the Fazm iiomestead Proteation Act,Trustee sha0 offer the droIIe3ty c�two separaY¢ es as required 6y applic�a taw.
<br /> Trustea maV po�tlo e8ie of 811 or en1►PerC01 of tha PfoPBRY bH P�nC answW�tsteai aY tfs ffine snd P1�a of etry DiBVIouSN schad�u2af Sale.
<br /> tendet or its dosignea may D�►chase tAe propany at arry sete. • � :
<br /> f'� l!"Qon recaTpt of pay�ern ot the price bid,Tn�sma sAaii deliver to the purehaser Trustae's c'F�d cornr�yln tfte propertY•The rBCWats cos�talned in -� '
<br /> °='- Tw-tea'8 dsa6 6hsii tsa�a�ks Csddlssscs o!!hs uulh M th9 s!al9ments e4�tl�sr�rt►.7nisteo s�an aeaN tne wocueas at sne sate�n tt,e _�;;
<br /> �-r {.- - toiiowing orQer. (a) to afi expenses o!thc �lo, ln�tudti�g. 6ut not ltmitad to. �ease�nabte Trustes's teee. raasonahde attomeY's fees and
<br /> S.; '.� . ,,t•-•�`• reinstetemeM fees;(b)to aJl suma seaaed by this deed af wsq and(e)tha betance,H er►�t,to tAe peraons Iegelly errUded to rece We h. ��'i_,v_�
<br /> �y;:i;>;�;:.-° .
<br /> •��r�,�:;' • , 13.foredas�ao.At Lendera opUon,this deed of trust may 6e foreclosed in the manner provide by appliaabto taw tor 4oreclosura of m�a8es
<br /> i . an real property. `�
<br />`%r r, .� ,�' _. ' _ '�_ .
<br /> ;.,,�4-,r,-.::,:,,,.,� . 14.�eetton.Lender may enter the property to insAea it if Lender 91ves Borrower rtottee beforeteand.Tha nottcs mrra:s�ta tha reasonaDte �
<br /> ,,, ,. . . , . cause fo"r lendere inspection. . �:.��-
<br /> ��•' ' � . 1C�Cand��stta�.Bortower aesigns to LenQer thaproeaeds of eny awar0 or ciaim for damag es connected witb a eon�msr�an or othertakfip =_
<br /> �;� ' ' ,� ��:i of aD ar any part of the propeRy.BueA proceede wiU tre eAA�ted es proviQed in Cov+ena�rt 1.This essig�urtent is subject t�E9e tercns at s�Priar -�-
<br /> ., ' .:!.�;'`.;' Sec�uiNet�eBment. �
<br /> �} uq; .
<br /> iYC' - '!�: ' ' � p �y� '-�`-
<br />-__ . ar�iy►remedy up n B�ortaswere det�ault,Lean�Qei Qoes nat wae�tve a�righi to fatte�n.�5[der U��rK a1eQe�tauf�t if 4t happe���'.�n..�R4!axerdsing . -+
<br /> ���� � • ` 17.J�m ane S�vara/U�p�t�,-Co-signare: Suceassors and AestBn'Baund•A�� duUes r�sr thfs deed of wst eso+'t�nt and several.Amr
<br /> ' � � Bonower who eo-si8ne thta deed of bust but Qooe not co-sign the underiyfng debt �.5sument(s)does Bo onty ts gant and comreY that .
<br /> �.� �=-.� Botrowera irRerest in the property to H�e Ttuste9 under the tert,tnya cof this deea uf trust.!n eddiUon,sucl+a Boaower agreea that the lendor an0
<br /> �!:' • ,
<br /> c�,°�Ni,ei,`�c°na�eo°RO,�re�consent nd wkho�ut eie�lea�sing tl�et Borrrower taom tl�te te ms o�th)s Qaed�trugt.�s deed of tnut o►tic�8ecuce4
<br /> si�.' - ,9
<br /> �_ � • t The EuUes and benefits of thia deed of truat shall btnd and benefit tha sueeesaora and esst�F�of Lender and Borrower. ,
<br /> a,:; .
<br /> �: �,�L� 18.Notiee.UNass othorNhso requUed byy taw,sny noUce to Boaower shall be given hy defivaring it or Ay maiiiog it Dy�.rnfi�ad mai!eddressed to ,
<br /> • ' � ` maii�o�an�ae�re aa�es�s o�ge 1 of tf�taded�Veu�st�ortm rerN affier e�dre�sa whlschd�nd�er d�es�deelgneted Any oth�-ar oUev to 1 eynder�slfsD '
<br /> • :•� be seM to LonQar's BQQresa e9 statea an page t o!thta deed of trust. •
<br /> �eg�, : ' Arry notie9 shali bo doomed to have been givan to Borrower oi Lender whon given in the manner statad ahove. •
<br />-�Y-��° 18.Tranata�a1 fhe Ptaperty or e Henefleiai trrtarest in the B�rower.it afl m anY Dart ot the propestv or erry interest in it la sofd or transfened
<br />"'�",= • ` pa�ym�nt ifnt�heo Bono�wer�o�e n9Dt uat�D e�son and a benefi�ciat e4intemesi Inmtl�e Bono�ixeiei a aa i aens�tenee�evere l.�endei m ey no�t
<br /> �� domand payment in tho e6ove aituaUons if�t 15 prohlbked by tederat taw es of ths date of thts deed of wat. . .
<br /> �',�. , • •';,'�..; • ,�
<br /> . �,::,�ti�,, Zp,Re�caeveyaneo,When the obOgaUon seeurad by thla deed o!Wat has 6een pala and LerMer has�o turthet ob�gaUon to make aQvances �
<br /> � . . under the inaVUmarrte o�ag�eemerrts seeured by this daed of trust,the Trustae sAat� up on written request bv the Lender,recornay th0 vust .
<br />��: ' � pro_party.The LenCar ahall dethre►to the Bonower,or to Borrower's successw in interest,th0 trust daeA and tho r►oto or athet evldence of the �. �,
<br />:��. obu8ation so satisfied.Banowor ahatl pay erry►ecorCation coats.
<br /> $� ' 21.Sueeosaar Tntstee.Lender,at lender's option, mey remove Ttugtee and� a��oiM a successar truatee by flrsL ma((ing a copy ot the
<br /> �` ,�. • substitutian ot Wstee ae required by eppl�eaEle faw,and then,6Y filing tAe substituUOn of trustee for reemd In the offiee of the registsr of Qoeds
<br /> ��. ' . � of eaeh countyr in whleb tha trust prapertyr,or some oart theroof, is eitueted.Tho sueeessar truatee,without conveyance of tho prop�rry,sfiall
<br /> . - � sueeeed to aU the power,dWea,autharlty and titte of the Trusme named in tha deed of truat and of any successor trusteo.
<br /> .�i - . � .
<br /> �.� . . -:1 .
<br /> .�_- - .
<br /> ��� �-.��-� .
<br /> • ia��zoi� � .
<br /> �. :. .
<br /> �' � � .� INC. . I7D.MN0830111�80D397-23�1/FOtWOCO�ATG-Nl8119/91 •
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