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<br /> • . _ ` "<��•� t.puy�.Bormwer agraes tc maYe all av�er�on tAn socurod Qe01�vhan due.Untesa Bortower and Lender a�ee otherwiss. anY = _ --
<br /> . ' paymonta Lender�eceives from Bartower or�r 8ortuwer's menefct w�l 8o eDD��rst ta aslr�B�rower owes on tha eeauad debt ' . ; `_,,
<br /> ' , e�cdusive ot int9rest ot pHndD�.88����fe��°^��en to prtne[pat•tf parttaf OrePaY�"Q�t ot tho sec�ued da6t oaura tor any ra�ason,it wlll
<br /> _ r
<br /> ` �`�c z not reduce or exwse anll scttisduted Pe1RneM wrttt the see�ned Cebt ia pa[d in hill. �•- ,`` .�`�4'`_
<br /> . �. �.C[eUns A�t�st Y�9.Surtower wDl PaY a11 tazes.essessmeMe.and offier ehar8es ettn�Du�Lte to tAe eo�to�assign en�y r�ghm,tctaims oi `
<br /> . - '� `� to tlie pro0ertl�g+ilnst mtilt ietaims wlfiCll Would Imy3U tlts UESO 0}tM9 defld Ot uttst LertdBr maY�e4uU0
<br /> datanses wtileh Bortower may have agalnst Dartles'Mw supOtl►lafl°r or materials to tmprove a mairstain tRe proDertl►•
<br /> 3.6�tco.Honower wlll keep tl►0 PmDe�1►insuted.w►�er terma aeeepmbta to ter�der at Borrowera espensa and tar lenders bonefit.AU
<br /> ' insurance Po6etos etmfl inshide a stanCard aea�gag�dauso in favn!ot Leadar.Lendet w�l be named ea tnss paYeo er as tha insurad ar►any such ,
<br /> ` •".�c` or to�e se�e ued Qo�btit f I�.en�d 08q�Oa mortg6e Dap Ge����w i�egreee to�meimal�sud�ins�tor��ang�es Le��idedrerea�q�s�aD�► .
<br /> insur
<br /> � --�'"' m.P+�xtY.Sorro�nrer witl keep the pmAertY in goad onndition end make ali repaira reasona4N naeessary. - _
<br /> .��� 8.E�mtses.Berrower s�ees to PaY sU Lender's e�enses,includ�m8 reasflnebte attomaye'feea if Bortower Oreaks any coveoants in U�is daed < .
<br /> «.'f � of mist or in enY oDUgaUon seare0 by tNs deed ot uust Bottower wiU pay these araou�s to lendar as provided in Covonart 9 of tlils daed of
<br /> .: • Uust. '- -
<br /> . 6.Piie�Saetutt�I�t�.Untess Bonower ftr§i oMains i.ender's written eonset».Borrowat w01 not make ar pam�Et any ehanBes tn enY 0�* r�' :: .• ..
<br /> _..... . . - seaaity iiYtares�.Botrawer anli pertarm eff or Barrowers obQgallons urtder aay Driw murtga8e, deed of trust m oUuer searity a�eemertt. , .
<br /> t n c l u d i n�B o rt o w e r s C o v a n a t�t o m a k a D a y m e rt s w t m n Q t t e.
<br /> �Asat�tn�ttt ot RetKS and Prafea.Bmmwer asaigt�s m Lender the reiAs an0 Rro�ot tAe DroDe+tY.Un[ess Borrawer end LenQet ftave agteed . ;..
<br /> � � ' o t h e r w i s e i n w r i t i n B.B o t r o w e t t n a l l e o f t s e t a n d t e t a i n fhe rents es tung as Bo�rawer is not tn Qefautt.If 8ortower defasdts.Lender.Lendefa � •
<br /> aSem.or a eouR apDoUrted aeeeivermay take possession and manags the propertY a n 4 co 4e c t t h e r e rt s.M y r e rt a L e n d e r c o U e c t s s A a i l b e ...,,
<br /> aypfisd fust to the aste of inanaStn g t h e DmvenY.induding caurt costs and attomeys'faes,eommissans to re�l agecrts,and enY othe► . .,,r
<br /> �. _ newssarv re i a t e d e=p e n s e s.Th s r e m a u u n g amaur►t ot rems uvill then aDAN�DaY��on 4he seciued dabt es Drovidad in Covenant 1.
<br /> - � � �,f.' 8.L e a s e l i a M r C o�o a d s�L n m•P[e rt n e d I h d t D e v�-Bortower e��to com pty with the DmviaTans of arry tease if f1�Is dee0 of uas[is on . ,
<br /> . ' .� u n d�m��[d.��de e�d o��re��n�.s oif�tl e�umm�iNum oi p t a n t t e d�tm R dadvBetoptne�m.�B a rt o w e r w i B p m t a rt n s 0 o f B a rt o w e r s Qudes �t. . ( ,
<br /> -. � ,r �' 9.p�e�at LanQaT m P�larm fCi BmcOVwr.ff I.�eMer m�ay�9�►�w�er's�i�ame oi��emr artammtM��esaery��ped�itma�nee.Ifm� --:t :
<br /> , -' peRotm tns Quties ar causs t�em m OB perfarmed. ,
<br /> , �...�}._�'.i ge�u►�te�t L e t h e p r a�a�m a 1 Fe��mAe l a�n 9�w�+u���b'o nmanrter, er msY do wt�ztever is necessar�r ta Pi�lender's - ,
<br />, - _. ..__r ��ars Yai(ure m perfa��not prac3ude Lender irom exercising arry of fts atf+ar�R1a under the taw or�Lv deed cB uust • '-
<br /> • ..`, and w�Ul�b��ir�am�e dat�of�e pa1R�e��Datd in f�uIl et�th�e ittteres drate i�n ef ecet an tlt�e s��tpued de�bt�.�wiU ba dne on Qemand ': ` . .
<br /> t0. Defmdt and Aeede�on.It Borrower fai►s m make anlr paYment when due or 6reaics enY oa�cqra�under this QeeO of trust m arry � r :
<br /> '�` � � dertea�n 0 h n i ne�a e P V m e�d m a l l���P��a�s a t e e r M a�o t h e t r e m e�ies pertnitted epff'�c bie ta�of ths sewrad debt end •,-
<br /> ;. �,,,
<br /> ha'rem�.�a�ad�of esc�h��cfi Person eae s t ot N�i her�e6�i.�Dies ot the nntices of defauft an6 sate 6e sent to eech persoA who Ls a parN . .
<br /> . ,. - _ 1Y.Pawer ot Sffia If tha Lender inwires the power of sate,the Tn�stee shell flrst record tn the affioa a f t he re g i s t er o f d a eQa of eact�caurtty •. .,A sr' :,-
<br /> . .-.. wharein the vust O�Pgn1l ar some part or pereel tt�areof is siWated atnotice of defautt eontetning tRe i'rr�rtnation required by law.The Tn�stee �.--�'-<:_
<br /> � sha0 also mail aopias of the natlrs of detautt Lo tAe Bartowar.to each person who is a partY heseoa,.arad to oiher persons as�rescriheQ Dy ,;._;;..:
<br /> � � � t� appRcable taw: Not tess than nna morrth after the Tw^�ee reaards the notfce of de��a�t er 8�p�c��Oof�te m the Persor s ==��-��.
<br /> r % tneorporated uty or vittaga and ta used in iartning operatIons tanied on Dy the trustas, .: .
<br /> ' end In the mannet presm�ed b►►eDDD���e iaw.Tmstee,without Qemand on Borrcwer,shall sefl tn0 O�oA��C��c auatlon m the hlghast _ ,
<br /> btQder.H reQuired by tha Farm Homestead Rotecdon A�K.Tcustee shail oHer tha properN in nKO sepazate es es eeAuhea bY epDllcabte law. . _..
<br /> - � �� Truscee may postpone saie of ali or arN Darcei oi the proDenY bY Dubiie announeament at the Ume and piace of arry yre�ousN scheduied sete._ ..%�*=.- �`
<br /> - � �-- .� Lender or its Qesignae may Puroha�se the propertY at efil saTe. Y� .;�
<br /> o Ths reckiets CotltBined itt �'°q"�+st�!;�,
<br /> — - Upon reeeiDt af paymesft of the Driee bid.Trustea shali def'�ta tlia pcc�:T�wK^..a'S desd�anieY�the qr P�Y•�eQS af�fe effie ia O►e , � :
<br /> T� Tnutee's dted shall be prima tecie evidience of the uuth uf the statemw�ia w.ztafnsC t�sasn•Trttsles el!e�plg the pr l
<br /> tottowine crQer: (a�m all e�ensee of the eate, induding,but nat CmGted to, reason�ble Tn,stee's tees, reasonabTa ettomsy8 teea and �;:;Y
<br /> , ' reinstatemert fees:@1 to att sums secured bY thts Qeed ot trust,end(c1 the batanee,it amr.to ths persons fegafty entttted m receive it. •;w��a:`�:. •
<br /> � 18.iametosurs.At LendeYs opUon tfiis dee0 of Uust may ba toreelosed(n the manner provide by applieabie taw tor foreetosure of mortgages ,;��:,�;,�,�
<br />. • ,, on real proRertY. �-,nzsr
<br /> tq,[ns ec9an Lender may entet the OroDarty to inspecc it H Lender gives Bortower natice beforehand.The notica must atate the wasann�le � =::
<br /> ' cause�t Lenders InspecUon. � �.���-'-
<br /> � 16.Candertu�on.BoaeN►er essigns to lsnAer the procec�s of any award or ataim tor dama es eonnecte d w n h a con demn a tlon o r o t h e t t a k i n g
<br /> ._-.sR,i�
<br /> of a11 or arty part of the propeRy.Sucf►proeeeQs vuill be asp0e�ea provlQed in Covenant 1.��s essienmeM ts suoieec to me�erms ot am►vrtor ��°*
<br /> . � security egreament. ``�"
<br /> . R , _
<br /> .� �, 18.Wetvar.BY exerotsing any remodV aveilabte to lender,Lender does ract.give up amr rtghts to latar use anY other remedy.By oot exerclsin8 .`'
<br /> "' r;v• any remeQy upon Borcower's defauri,Lender Coes not waive any right ox I�r consiQor the everrt a def.�t if it happens again• f . -
<br /> �:.y,-;:.,.;,,,,::•, . ....
<br /> �'� � 17.Joint and Saverd Ua�itY%Co�f�m°:S�eeasaora °nd Aasl�s B�rt�'al duties under thia d2ed o!truat are joirrt end severel.Arry ;:i"
<br /> .��' Berrpwer xfio eo�sigrta tltGm�dead of trust but daes not co-sign tha unQedvin� debt Irtstrumerttfs�doea eo oniy to g►a�artd convey that
<br /> Gm
<br /> Bonower's interest in S�a t�=pertl►to the Truatee undar the terma of this deed o uust.tn aGditian,sucN e Bartower agrees that the LenQar and
<br /> • `r. ' � oNer Borrowar ur.daF�'�deed of Wst may excen0, modHv o►mako aml other ehang�ea In the tartna of thfs deed ot wst or the sew�e0 ...
<br /> - . •.;i{i;•� 4�with¢¢t that Borrowa�s cortsent and vrithout�e(easing that Botrower ftom the tetms of this dead ci mrst. .
<br /> .�.,;.,.. . .
<br />- :;i,t�:•�: ..
<br /> •.:.f�� The duUes er•d banefrts of thts doad of wst efiall bind and benefh the ezu�'.essore artd aasl8ns of LenQc�er.d Borrower•
<br />.. �',r:.,.,.��. � . ..
<br /> � 18.Na9es.Unteas otherwtse required by taw.anY noUce to Borrower s:�11 ba gtvan by daltvedng it oT Ctv rnaiting it by eertified mail eddressed to
<br /> ' Bonower at the pro srtSr aBffrese or ar�y�othar aCQre�ti�at Bortowar hae given to LenQer.Banower�+r"I!give any:a"�,ee to LsnQer by eertlfled
<br /> � � be sm�it to Lendere ad��a ss stated opagee t o�ed ot tr�its�er aadreas uvhtch LsnQer has Qesigneted.Ar.�c�er notica to Lender eh�l .
<br />_ �;'�t�,�; � Any noUee shafl6e Qeert:ed to have�c p+en to�Burtower or LenQar when given in ti;e manner sta�d abova. ,,
<br /> 19.T�ansta+ot ffia piaDa�4Y ar a Bansflcmf 6�teroat in the Borrawer.ft ail or any Rart of the proyer�i or any iMerest in it is sold or tranBfeROd
<br /> ' without LenQe+'s prlar wT�iten eonsem, �pndor may domana immediata peyment e'the seeured Ckbt. Lender may also demand immediate .
<br /> •� � Qemand paycngent in�e aDove SituaUo�nsf ft i9 prnotu�d by teQetal ta 8 as ot�e Cab�of th�s Qeed f oV�u t�nsterted.Howevet. Lendar may not
<br /> - ' 2p,gecomreyanee.When the o6ligaUon seeured by dt� deed of trust has been paid and lsnder has no further obligation to make advanees
<br /> � � � � unQer tlFa instruments or agreements sewred by this dead of Vust,ste Trustee shalf upon wrltten request�the LendeR reeonwy the Vuat
<br /> � property.The Lender shaU deltver to tt�e Bonower,or to 8ortower's suocessor in 1MeresL tAe trust�eed arM t e note ar other evfdeneo ot the ,
<br /> - ' obligaUon co satlstied.Borrowar ehall pay am►rewrQatio»costs: •
<br /> • 27.Suecasaos TnutGCO. Lender, at Lender'a a�tion, rteay remove T�ustee and appalnt e successor tnrsteB by ftraL maitlng a wpy of tho
<br /> � subs6tuUon o!trustea as requUed by appUeable(aw,and then,by fiiinp�tAo suDsUtution of truste0 tor reeard in the ofNee af the�agbter of Ceeds .
<br /> ` suc�ed to e�tli0 D�e.��euthorit�y and Mte o}the TNSetBe named�i�n Uie Qeed o�Vust end o1 any suec�essor V�u�st e o1 the proOetN.shatl .
<br /> _ ' t � ....
<br />__ ' (D4?o2olYl .
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