_-s.....:.:i.:1.::L�� ;:3' e.>....�.��:5:...�,.,...,�r�.._:`i . _ _'�';,:y`_ .
<br /> �.
<br /> _ _::'?:GI�4.`:i._ _c.___t:-
<br /> -�s' ; � +, $'{' ° -
<br /> . .- K : . �r. y .,��.'l�i! } .
<br /> .� . � - - .- ._,� h �
<br /> � x �t -i . �+, d �_ "f.. �d./���{��'�}�'s,_ c h �{j� � .r�-..
<br /> _ !. + . .i ' ' " . � ' _ � ,� 't �.-,....� ��.__a�...�_i...i.. `Ak` _ {9 �
<br /> _ _ +�. - __.;t,._:.�v}.. -— " '�' � s� �s� , .s.
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<br /> - . � _ .- � �-,� ���� 9�����s�o .-:. �-�F.��_
<br /> '��, 1. Paymcnta. Barrower egrae9 w m�ke eD psyrtt3rrts cn�a eawrrsd dsDt wAen Que. Untesa Bonowos and Lender agreu otAmwt3o. enY ` ,• • ,
<br /> paymerts lender recetvas from Barrower ar To► t�r�xr�Ps boneflt wU16o eApUed ffrst to asry amourrta Barrowm owea on ttto saeuTad da0t
<br /> . _ . -`._;�:H a ���i ��a�g4 gg�p�yj(��;,�,�SSd thpn tO Orindpal.tt pari491 pteFayment of the sacured debt oecurs tnr enY roason.it will °,
<br /> � mt reduw ar eus�pn1►s�8de}tad Paqmerrt�1 tf�e caa,rad dabt Is pald in tuU. �'1 , ,
<br /> ,.... _ <
<br /> ' � ' �,�q��.go��wi(I Oay e1�te�ea,agseysme�ste,and othsr ehargea ettri4utabte to the propEtRy when due and Nrifl detend titlo .. ,
<br /> � w the prop�egffihst anY elaims wtdeh would(mp[�U tt►a lie n o t t N a C s ted o!trust.tendet msy reauire Bar�ower to essign any ng4�ts,ctaims'or
<br /> U
<br /> defensea �owar msy havo egtAnst parttes w1ro supplY labor or matmieis to lmprove oi maintefn thB PropastY• - .
<br /> � ' g.�um�ee.gan,oyver wN kyep ttw ptopeny U►s�ued under terma aeee�ta6te to lenIIor at Borrawtu's oaponso ond fa LartQcr'e benefi�All , -
<br /> . insurenee poQaes ehaU indude e stsrWardrt�r�c ge dauss tn fawr o!lendes.Lender will6a namcd ea toss AelleO ar es Mo insurcd on any sueh . . . ,
<br /> ' . .... ���O��y p�y�����o��y�epp1;eQ,within Lcnd�r'�disaetton,to e[tfxir tho restoratton or repatr of the damagad proparty
<br /> . •. + m to ths see�ued debt.ff Lenater�aqutrea mortgaga ins�uaisee.Hortower agraos to mainialn suc�instusrts for as tong as le�ndar require8. � - � .
<br /> 't
<br /> ' -� - ; 4.Proaarty.Borrower w�11 kae9 tha property in gaod eondiSan and make e0 vepai�s reasonably necassary. .,'� �,
<br /> -�,-_-�`-`- 6.Espamaa.Bartower�a top�t(ari LettQsrs exyeases t�c�8 t�a�aimms719'te99.'st Barrower breafie any�vanants in this dasd . `�.'-
<br /> :�--
<br /> . -`,. ot Urt�at or in a�N oA6gaUon seauso oy this deed of truat�or�ower wSi!paY tAese amoums to Le^dor es provided tn Covenant 9 of Ws Qeed ot ,
<br /> . trttst. .
<br /> r . _. 6.ikWr Seeaatty lr�rests.Untess Borrorn�t tUst obta�ns I.ender's wdtten ConserR.Bomswei wd!not make o�permit mry cfimtges to es�lf OT�flr • .
<br /> security fitereata.Bortowe�wilt pertorm eU of Borrower's ohfigaUons under eny Ortor mortgage.Qaed of wst ar otAer sEttc�utty ayteemant. , �.•
<br /> .. - ' �,,"; inctuding Bartowefa eavertarta to mai�e paymerrta wtian d�. . . •.
<br /> _ T. at Reres Bnd Prafita Bor�ower as,sigs�s to Lender the�ems aiM protits of tfie ProA�Y.Untass Borrowar an0 lender Aave a�eed ',� � ..:,o
<br /> ` ' .. t e in wriUng.Borrower may eoUect end retain the rems es Wng as Barrowar ts not in detauh.If Bnnawer defa�dts.tendar.tendefs _
<br /> ` e g srn.or a eaurt aypoirned recetvermay teke Possesston and manage tRs prapenY and eoQect tha�e�.My rents Lendet eui�eets sha0 Oe ;�
<br />- � . � °•-�� aypGed first to tha eosta of mana�t h e pmperty.i netuding ca u rt co s t s e n A a t t o m a y s'f e e s. c o m m i s s fi o n a w r e�n a t aM a n l f o� --
<br /> .<:` . "��: ne�essery ratatad e�enses.The temaTnin9 amotmt ot rerrts wifl then sAPN m DaY+nerrta on the sscured deht as praviQed in vermrt 1. .—.�-
<br /> }.-Y-.
<br /> .. 8.Leasehaids•Condossdidsm�s:Ptmutad tkdt Qmidcam.^�►m.Banower es to comnN with the prov(siarts of any(ease if thIs Qeed of trust ts an -__
<br /> a�(e��t��i en�by 8ivw.�or�re9uiatiA M�a�umSn�i m cr p!nn��veeioDm� Borrower vvID peifartn a0 0!Bo[rowers duHea
<br /> • � ':;`� 8.Au@mrPql aT LeAdar to Paa[cnn iar Barrowa.it Barrower ta�e to��rrform arry of Borrower's�ties�mder thta Qeed ot tnisL Lender maV -
<br /> . � - peAorm ttte dtrties oprr cmise tl�sm to 6a perfarmed Lender may stgn Bartowera name at paY+u►Y amnw�t it neoasseR/tar pmtom�anea.ff esry
<br /> ,`` S�s�Ity��ir[t�e�st i�n 91it p o�periy.TNs m�alfgd�9�com�pS8tin9 the �tt����•Lgnder msy do whatever is necessarV w prateet Lmrders . �;- --
<br /> - ��_`'.' I.enGe�s teiture to perfarm w�r[at preeTUQe Lend�trom exe►cishi9 enY of its otfier�ighns emder the taw ai tt�1s Qeed of V�st. ' � --
<br /> � ��-..' q�y amou�rts pafA by Lendea to proteet 1.enGers seNrity irrterest wc'D ba seeured by thia deed of uust.Sueh amormts wiD�e Eue on demm�d ` ..�..
<br /> s : t- : and w�i hear irrcerest trom ths date of the payment unhl paEd in futl at We intetest rate in eHeet on the seaaed QsLt • _
<br /> , ���� ,` t0.Qefault end 4�mL if Bocrower faiLs to make enY Paymertt when due or breaha snY eovenartta urtdor tNs Qaed of cust oterry —
<br /> ..:., obGgafion ssaaed bY Ws deed of trust or anY O�r mortga8e or Qeed of Uust.Lendar maV seceteraLe tim matiuiN ot the sewred debt an0 ���=_�_-
<br /> _° f,� 7 . Qemarrd immediaie OSY+��and maY Invaka tha Oower af sals an0 enY oUse�remeQias Oermitted bN BDP�cabte law. • _ _
<br /> �` 11.Ra��t tar No2iee ot Dsfa�it.tt is herehy requesaed ttwt coPies of ths rtotiees of detautt aM sate se serrt to eaeh per6on vufio is a part� '..
<br /> „-� �:*, herete,at tha address af each sueh person.es set fortA herein. • ', "
<br /> � '��',;��s;,,::=.i� 12�rn of Sate.li Me Lender Iriwkes tne power ot e�,tlie TnrsOea sha0 fast reC�ud"m the oHice of th9 regJster of Qeeds a!eaeh eaemty ..
<br />- ' � ;=: •.'.: wtieretn the uust ProAenY ar soma paR a pazcel thereaf is situated a nottce of detault coMai the inforinetlon requtred by taw.TAe Trt�stee •
<br /> _ ... �+l�j�,� �: shall also�caAies af ths�rotfca of Qoteuit to tne Bortouvor.to eacA�son vuho is a party�ereto,end to other persrms as preseribed by c. -_ -
<br /> rro
<br /> epplroaEfe O�u.Not tess than ono marrth aft�r the Tnistae records tha+�atico of�or Two motrihs H tfte tniat prope�'tS►i�n�t in arry -
<br /> . . inearporated eiry or vWaga end is use0 in fa�-,ing epara6nr�s cartied on 6Sie�a tiustar.tAe rustea shall gtva DuAIIc notice of eale to tha Dersons �;':. -
<br /> • � and in tha manner presa�bed by�apppQca6[a ia v$Tnatea,without dema�on Barrower.shail sell�a pmpertv at puDlia euetion to the highest , �_,
<br /> bidder.if reQuued by the Farm Homestead Protection AcG Treistee shall offer the propar4y 1n two separate safes es reQUUred by appGcaDle law. �r k,; _
<br /> �.;'r Trustea maY WstAone eale of a0 or arry Dazeei ot the p.ro�bY p�fio anrtouneemertt st the time and Dtace of a�ry�revlousty se�eQuiad esla.
<br />--_ �, - . Lender or ita Qesignee may purchase the pmpExty at a�ry s�e. -� —
<br /> � �', •`�' Upon�e�ot of ths prlcs bId.Tn�stee sfia0 QeR�er to tho purchaser Trusme's deed ca��the CropenY-The reeiUaLs coMained in �
<br /> - T�ustee's deeA be prima farde evidience ot the firth of tfie atatemems eontalned tharaln.Tiusme sfiaU eppty th0 ptoceeds ot th0 6ate kt the _
<br /> - .—. - re ns�tatemeairt�fees;�(b�w�att s��yb ttils Qee�A sot�trust�end(c)tfm batance.N enY.to the Cersun�[egnUy errcitte�d to r�ece�hre n.fees mid .,� �
<br /> • Qe e ',. ��--_
<br /> � � 19.Faratiosuce.At LenGefe optlon,thls deed of trust may ba foreclosed dn tha mann�provide by appfica6le law tor foredosure ot mortgeges _ ----
<br /> : . � on real proPenll• ,`' -:~!: �
<br /> b'",
<br /> �` ' 14.tr�ae6on.LenQer may errtor tAe proAerty to inspaet h if Lendex ghres Bertower w�ce Aefocshand.The aotiee must stete tl�e ceasanaLla . "°'°'-'.; .
<br /> : pus�for Lender's inspeetion. C,.- --�� �
<br /> � ;. � ..r'�'i:':
<br /> '� ' ' S-' ' 1b.�BoROwer assig�ns to tr�xu=sr the procee�af amr aw�*1�av daim far dama&es connectee wiUt e condemnation ot otRer teking z.
<br /> of aU or sny psrt ot tne oroDeny.Sued e�as wi0 be applied as provfded"m Covenani 1.TNS assi�une�is subjeet to the tertns of arry prtor
<br /> ��.. .. , . securiry a�eemetR. , ' �' _ -
<br /> . ��.�� 18.Watvsr.6y exereising ffir�renre�y 2sc�7abte to I.ende�,k.e�er Qoes n+ot 8t+��P�e rfdhts to fater usae�ry othar remedy.By not exercistr►9 �..::r';�_'
<br /> � � '� mry remedy upon Borrowers de'au1t,l�rn�does not waive any rigM to later cons�tttm event a detauh tf it napyens again. • _
<br /> ` 17..taLrt an0 Savaraf�Co�a�as Sueeasaors m�d Asaf�.s Bmu�Q.A!I dutiea unQet this deed of trust are lotm end sevaraL Any �'•— �
<br /> �:-' . :`;. - Borrower who co-signs tlti9 ead of tiust 6ut daes not eo-sign the undertving 4eb2 instrumetrtfsf dbes so onty to�ant end c�tey that � � ^� -
<br /> - >�•��� � Bortowar's interest in trie C�7ertV to tne Tn�stee imCer the terms of this Qead af trast.in add'rtton,sud►a Bonowar a�ees tnat tra E��r snd
<br /> other Bortower urtdu rriis�Qeed ot wst may extend,mod or make am�ottsv cf��.ges 1n tha tFSms ot this eeee ot trust or�he ssc� T'-•`.•.'
<br /> _ ' d�without that Bormv�3 g eunseM end without reteasing that�orrowe►trom B�e amms of thta deed af wst ' . , .
<br />,-u• .. ���.3 ' . •-. �..
<br /> - The dudes and beneTRs aF thi�deed of trust shail binA and beneflt the successors msd r�78ns of LenC�end Borrawer. �
<br /> - . . '- .�,:,f; ,. . :
<br /> � ' 18.Hottca.UNesa otheiwise required by taw,am►noUea to Bo►rov�er st�slli te given by dellverfi0 it or by ma�'�ng it Ey eertified mail ad:t�ssed to - ��`a'�=-
<br /> ' BortowEr at the proDany address ar ar�fI�other adQreas that Bnttower hs�5iven to Lander.Borrower Hdfl gtve arry notlee to Lendm��certltiad � •
<br /> ,�. mail to Lendofs aQQress cn page 1 0!tlue deed of wst,ar to any othex aQ�dress which I.eMer has Qesignated.Arry other notice to te�far efiatl '
<br />- � ' be sern to Lendefs ad�as stated on page 1 of ihts Qeed o!wsK. ° •
<br /> Arty notice sheU ba daemed to have heon gtven to Bortowe�ar ltmder when gtven in ths marmer state0 abave. '� ' �
<br /> ;�. 18.Trusst�a o4 th�RapntY oi s Bm�t3ettl b�drost In th�Banawar.lt aU or a�ry part of ttre property ar arry(rKerest in it is sot8 or trensfemed ,� i•�; .
<br />� � � • wfd�out Lendora pciot written consoM. Lender may Qemartd immediate paymerrt ot the seaired debl. Lender may elso demand immediate �-';'s:�t;.
<br /> a�
<br /> �= • � ' paymeM H the Borrawar ts not a netiaal person and a bensflGaf trKOresYin tho Bartowet is sofd or vanster►ed.However,Lendei may not •
<br />_-- Qamand payment in tfie abave skuatlens if it Hr protubited by tedara!faw as of ffie Eate of this Qeed ot trust. ���k�'s�' �
<br />- - � ?A.Reeanveyr�ee.When the obU8atlon secured�y thts dead of uust has been paid and Lender has na fuRher obligaUon to make advenees '
<br /> � � unQer tAe insuumar►ts or agreemerrte sec�ued Dy tfila deed ot trusL tAa Tn,stee shaf�upon written reQuest bv tha LendOr,roeomrey the trust
<br /> _ obli�g trtion so se�UsfleASBnnowerestiall pay any reQaordeUonBcos�ePs sueceasar in Interest,the trust deed and the note or other eviQence of the . :
<br /> ' � 21.Saseessw T�uatee.LenQer, at LondeYs opUon,mey remova Tnrstee and eppofit a cuecessor trustee by t►rst.maiting a copy af tho ..
<br /> ` � ' substidrtlon of trustee as�eQuhed by aypileabte law,and then,by 4iitn�tha substitution�t trustee tor record in ths offics ot the�egister o!deeds .
<br /> •'�..� sue�ed to al�ttie pow�¢�r,�dutieus euthorltYn end t8te of tAe T�ee�asmed�n t�he QOad ot tr�u.at atrnd of enY suc�s.�soiYeaus�t e of t�e proDerty.shaU . _ .
<br />' � � lpapo�0121 . .�
<br /> � OAMIEtC�SvSTEM9,WC.,ST.ClOUD.lAN6830111JS06�97•]341ti0RASOCV�IR�6#8/19A1
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