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<br /> ° ` ,;:`, 7.EmInm�t�omeTn.Lendar is hereby assigned a0 compensaUon.awards,damages and other paymar�or relief lhereinafter'Proceeds'1 ' "
<br /> � ' . � tn wnnectton with eondamnation or othar taRing of the P+operty or paR thereot,or far zon�eyance in{ieu of condemnatlon.lender shsil _
<br /> • '' � ` � taken or damaged.lender shail have tha opdon in ita solg snd absol�ste discretiort,to ayp[y aD sueh RoceeQs.after d�ddcttng therehom
<br /> , .. ' ' `. �i wsts and e�enses ineuned CY tt irt ewnnection wfd�such Proceeda.upon enY lndebtedness seaued heteby and in such arder as ,,y ;
<br /> ' ��f � Lendar may det�mtne,or to appty ell sueA Pmceeda,atter aueh dede�ctlons.to the ces4ocation qf the Propeny upon such wnditIons as � .
<br /> � � Lender may detemdna.Arry aypQCation of Proeeeds to tndebtedness ahap not extend or pastporte the due date of eny payments under '
<br /> • • .the.�tate,or aue any delauTt tl�ereunder or hereunder.Any unappUed funds eha11 be paid to Truator.
<br /> • , , �.p�xrdom�tea by tendar.Upon ths acraurence ot en Evert of Oetauft hereunder.or!f any sct is taken ar legal proceeding
<br /> � � � ccmmeneed whi�materiatly af[ecse lendeYa tnterast in the ProDartS►.lender may In its own disueUort,6ut whhout obl�ation to do so.
<br /> � ` ` and v�ithaut naUce to or demand upon Truator and without relea�tng Tnistor from any obtigation,do am►act whtel�Trustor has agreed `
<br /> � 6ut taits to da end may efsado any other act it deema neeessaq►ta protect the sewrity hereot.Tcustor sfiaff,tmmedtately upon Qemsnd
<br /> � � -• therefor by ietiRet.psY to lender eU coste end expenses incuned end sums expenQed OV�nder in eonnecUon with the exerase by
<br /> - ' ` Lender of the foregotng Hghts,tcga4her vvitA�rcereat thereon et tt�e detautt rate provided in the Note,which sl�aU be added to the �
<br /> � �•!�°' ' Ged�tedness secured herebY•Lende��aN not Incur any liabiliry bResuse of r�►yWng It may do or omit to do he�under. _ �_.�
<br /> --'�"��`'T: T �� 9.Harardaua BAa2eRa18.Trustor shffiI keep the P7o perty Gi compUance whh ffiI appfieabis Iawe,oidinances and regutations retaUng to
<br /> � �� � indust�Fal hygtene m environmental protecHon(coUectivelY�eierred to heretn as'Enviranmerrtel Lews'l.Tnrstor shaU keep the Piroperty .
<br /> �� tree imm eU eubstences daBmed to 6e ha�daua or toxic under any Environmemai Laws icoQecthretl►ceteRed to herefi as'Hazerdous �
<br /> '� " ` MaterfiaLs'1-Tmawr hereby wartante end�epreset►ts to Lender that thare aro no Hazardoua Materia!on or under the Property.Ttustor � ��•�
<br />_` �. _- �'f.. . � hereby agraes to Indemn4fy and hold harmtesa lender.its drectore.offtcers,emptoyees end agerrts, and any suece�ors to LendeYs
<br /> . ' . - . �(r+t�from and against eny and aU c[aims.dsmages,rosses and Uab�ities�ising tn connectton tiuith tha presence,use.disposa]ar
<br /> � uansport of any Haxardous Matertals on,under,irom or ehout the Propercy.l7iE FOREfsOING WAARAMIES ATVD REPRESH1iTATlONS, � ��
<br /> TRUST.
<br /> . , . Q 1 O.Assignmwrt of Rmns.Trustor heteby asslgns to Lender,and grar►ia Lender a secsirity irterest(n,atl presert.tuture and after �
<br />. .. . . - �[Is(6g�ents.issues ead proftts of the ProPerty;Provided that Tn�stor shail.untG the oaaurence ot an Evant of Deisuh hsreunder,have •
<br /> �--'� the rtght to coQact and retain such rents.issue9 anA Protits es they hecome duo snd payabte.Upon the accurrence of an Event of
<br /> � - :� � � Detautt,Lender may,enher in pe�son or Ey agertt,with or vrithout bringing m►y actton or proceeding,ar by a receiver appointed by a
<br /> ' _?;' : � court and wtMout regard to the adequacy of ita security, enter upon and take possession of the Ptoperiy,or sny part thereof,in ita own -
<br /> _ ,'` � . � '':;;: : w neme or In the name of the Tnistee,and do arry acts wAieh ft de�ns necessary or desirabte to preserve the vatua,marketeL�ity ar
<br /> centabiGty o!the Propeny,or eny part thereof or interest therein,or to inerease the incame therefrom or pmteat the searrity hereof end.
<br /> . : .. ��:�:�`. wtth or witha�t takUtg possession ot the Property,sue tot or othernise co4ect the rents.�ues a�e-J profits thereof.fnduding ttwsa past
<br /> :-<,--�':: :....._ due and unpatd,by notifyfng tenants w make payments to Lender. Lender maY apDtll rents,issues end prafits,tags eosts and e�trtsEs
<br /> ' a!cperatton and collectlon Including attomsys'tees.to sny InQebtedness secured Aeteby,a11 in such o�er as lender may deterMne.'I'he �
<br /> ,',�� -: errtering vpon and taCing Dossession of the Property, ths mIIectio�of such rems.I�sues and pmfFta.snd the appGcatton thereot as <<'�.
<br /> � ��.? aforesaid,shail,not cJro or waive any dafauk ar rtotice of defautt hereunder or invaRd�te any act done in response to sucA defauft or ,
<br /> • pursuani to sucA noi�ce of defautt avd,notwithstanding ffie continuanca in passesston of the Property►or the coDection,receipt and
<br /> - - -< . - •,�i-`_�� epplic�fan of rentsr 7ssues or Pro�.s,�rustea and Lender shaii bs antiited m exercise svery right'provtQed tor in mry of the Loan _
<br /> - --- . "' lnstrus�arts or by[aw�on ocwurence of any Event of Defauit,1ncludirtg without Ifmitatton the right to exetdse the powet at sa1e.
<br /> ��.��'4: Wrttsa.Lw�deYs r[�his aid remedies.under this paragraph shaU be cumutat[va with,and in no way a(imitatTan on,Lender's dghts anA , .
<br /> � . ' �• reme�nnder any assignmertt of feases end rents recoMed against the Property.LenCet,T�ustee and tha ceaeiver shall be Qabia to
<br />; ; acxc�t on1Y for those renta ectuaityr czce[ve0. �r;;,
<br /> ; . _ _ " t 9.t�aeMS ot Defa�dt.The foltoirom-�shall consthute az�EvaM�IDatault under thia Deed of Tns� ��=-�:
<br /> €aI Failure to pay.eny instaltm�nt a!pdncipal or interest of a�3+flther sum secured hereby eu?rzn due; """��'
<br /> .. ' •. (b1 A breact�of oi detautt undar any provtsian eantained in the Nota,this Oeed of Tns[,aiy of the Loan Instrumeitts,or any �'"
<br /> .' other ifen or encumbrance upon the Property; ����
<br /> .,.�.,
<br /> � � : • tc)A writ of axecution or attachment or a�y similar process shall be ente:ed against Trustor which�ait hecome a Ilen on the ;=;;--
<br /> . ,. . ., :i :., Property or any poRton thereof or interest thereia; ""r-
<br /> (d)Thera shatl be tlled by or egainst Trustor or Borrower an action undet anY prese�tt cs future federal,state ot other staWe,law __
<br /> �� as rag�ilation reisttng to beniwptcy, insoMency or other re�ief for �iebtora;ar thars shat�ba spgotnt:d sny icust�, re.,.:.:s�as r"'
<br /> � IiG�.�i�'atot of T�ustor ot Borrower or of ail or eny part of tha P►opeRy,ot the rents,issues or profits thereof,or Trustor or B�wer �_.:,;•,
<br /> Y. . shaA make any general assfgnmant for the 6ene�t of creditors; ��:
<br /> • � . (e)The sale,E�ssfer,lease,assignment,cecsti�yance or further eneumbranee of ail er any part o!or any tnierast in the F[operty, �`'��_
<br /> ,; . . � either votuntadly c*invotunteriry,without the e�:es3 written consent of Lender,provided that Trustor sha0 be permitted to exeoute c;�::•
<br /> � • a tease of tha Property that does not contain an option w parchase end the term of which does not exceed one year; . � G -
<br /> � � ` (f) Abandonment ot the Pro�;or � �'
<br /> ei. � � � `' (g)If Trustor is not an inQ:ro`��at,the issuanca, oafe,t�anster, essignment, convey��a or enciimbrance of more ti�an(it e _
<br /> ;� corporetioN a total of a!» parcent of ita issued and outstanding stock,or lif a partnerst:&7 a totai M a!A percont of
<br /> _� : �-- .
<br /> parmership iMereste,or a mited Iiabiiityr com��a totel of�A percent of the Iimfted tiab0ity ca.�:�spany nte T or voting f ..�.
<br /> � rightc;during the pedad this Deed of Tn�st reme(ns�fi�on the Propercy. � � `��*
<br /> t
<br /> � . ' , �` f 12.Remedtas;Aeceleretian Upon Defa�dt.In the eVerrt of eny Event of Defauft LenQer may,without notTce except as reQuired by Iaw, '
<br /> ,;,..� . � , de�tere ail indobtedness secured hereby to be due and payabte and the same shatl thereupon become due and payabie wfthout any �''{-.`.:
<br /> presantment,Qemand,protest or notfce of any kind.Thereafter l�1er may: °"�
<br /> ��:_�.�•� ` � (�Oemand that Trustae exercise the POtN�R OP SALE grartted Aerein, end Tnistea shsll thereafter cause Tnlstca'�antereat ��_
<br /> In the Property to be sold and the proceeds to be distributed,a11 in the manner provided in the Nebraska Trust Deeds Aet: : •:
<br /> •�'' '� � � � ' W1 Exercise any and all rigfite provfded tor in any of the Iaan tnstruments or by law upon aetu�ance af �:.1� £vent of ��'__
<br /> �, • Oefauk;and •
<br /> ��'�.. �_•� ' . . (c�Commence an actlon to toreetose this Oeed of Trust as a mortgage, appoint a rc�r.eiver,or specificalty enta:w a�y of tfie
<br /> �`. � • . covenante hereof.
<br /> � � � .. . No remeQy herein conteRed upon or reserved to Tsustee or Lender is intended to be exctusiv3 ot any other remedy herein,to the Loan
<br /> � � � tnstrumenta or by lew provided or permitted,6ut each shall ba eumutative,shall bo�n additlon to every other rrur,edy given hereunAer,in
<br /> �; .. .
<br /> �: � . • the Loan Instruments o�now or hereafter existing et law or in_eQuity or by atatute,and may be exa►cisQO c�w:rentty,inQapendentty or �
<br /> . , succossivety. ��
<br /> I•,' f 3.Ttusten.The Tnratee may r�gn et any time whhout ce��se,en�Landor may st any timo an4 vfitho�s!eausrc appalni o suuessor
<br /> ��'� � or c'�titute Trustee.Trustee sh2[F not be tlabte to any party,ir.,:t�ing without timketion Lender.Bonower,Trostor or any purchaaer of
<br /> �� the Gt^,,,�erty,tor any fosa or dart:��uniesa due to recktess or.vilitut misconQuct, and shall not be reQuited to take any acNon in
<br /> conrteetion witn the enforcement nf this Deed of Trust unless ir.C�.:r.�i}ied,in writing,tor all coste,compensatian or expensea whieh may
<br /> �i . "�� , �. be associatad therarr."U�►.tn addition,Trustee may become a p�:s�aser et eny s�'e of the Roperry(judicial or under the power of sate �
<br /> .��- � •��:<'. granted herein);pcs^-.,,r�e the sete af all or eny portion of tha�'o�arty,es proviQeA by law;or sell the Progerty 2s a whofe,or in separate �
<br />:tis•� ,,�.:,�; :, parcels or lots at Truatee's diseretion. .,
<br /> �.;. -. �� i�Z,feoe anA E:ponsas.tn the�rent Trustee seUs the Roper.,+by exercise of power ot sa:e,Trustee sh�l D�er,tiL'e4 to appty any affie
<br /> ;-'- - Oroce�first to payment of ell a�s and axpenses of exercising power of sale,inctuding eil�r...>.-te�s feas,arr3 isnders and Trustee's •
<br /> � ' attomeyra tees,actuat(y incuned to extent pertnttted by eppllcabie faw.tn the event Borrower or firustor exeT�ses any Nght proviQed by
<br /> ��.� --, • taw to cure en Event of Defauk,Lender ahaq be entitted to recover irom Trustor eil costs end axpenses acMatty incnned as a resnit of '
<br /> ,F.tc:., � • Trustor's dulautt,inetuding without Ilmltedon ell Trustee's and ettome�/s teea,to the exteM permitted by epplicabte taw.
<br /> :��... • � 1b.FUtiIt9�YMC09.Upon request of Borrower,Lender may,at ka option,make addiUonal and future advances and readvances to �
<br /> �,- ': . . • 8orrower.SucA advances and readvancea,wlth Irterest thereon,shall be secured by this Oeed of Trust.At no tima sfiail the principal ..
<br /> amount o!the indebtedness seeured by this Oeed o!Tnist,not inctu4ing suma edveneed to proteet the security o!this Deed of Truat,
<br /> . . eaceed the originaf princlpal amou�t stated hereln,o�8 s�o.000.o ,vrhtchever ia greater.
<br /> �,' ..
<br /> �,y.. .
<br /> �-
<br /> .:.} . . . NBC33478 INOnaQnt�ecurot Dac�Rav.8/98 �
<br /> � 1988 Nniona�BW at Canmmco Tnrst an0 SaWnp�0.uodatton,L�ncaC�,Nanruta
<br /> .� -
<br /> � •• --
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