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<br /> ' � �a�ent contracio�vrorl�g for the Iaoemsor d�iag the coiuse of their emp2oyt��ent or d�ties `�
<br /> - .-�-��." y _
<br />' �,-�a� wirn�te rac�msor,the�.ic�see agr�Yo assame ana pay an cos�rela�g w a�e repla�e�or �
<br /> `.
<br /> �Y� repair of the impmvemen� .
<br /> ° ,. � °�� .
<br /> . � � � "x�;,� 4. EFFE(.°1'IVE DATE. 'l�is licens�agne�t shaU take effe�t on the daLe it is �•,
<br /> ` � � ��� � .j executed by t8e Mayor of the City of Graad Is�as d�d be2ow. It shali can�imie for an �
<br /> .:�� . '`;: •2 �deSmite term u�s�ch time as it is termmated as pr�vt�her+eafter. °
<br /> :� .
<br /> '" � �'�� �•�
<br /> '�,�� S. 1 ERA�VATIOI�T. Tbis license agreement sb�IIt ' �°upoa one or more of the �'�
<br /> �. �s foUowing ac.cartens�s: ' � -
<br /> <. -• `,`.
<br /> � - � a. The ssrvice of succy days wri�ten a�caf�n to termimate by atry
<br /> : ,`� � r.. party upan the other garsy. � �
<br /> :�-... . .
<br /> .. . .". b. The I.ic�nsee's application for a pem�w alter said impmvemeai or any
<br /> :. � � part tl�ereof,unI�ss said peimit is far work due to an ocanrenoe as descd6ed ia Faragtaph '� ,
<br /> ,�:�: 3 above aad said work bas the pri�r RmtOea appmval of the Licensor. � :::
<br /> _-- - - .�..;.= - -
<br /> . � J"
<br /> , '�: �!�.' � � c. The Iacemsee's constc�ction or instaltation of any sOiv�or�mprov�nent
<br /> . of any natute upan the real estate held by the Licensor exc�pi t�a,t descn'bed in Paragrag�:
<br /> � � 1 above. -
<br /> . S •
<br /> '� • . . Upon the termination of ttr�License Agreement„ r�Licez�see shall be reqmred, and � _
<br /> . � :
<br /> • • -- ' 1�by agrees�to temove said"mapr8vement fiom tb�Lic�i's real t it�y exgemse and _
<br /> �
<br /> . . �, without cost w t8e Licensor. Said removal w aoc�u nu�later��a���'��ays�r�eeipt of the -
<br />. • � . :� � noace of intention to terminate or any of the other occuRences set fa�in Paragsaph 5 above. __
<br /> . �• �,;� � - ; Shou2d the i,ic�nse� fail to do s�, the Licensor may �+ennove or cause the r�val of said -
<br />_ � � improvement from the Licensor's�1 estate and the Licensee a�W reimburse rthe Licensor .
<br /> �.
<br />_ �;; �or all its costs. �,.:
<br /> : ;,
<br />_ :;:;�c:� .. R_•
<br /> :;..�,.;;
<br /> , ;:;';f''`: -" . . . .�:� � 6. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This agc+eem��s�a11�e bintding upon the parties
<br /> `.:`;" : I�w,their sacoessor an�assigns. � -
<br /> :�.,:. . -
<br />_ ,.;'���,., � � 7. ENTIItE ACiREEN�NT. This�nse agreement cans�mtes the entire agreement ��-
<br />_ "�`i�� �tween the parties notwitbstanding any other c�ral or writoen agreements w the contrary. This
<br /> . .�, license agreement sba11 be amended.only ia writing executed by all parties aereto.
<br /> �.,:
<br />_.. . , .
<br /> :,': . . . . . 8. CgiOIC��F LAWS. This licens�agre�ment sball➢�e aa�t�ued in accord�nce with � �.
<br /> , :"i?;r�;;, ��� : the laws of the State a��+iebraska aad tihe City of Grand Island,Nebras�a. ..
<br /> �
<br /> � r,
<br /> ::-'' :� � '.` 9. CONT$XT OF LANGUAGE. VVherever the cantexs of die�anguage in this llcense � .
<br /> .4S:f���
<br /> �,�.. .... . � agteement is aPProgai�,the singutar shall ap�1y to the phual�nd t�:��ral shall apply W ttr�
<br /> - singular.
<br /> . � -2- �
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