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� 201211203 <br /> for tha repaira and resfor�tion in a single payment ox in a saries of progrese�ayments as the work ie <br /> oomplcted. I£the insurance or condomnation proceeds 2re not eufficient to repair or rc,vtore the Property, <br /> Boxxower is not relieved of Borrower's obligation f'or tha complelion of such repair or reaCoratron. <br /> Lender or its agent may m�lte reasonaUlo e�rtries upon and inspections of fhe P1•operty. If if has reasonable <br /> cause, Lender may inspect the iuterior of the iinprovcments on the Pxoperty. Tzudar shall give Borrower <br /> noTice at tha time of or prior tn such an interiar inspection specifying auch reasonaUle cause. <br /> 8. Borrower's Loan Applieation. Borrower,shall bo iu default if, during lho Locui applic�ltion prooess, <br /> Borrower or any pereons or entities acting at the direcfiou of Borrower or with Borrowex's l�owletlge or <br /> consesit gave materially�Palec, ini�leading, or inaocuxafe information or statements lo Londer(or faIled to <br /> provide Lender with mmterial inforivation) in conneotion with Che Loan. Material represe�iCnLions include, but � <br /> are not limi8ed fo, representations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property ae[3orrower's prinoipal <br /> rusidence. <br /> 9. Protection of Lender's Interest in the Property and Rights Under this Security Instrument. If(a) <br /> Borrower fails to perfarm the eovenants and agreements contained in tl�is Security Insh•uinent, (b) there iy a <br /> legal prpcccding that inight significnnEly nPfect Londai°s interest in the Property<uid/or righte under this <br /> Seourity Instramen{(yuch aa a procaeding in bankrupCcy, proUate, for oondemnaCion or fc�rfcihure, for <br /> enlorcement of n lien which may atta�n priority over this Seourity]ustruinent or to en£oroe lawe or <br /> regulations), or(c) Borrower has abnndoned Uie Property, then Lendcr may do uid pay for whntever is <br /> roasonable or appropriate to proteot Lendor's interest in the Property and rigl�ts undex this Security <br /> Instninient, including protecting and/or aesessing Hic value of the Property, and securinb ancUor repairing <br /> the Property. Lender's actions can include, but va not linuted to: (a)paying any sums seoured by x lien <br /> which has priority over this Securita�insteument; (b}appearing in court; and(c)paying raasonable aktorneys' <br /> fees to protect its interest in Yhe Propertg and/or righfs under filvs Security Instirumcnt, including ite secured <br /> positiou in n bankrupfoy proceeding. Secuxing the Proper6y includes, Uut is not liitnted to, enCering YUe <br /> Property to malce repaus, oha��go locics, replace or UaArd up doore and windows, drain water from pipea, <br /> e7imina�te building or other code violaCions or dangerous conclitions, and have uCilitics hirned on or off. <br /> Altl�ougl� ,Le�lder may take action under this SecHc�n 9, Lender does not have to do so and ie not under any <br /> duty or obligation to do so. It is agreed that Lender incurs no lia6ility for not t�cing any or all actions <br /> authorized imcler thia Section 9. <br /> Any amouuts disbm•saci by Lender under thia Scction 9 shall becoine additional debt of Borrower secured by <br /> [his Seonrity Tnst�•wnent. Thase amouuts shell benr interesf at thc Note rate from the date of disbui;san�e��t <br /> and s1z�116e payable, with suclr interest, upon uotioa from I,ender fo Borrower requestiing payment. <br /> If this Secnrity SnsCrLunent is on a leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all tlia provisions of the leflse. IP <br /> I3orrower acquires fee title to Che Properry, the laasehold an$tiha Pee Eitle sh�ll not mcr�;c unless Lendar <br /> ag•ees to the merger in writing. <br /> 1 p. M ortgage Insuranee. If Lender required MorLgage Insurance as a condition of making the Loan, Borrower <br /> shall pay Che prcyniums rac�un�ed to mainG�in tha Mortgage In.9ivancc in efFect. If, for any rsason, the <br /> Mortgage Tnsurance cove��agc raquired by Lendar ceases to be available Prom tl�c mortgage insmer Yhat <br /> previoLisly provided such insur�nce and Borrowcr was reqiii�ed to mnke aeparately deRignatad payments <br /> towu'd thc premiums for Mortgaga Insurance, Borrow�r sh�ll pay tl�e premituns required to obfain coverage <br /> suUstantially equivalent to the Mortgage Insm�auce previously in ePPecC, at a cost suUstantially equivnlent fo <br /> the sost to Borrower of the Moreg�gc�InSurance previously in affact, from an alternato mortgage insurer <br /> scloctcd Uy Lendan If substTnCinlly equiv�lenC MorLgago Insurance coverage is not flvnilnble, Borrowc�'shall <br /> 24003235 <br /> NEBRASKA�Single Gamily-fannie A7ae/FreAdle A7ac ONIFORM INSTRUMENI' Form 3028 1101 <br /> VM P� VM PB(NF)(1106) <br /> Wolters Kluwer Flnenolal Servlces Papa B of 1� <br />