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201211203 <br /> 23. Reconveyance. Upon F�ayment of'a11 sums secured hy this Seourity Inetrument, Lender shall req��est <br /> Treisfee to reconvey hlie ProperCy aud shall sm�render thia Security ListrumenC and alI noies avidenoing dcbt <br /> secured by tl�is Sccurity Instrwnent to Tru�toc. Txustea shall xeconvey the Property without warrauty to the <br /> person or persona legally c;ntitled to it, Such person or persons shall pny any recordation costis. Lender inay <br /> chnrge audi persou or persons a fce for reconveying the Property, Uut only i'f fhe fee is paid to a third party <br /> (such aa the Trustee) for saivices rendered and the charging of the fee is pexmltted under Applicable Law. <br /> 2r3. Su�stitute Trustee. Lendex, at its opfion, may fi�om tinae to time remove Trnstee and appoint A sucee.ssor <br /> trastee Co any'1'rusfee appointed hereundc;r by an instrument recorded iu the oounty in whicli fl�is Security <br /> Inst�unient is recorded. Witlxout conveynnce of tl�e Yroperty, the succc:ssor Uustee ahaR euoeced to all Ehe <br /> title, power and duCiea oonferred upon Trustee hetein and Uy Applicable Lttw. <br /> 25. Request For NotlCes. Borrowcr reqn'ests that copies of thc notice of dePxult aud sale Ue sent to Bortawer`� <br /> address whicli is the Property Ac1dress. <br /> 24003235 <br /> NE9IiF51(A-Single Family�Fonnle MaelFreAdle Mac UNIFORM IN3TRUM ENT porm 3020 1(01 <br /> VM P� V M P6(NE)(1105) <br /> Wolters Kluw er Flnancial Servloes Pege 16 aP 1 Y <br />