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' 201211200 <br /> West line of said SE1/4 NE1/4; thence southerly along the <br /> West line of said SE1/4 NE1/4 a distance of 431.0 feet to the <br /> Southwest corner of said SE1/4 NE1/4; thence easterly <br /> along the South line of said NE1/4, a distance of 1,154.01 <br /> feet, to a point of curvature, also being a point on the <br /> northerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 30; thence <br /> northeasterly along the arc of curve whose radius is 1,851.86 <br /> feet, and along said right-of-way line (the long chord of which <br /> deflects 29°43'20" left from the last described course), a long <br /> chord distance of 178.3 feet to the Place of Beginning. <br /> Except <br /> A tract of land located in the SE1/4 NE1/4 of Section 11, <br /> Township 11 North, Range 9 West of the 6th P.M., Hall <br /> County, Nebraska, described as follows: Referring to the <br /> Southeast corner of said Quarter Quarter Section; thence <br /> westerly a distance of 156.70 feet along the South line of <br /> said Quarter Quarter Section to a point on the northerly <br /> Highway 30 right-of-way line to the Point of Beginning; <br /> thence westerly deflecting 00°00'00" a distance of 142.22 <br /> feet along the South line of said Quarter Quarter Section; <br /> thence northeasterly deflecting 142°50'46" right, a distance <br /> of 330.23 feet to a point on the westerly Shady Bend Road <br /> right-of-way line; thence southerly deflecting 126°22'22" <br /> right, a distance of 124.71 feet along said right-of-way line; <br /> thence southwesterly deflecting 059°25'45" right, a distance <br /> of 143.65 feet along said right-of-way line to the point of <br /> beginning. <br /> And except that part sold to the State of Nebraska <br /> Department of Road as stated in Deed filed July 20, 2004 as <br /> Inst. No. 200407149 in the Office of the Register of Deeds, <br /> Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> 2 of 3 <br />