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<br /> � � � pravisioasofti�eptmrmedtralerparksdecl��YP�videforthewaditionstefereac�d �`�
<br /> �..:�, - in Seqion 1902(3)of said Camprehensive Zoning Ordinaace.
<br /> � ..�
<br /> _ _.--ti:;` � 4. Refuse aad servioe areas. The Hoard�nds that each mob�e home sbailbe r�uired . .
<br /> . to retain the seavvices of a Refuse Coltection Compa�r or the mob�e�a�e pa�ic s�aU
<br /> � '���` ,� provide a Refuss Co3��ction s�roice to the tenants and occupat�ts of said�aik Based • -
<br /> .�i�,--�. , f,
<br /> _ -.`f' ftT4.�.
<br /> :�y . . upon�id fmdimgs,t�ae V�71age Hoard finds t�eat the provisio�of t�ie�anaed t�er .,
<br /> , . °��-'"` park cosanply with Sectian 1902(4)of said ComprehensiveZomng Or�ance. '�
<br />:_..:;,. �,�-;`;. , 5. Uti�s required with ref�aence of tocations aad ava�ab�7ity. The V'�Ilage Bosrd
<br /> '����,,:'. . finds tb�!t�e avas��ns ofthe Ianned tra�e,r park compty with Secqian 190Z(5)of
<br /> :f� �'��� •s �' P
<br /> �:::�:;�r`�• said���ela�nsive�oning Otdina�ce. .
<br /> - naa
<br /> « r{ rY5 ; '�
<br /> '�r
<br /> }���:t� . � . `
<br /> ` 4s` ' S. Scr�iag aad �yffering proposed witb r�fer+�t� typ� dm�naions and
<br /> ,,, ,,{;�� .�
<br /> . � ` cBm�acter. The V���oard Snds that no s�c cequirements a+��s established
<br /> .. .� ' ,:� re�ardiag the conditions descri6ed'm Ser,tion 1902(�ofsaid Comprehensive�oning . ..' :
<br /> � �� ��°�� �` � Ord'maace. Provided,hawever,saidplanaed mob�ehomeparkshaIIcamptywitb a11 �-� :
<br /> .�
<br />-_`�:,`• . ' � '� V'iltage Qtdinances regulating scaeeaiag aad buffeiinng. ,
<br /> i �-�
<br /> . ' .;# 7. Signs,Iighting sud fenciag,if atry,with reference to glar�t�ic sag'e4y,securitY -.
<br /> ' � . � and other effe�ts ugan adjacent properties. The V�lage Hoard Snds ti�t adequate -
<br /> = . � � regulatioaa govaning the fore�oin�conditions are addressed'm its Ordinauces and. _
<br /> . � no sdditional regWations need 6e imposed pu�vant to Section 190Z{� of said ��
<br /> � � � Comprehensive Zoning Ordinaace. • _
<br />�'. � �. . � 8. Reqeured yards,open spaces,eas�neats or rig�t-of-v�ys. �tre�oard�nds that
<br /> ' �: • the�g Provisia�s of We Ccmprehensive Zomng�ce�.�atetY Provide
<br /> - '�� � . . for the cond's�ons r�erence�in Secoion Dg02(�)af sai�Co�a�ve Zoning
<br /> - .`: Ordiaaa�r.�. �
<br />- , t.
<br /> -- :.,::,.rt.... . 9. Creaeral compatt'b�ity aith adjaceat prcLaerties aad at�er pmg�.es ia the area. :
<br /> - '..�'-�f�- .: � � The Bo�rd finds tba�the conditional use ag��c�for meets the wudii�a�s referenc�
<br /> __ ' ' � in Seaian 1902(9)�f said Comprehensive Zomng Ordiaance. ..�
<br />-_ .�� � 1. Th�t a Coaditional Use permit shall i�sue to the awners of Lats One(l)aa�Two(2), �
<br /> - " .. _ .
<br /> �,. •
<br />_; . .. . .
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<br /> . , . . . ' . . . , . . . .. - - - - • - : . . . .
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