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<br /> `- �CQl�iilIDItH�ONAL IISE PERR�f�DTH�R�1G FaS'�ASEJS�0g _;:{R
<br /> '�<;..:,..'.•`_t-;.. �l DE#Y O�CAIt� C;E�T�R O;� Y�1T 28► Bk�ON �ows or� _,::
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<br /> . ,�,D; �U�DiVY�IORI � THE VIL��E OHe DO1�lI��I1T, ; -
<br /> D p�RMIT�TO RDN N�Ti'��LAloiU•
<br /> . l�, NEgRp�A. SAI� w� ..,�y
<br />_ -� ,`' .:f.� application of " �-
<br /> � `� 199'7 a h�hearing was�eld oa the
<br /> 4�.-.�� �iOW,on this 12�daY of August, � of Loi 2�, Bison . ,`_•:�'
<br /> .� "�` � ' � United Methadist Church, Inc., a Ne�� Colpo�m►, owa�s 4, .
<br /> . � ' . `. Nehraska for a Conr��ional Use Pemoit tu r.,
<br /> . 4`� . � pae�atiae V'il1a8e ofDoniphau,Ha11 Co'�. �`
<br /> .4�' , Meadows . '� � ° ,
<br /> � �. e.sta6lis�a d�c�cent�r oa the a6ove descn'bed reai estate• ���.
<br />_ :� , ry 1::�
<br /> L`: ��_ " thePu6licHeazingat8:02o'ctackp.m. ThePu���Bwasclosed - ,_;�,;.
<br /> :n, . .�e�oP� , :,;.x:
<br /> . . � .. - at 8:23 o'cla��.m. � . � � -_,,�
<br /> ��_
<br /> �r.�c The o ilta�e Baard ar�Domphan cansidered aad made the foltovv��ndings __ _.,.
<br /> � �P ��e� Nomber 6753�ofthe�''illage of -
<br /> � . . : � ` pwsuaat to Seaion 1902 of the Comprehensive 2oaa�g Cardiu�ano� _ _
<br /> '�,E . Doniphaa,�all CouniY=Neb�aske;to-wi� �. -
<br /> ;� . � � _�:=
<br /> '' ,-_ � � with artic��r
<br /> os��ctures P ��°--�°
<br /> � . .,`� 1. Ingr�ss and egresa to ths proP�Y��sad coaveaieao� uaffc Soa aud - ---
<br /> . . . °_ �� reference to automotive and pedestrial safety �'------
<br /> �� co�rol,and ac���case of fue or other emergena7t. The Hoas���s that the �.-.-.- .
<br /> � ..; provisions of Secoion 1902(1) of said Comprehensive Zoning �ance are �=_
<br />_ . � �:� adequately provided for. . -_ ---
<br /> ,,. :M1:
<br /> d:::--�_:
<br />- - � ,'� . 2. Off�par�dng sn�loading areas with auention to the above item. The Board _
<br /> . . ' Sndsthattheprovisionso�saidComprehensiveZoniagOrdinancead�uatelyPmvide . _
<br /> '��.f kcaat is reqtwed to comply therewitb. � ` :
<br />-- .,:�,, for said conditions and the apg' �, ` _
<br /> _ "�.. -
<br /> : � .:,� ased cands�ional use upon .��°�
<br /> � 3. The effec�s of nois� gta�e, odor, etc. of the prop fi�ds tbat th$
<br />_ � • • � �� ro 'es aad roperties generally in the d'ls�ict. The B�ud . ���'.' `
<br /> adjo�ning P P� F ��---
<br />_ . . . _ ' provi��as of Seetion 19�Z((3) oF said Comprehens�ve Zoning Ordinance are ,� .:-_
<br /> ° , � adeq�etY Provided for. � �
<br /> �. : � ; �,,;��'�.
<br /> � �'� *' �.� � 4. Itefuse and se�i�areas. 'The Board finds th,at the provisions oBSectian 1902(4) _ .
<br />-�: � . � of ssi�Compsehensive Zon�g Ordinauce are adeq�ately pravided far try existing . -
<br /> 1 � _ . ; or�°s govetning dispo�aE of refi�se. ;
<br /> � . . . 5. UWitiesrequir�dwithreferenceoflocationsandava�ability.T6�Ho2rd findsthat .
<br />