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201210949 <br /> 23. Reconveyance. Upon payn�ont of all amns 9ecmed by this Security Inslriui�enC, Lcnder sl�all request <br /> TrusYee to reoonvey the Properiy aud ahall surrcmdc� tl�is Securily Instrument and all nouea evidencing dcUf <br /> seoured by this Secw'ity Instrument to Ttustiee. Trust'ee shal] rcconvey ttia Properfy�*ritbout wan•nnty,to the <br /> person ox persons 1ega11y enCitled to it. Such person or persone shall pay any recordation costs. Lender may <br /> ch�rgo such pereon or pereons a fee for reoonveying the ProperCy, but only iC fhe fee is paid to a third party <br /> (such es the Trnetee) for aeivicea rendered and thc charging of tlie fee is perinitted under Appliofl6le Law. <br /> 24. 3ubstitwte Tr'ustee. Lender, at ifs opkian, inay from timc to titne remove Trastee and nppoint a sucoesaor <br /> tntstea to atry Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrtiment reoorded in thc cotiuity in wl�ich this Security <br /> Inctnunent is reco�dcd. Witl�out conveyance of Uie ProperCy, Yhe successor trusCee ahall suocccd to all flie <br /> tifle, power and duLiea cotil'errcd upon 'frustee herein and by Applicable Law. <br /> 25. Request for Notices. Borrower requasts that copics of the notice of�defz�ult and eale be aent to Borrower'a <br /> addres�which ie the Property Address. <br /> — --- zaooa�sz <br /> NF9RASKA-Single Family-Fannie frlae/Fredtllo fdac UNIFORh1 INSTRUMFNT Form 3026 1701 <br /> VM P B V�d PB�NE)(7 f 05) <br /> Wdllers Kluwxr Flnanclal5ervfoes Page 46 of 1% <br />