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201210894 <br />Seven and Ninety One Hundredths (1,177.91) feet; thence deflecting right 89.51'19" and <br />running easterly, a distance of One Thousand Four Hundred Fifty Three and Eighty One <br />Hundredths (1,453.81) feet; thence deflecting right 88.58'21" and running southerly, a <br />distance of One Thousand Fifty Four and Eighty Four Hundredths (1,054.84) feet; thence <br />deflecting left 32840'59" and running southeasterly, a distance of Ninety Eight and <br />Thirty Four Hundredths (98.34) feet to the ACTUAL point of beginning and containing <br />39.011 acres, more or less. Subject to the reservation of an undivided one -half of all oil <br />and mineral rights in and to the premises, and the right to mine and raise the same, <br />reserved unto Mary E. Buechler, Dorothy Smaha and Grace Taylor, share and share alike, <br />and to their heirs forever; and <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E1 /2 SE1 /4) <br />of Section Thirty (30), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th <br />P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at <br />the northeast corner of said East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E1 /2 SE1 /4); thence <br />running southerly, along and upon the east line of said East Half of the Southeast Quarter <br />(E1 /2 SE1 /4), a distance of Two Thousand Ten and Eighteen Hundredths (2,010.18) feet; <br />thence deflecting right 88.24'00" and running westerly, a distance of Six Hundred <br />Seventy and Twenty Two Hundredths (670.22) feet to a point, said point being on the <br />northerly prolongation of the east line of Dale Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska; <br />thence deflecting left 88.14'30" and running southerly, along and upon the northerly <br />prolongation of the east line of said Dale Subdivision, a distance of Twenty One (21.0) <br />feet to the northeast corner of said Dale Subdivision; thence deflecting right 89•09'21" <br />and running westerly, along and upon the north line of said Dale Subdivision, and along <br />and upon the westerly prolongation of the north line of said Dale Subdivision, a distance <br />of Six Hundred Fifty Four and Eighty Seven Hundredths (654.87) feet to a point on the <br />west line of said East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E1 /2 SE1 /4); thence deflecting right <br />90•52'06" and running northerly, along and upon the west line of said East Half of the <br />Northeast Quarter (E1 /2 NE1 /4), a distance of Two Thousand Twenty Seven and Four <br />Hundredths (2,027.04) feet to the northwest corner of said East Half of the Southeast <br />Quarter (E1 /2 SE1 /4); thence deflecting right 88.29'01" and running easterly, along and <br />upon the north line of said East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E1 /2 SE1 /4), a distance of <br />One Thousand Three Hundred Eighteen and Seventy Four Hundredths (1,318.74) feet to <br />the point of beginning and containing 61.318 acres, more or less, of which 1.523 acres, <br />more or less, is presently occupied by public road right of way. Except, however, hereby <br />reserving unto said Mary E. Buechler, Dorothy Smaha and Grace Taylor, share and share <br />