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<br /> . M � _,
<br /> ..�. ... . . . . � .. ..�..:: . ...t_' �'G`� .� :L'_.
<br /> _�^��C�r".� __. -- ' .. . _ `�3 l t.X t,, �� t � �'�}��,� -�'� � d
<br /> ` - t
<br /> h'J '}� ' ly3 - f.tl i _ C ' - -
<br /> �i� . _ t.�� ��. t .7, :�f'v .V- )Y.!� .
<br /> !i�' .. .'s.
<br /> ` . f� ,ti •� . �v . .
<br /> G � . . .. . .Y.. � .
<br /> , , � ..
<br /> `�•` r<•1i.' r u Provisicns. ��� f V��(/` ,'F', -
<br /> � =-, 15. Miscellaneo a � .��
<br /> �� �.,
<br />_.'�,�. , .. .
<br /> ta) �Borrotver Not Relea�ed. Sxteaision of. �tte tfiae for ��:� `
<br /> �� °°��. :�".,,���. payment or moc2 cat on of amazt za�ion of �hhe sums secwred by
<br /> � �-` , this Deed of Trust granted by Lender �o anp succeesor in interest .
<br /> � '`�� � of Barrower shall not opera�e �o release, ia any manne�, the , .�. �
<br /> ` ; °' �` liabili�y of ttae oriqi.�al Borror�er and Borror�rer•s sucaessors in � �t�� T'
<br /> ° ��� intexest. L�nder shall not be recguired to commence proceedings ;'���
<br /> ..,`��:_ against such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or � ;.:
<br /> -- -- ---- - otiherwise �odify affiortizatfon of the svms secured bp �hts Ueed of �'�-���=>,-,
<br /> " °T� Trust by reason of any demande made by �hhe original Horraz�er aad =:�. f•�_:
<br /> :°:``",��'�.� Horrovrer's succeasors in� intereet. _ _ .
<br /> '�:�`_ .
<br /> � tb) Lender's PaTr�ers. Tnti�hont affectinq the liability
<br /> � � � - - of anp .other person e for the g�paeent of any oHligation `��.. -�:=
<br /> `�`. herein ��ationecl, and a�i�hout affectinq tfie lien or charge og ,�,�.=•;-�'.
<br /> . -,• ������G '���F this Beed of Trnst upon any portion of the Property not then os =-�
<br /> " " theretofore released as security for the full amount of all ;.": -
<br /> , ::,,- ,� : �.
<br /> _ ..: ,_. _
<br /> ' �° unpafd obl�ga�.aons, Lender mayr from time to time and �ithont
<br /> • �`� notice di) re�ease any person so liabl�, tif} exten�l ihe maturitp . -�
<br /> . ��� ar altea any of the terms of anp such abliqat�ions. (iii) grant ,:::�,:-
<br /> . _,`�:�`;'�',,- other indulqences, t��b release or r�convey, or ca�ase to be .�`_��",_
<br /> - :�:����:°:`�:� .. .. released or re��nveyed at any time, at Lend�r•s cpY.f.on, aa�g �'
<br />. . ��7}(�`:�-(. ..
<br /> :.��;=`�`j������_ f�''�' parcel. portiox� or al� of the Property. to1 ��e or relea�e �p . . _
<br /> �:f...�,::���.
<br /> other os aclditianal securi�y for any obli.qatio�n hereia mentioneai: '�'
<br /> � - , or tvi) make c g . �
<br /> on,posit.n�n� or othes arraa ements wi�h de3btors in
<br /> � relatf.on thereto. ' . ' �
<br /> '•r��� �c1 Forbearance b Lender Not a Wa3.ves. Any forbear- . '�->�::`-�
<br /> � ance by Lsnder exesc e ng any� r q t or sen y hereunder, or ;,;�`:;.
<br /> � � � . otheswise afforded bg applicable 1.ata, shall no� be.a s�aiver of or =�-'=
<br /> '� : � �,_��:s-
<br /> • ':� ;�- " '` prealude the eacerci�= .u�f any such riqh� or re�dy. The psocure- . . ,� _ ----
<br /> ment of inaurance vr. 9�e payment of taxes c�r other. �I.iens or F -
<br /> � � � charges by Lear�es shall not be a waiver of S�nder�s right �o �%-_-=
<br /> � • �� accelerate the s3aturity of the indebtedness aecured by thie Deed t���
<br /> _ h �_���-
<br /> � ��.
<br /> � ��..
<br /> • of Trust. . --
<br />_ ,r �r. �
<br /> : ,`,.: . ' :.'; _ ' - --
<br /> ,_ - ,. .
<br /> ,. . : '
<br /> ,_ ... . :. .:
<br /> • ; , � id) Succe�sors and Assi ns Houi�d �oint and Sever _
<br /> ���� . • �' Liabilit Ca�t ons. Tbe covenatats and agreements here n aon- :�-°`°
<br /> :,s,;�,. . �
<br />_ �•` �?r:; �. • " t a n e s a l , a a d t h e ri gh4s heseunde� ahall inure to, the m =
<br />'" ��� '` � � respective auacessors and assigns of Lender and Borraa9er, sub ject -_-
<br />_- �. ; �.::l:: to the pronisione of paragraph 10(e1 hereo¢. All coveaanfs an8
<br />