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201210884 <br /> required by RESPrA, and Borrow-es sk�all pay fo Lenc�'er rhe a.noimt necessasy to maka up the deficiency in <br /> accordarcce wi.tfi.1Z�SP� but in uo mc3re than]2 non`�hlY paymeuts. <br /> i:pan paym�at in full af all swns sec�ed by ihis Sccurity Tn xnrn�, Lender skzl[proa�nt�y refvnd to <br /> Bosowe!-an;�Funds�eld by L�d�.,r_ <br /> 4. Charges; Lians. Borrowcr shall pay all taxes, ass�smea#s, charges, fines, and impositions aiY�cl�utabTe io <br /> fhe Pzoperty which cmm attain priority over this Sec�siTy�Instrument, leasel�old paymenU or ground rents on <br /> the Property, if anv, and Cominunity tLssociation Dues, F�e�, and�ssessmerlts, if any. To the that <br /> lhese iteuv5 are Escraw Ifeu�s, Bosou�er slaaII pay ihem izllhe mavner provided ua Scctaon 3. <br /> 3osower xha1L promptly d;schar�e any lien which Uas priority o�=er T]�is Security 7ustrument unless <br /> . Bo:rower (a)agrezs ia wrifing to the payraent oF the obligation secured by the lien in a manne�accepfable <br /> to Leuder, Unf onlc�o Iona as Borro�ner is perforcaing sueh agecm�nt; (h}couCests thc ficn in good faith by, <br /> or defends against e�£orcement of fhe lien in, Iega1 prcceedings wluch in Leuder's opa�ioa operzte to rn-event <br /> the enfarcement of the lien�vhilc thosz proceedings aze peading, but on?y unfil such groceedii�,�s ara <br /> concluded; or(c)secures from ffie holdar of the Iien an a�areement satisfactory to Lznder sutrordinating the <br /> , licn to rlus Seci,uity Fnsirument, If Lcnder determines that anp part o£ilie Properiy is subject to a lien wluch <br /> can attain priority ocrer this Seauify Insfi.tment, Lender inay a ve$o�rou�er a notice idzntif}nag zbe lien. <br /> Warl3in 10 days o�P iL.e date on c.�hich that notice is given; Borracv�shal.l s�alisfy the licn or take ane�or more <br /> of the actiovs set£orth aboi�e iu fUis Section 4_ � <br /> Lend..�r man r�uire Borrou�er to pap a on�ti.rne cYiarge for a real estate tas vaification and'or rzporting <br /> serviee vsed by Lender in conaection with thi�Loaa <br /> 5. Property Ins�rance. Borrawer shal.l k�p fhe iuq�rovemeut�noa>existiag or hereafter ere,.^ted.on#he <br /> Properiy insure�a�%+;•�t ioss by fire,hazards included vritfrin fhe term"cztended coverage," aad any oYher <br /> ha�xirds inclndzn„ but not Fimited tf�, earthqua3ces and floods. £ox whic3i Lenclzr requires ivsurauce. T7iis <br /> insurauce shall be xnain�ined ui the amoan�s(incluc�ing dednch-ble 1e4%eLs)�aad for tl�e periods that Lender <br /> raquirzs. Wbat Lend¢rzguues g�sa-uant ta the preceding sentenas can cYtange dtning thz term of t7ie T,oan. <br /> The insm'ance�rtier providiag the insvrance slnall be chosen by Ban-owec subject to Lender's right to <br /> ctisapprotie Borroa�et's choice, k�hich ri�t shall not be�ercised unreasoaably. Izndzr may require <br /> Borrower to pa;�, in coxmectioa with tkis Loan, eitha; (a)a one-tinia cbarge for flood zone detez�mnation, <br /> a�tification and tracking services; or(b)a a�e-time cl�arne for flood zone dete*mi*±�+�on and cerlifica1ion <br /> s.,-rvices and subsequent chttrges each time iemappings or simiPar rr+s�aes occur wluch rzasoaabIy mi�t <br /> s.�'arx such datermination rn e�riificatio� Brnrower shall also be responsible for the payment of a.q�fees <br /> im�oscd by the Federal Emzrgency�4lanagement A�encc in coffiectian with the review of auy flooe zone <br /> d.eterminalion resulting from an obj ection by Banomer. . <br /> If Bosower fa�1s to mainEain any of the coverag�de,cribed above, Lendcr may obtain icisurance coves-�.ge; <br /> at Lc'nciei's oplion and Borrowd s expense. Lz�der is under no obiigation fi purchase any paiti.cular type os <br /> amount af co�=erage. Therefore, such covcraga shaII cover Lender, buf might or mi2ht not protect Bairower, <br /> Sorrower's equiry in the Pruperty, or the cauTents a£tlze Pzoperty, against auy risk,kaazazd or liability and <br /> might pravide grcafer or lesser co�=erage than was preuzously in effecY. Borrowe.r acknowledgas fbat tUe cost <br /> of the ins�a�ance covera�e so obtained uught s��iCeantly egceed the cost a£ansurance fLaat$orrower conld <br /> have obtained. �1ny amounts disUtused bp Len.da under this Section 5 sUs31 become additionai debt of <br /> Sertxower securect by this Sec�sil7 Instnunent. Thesz amounts shalI bear in{erest a{L�e I�ote rate from#he � <br /> dat�of disbursemzui and shall be payabie, ��th such interest, upon notice from Iznder to Borrou� <br /> reauwting pa}ment. <br /> zaoaaiss <br /> NE3RiSICA-SinyieFamily-FanrtleMaelReCtlied9rsCNIFOR141Ii5T�ZtllAEM1I =�.ippzg�,�� <br /> VMP@ � VfAA6(@�(it9ry <br /> Vdo!LEs F;:uwv inancial Smvics Fage E oF 1� <br />