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201210884 <br /> BORROti[�ER COVENf12yTS thai Borrower is lawfiiliy seised of the estate hcreby conveyed and ha9 the righE to <br /> � gtanY and conve;r ihe proper[y and tbat ttte Pivperty is unencumb�ed, esce�t for enccunb:auees ef record <br /> Borrower warrants and wa71 defend generaliy ihe title to the Property against all claums�and demands, subj ect to <br /> auy encum�raaces of recard <br /> �THfB SLCL-IZITY INSTRT7b9;AIT comhines unifruu covenauts for nanonaI use and non-uuiform ecerenants ticith <br /> lixniied vatiation,by jtuisdiction to constihrte a uniform securil}�insh-�c3rt coveriug real pmperfy. � <br /> Uniform Covenanfs. $osower asd Lender covenaut�d agree as £olFows: <br /> 1. Payment of Principai, tnterest, Escraw Items, Prepayrnerot Charges, and La#e Charges. Borrower <br /> shali pay te'aexi di�e the principat of, and iatereo-t im, Lhc debt evidenced by ihe Nots and any prep�menf <br /> chaz�es avd]ate chargcs d�under Ihe Not� Rorrc�wer also pay funds for Fscrow Items pursuaut to <br /> Seciion�. 1'ay�ments diic under i}ae Note and this Securit5�Lnsirument shaIl be made in U.S. curreacy. <br /> Howc.roer, if any cfiec&or oiher insh�ameni rea;ived by�Lendea as patmeni under the Note or 11us Security <br /> Instrument is returned to Lender m�aid, Lendar may rr�,ire thaf say or a,(1 subsequcrn paymeuts due nnder <br /> f,iie Note and this S�urit;�Insu-nmznt be made in one ox mo�e of the follau�ing foans, as selectecl by Lznde,—. <br /> (u)cash; (b}money orda; (c)certi'fied.checb, bank c➢ieek, treastixer's check or ca,lrier's check,�ravided aay <br /> suc�check is�drawn upon an insutution who�e deposiG are insured bg a fzderal agency, ivstrnme�ntatity,- or <br /> entity; or{d)Electrc�vic PuucLs'TransPer. <br /> Pay�nenfs are deemed recziv�i by Lender when received at ihe locauon designaied in the Nate or at such <br /> uth�Iocau�as may be designated by I,eitder an accordance�,tith.tfie notice pro�ssions in Section 15. <br /> Land�may retum any payment or pa�tial payroent if the payment or partisl ya�-menis are insufficient to <br /> fhe Loaa aurrenL Lender xnau accept any payment ar paxtial payme.nt ins�fficienE to briag the Loan <br /> current, �-ithout wa:*ver of any rights hereuader or prejuciice to iis rigtits to sefuse such payment or pzztial <br /> paymenLs in ihe fniura, but Leurler is nat obtigate�to apply such payments az The ti�ac such paymenis arc <br /> accepted if zach Periodic Pa}�1ent as applied as of its schzduled due daCc;, fl�en Lender need not pay intereai <br /> on unappIied fiuzds. Lender inay hold suck nnap�Lcd frmds until borrower ma�es payxnents to b11llg the <br /> Loan currenL Zf Boso�er does not cIo su within a reasonable period of rim:,,Lender shatl either appYy sucfi <br /> fimds oz zetum[h�ta Borrowet. If not applied earlier, such fiwd,will bz applied to fhe outstmmding <br /> priacipal balance under fhe�\Tofe immediately prior in iorzcloFuee. ?Ta offset or claim which Ywnawer might <br /> fiave no�v or itt 1�e firture a��+Lender s1�all relieve Borrawver from m�ng pxyments due un@er the Note <br /> and this Secuiity Instrument ox perfvrming"the co�,•enants and agreements ihis Sc�nrity <br /> InstrumenL. <br /> 2. Applicafion of Paym2nts or Proceeds. Bxcept as otherwise describad in tlus Section Z, all paymentt <br /> acceptcd and appli�l by Lender shall be applied in the following ordar of priority: (a}interest due widea ti-,e <br /> Note; (b}principal due under the Vof.e; (c)amo.mts due imder Secrion 3. Such pa;menL,shall be applied w <br /> each Feriodic Paymeut in the order ir.which it became due. Any remaining amaunis shall 1�:,appiied first io <br /> late charges, second to arq�diher amoemts due mcdzr fh;s Securiry Inatrw.nenf, and iheu io reHuce the <br /> prencipal balance of tkte�Iot� <br /> If L�er receives a payment from f3orrower for a delinquent Paiodic PaymenE�rrhich includes a sufficieut <br /> amouut to pap an}=late c,�arge 2ue, the payment may ih,applied W the dzlinqueni paynient and the late <br /> char2e. Tf more t7aan ane Paiodic Payment is outstaading, i.ender may appJ.y atry payment received fz'om <br /> Borrower to the ra�aymeut of flae Pciiodic Pa�nent7 i� tmd to the eatent tha� zach payment can be paid s <br /> Pall. To tfi�cxteirt that auy excws exists after the�ayment i,applied to�he full paym�t of one or more <br /> Periodic Pay�znSs, such�cess may be applied to auy�iat�chazges due. �'olnntary�prepayme�ts shail be <br /> appiiad fust to any prepayment charges and describad in The Note. <br /> 2dpU31fi5 <br /> ��R1SRP,Sincle=aRilgFenN3 MaelRcvtlie Pd a:UNIFOREI 1N5T�UK.ENT Fm.m 3022 i;61 <br /> Vhi?OO VF6 P3Q�'�(91 Q$) <br /> WoHe.a K:ux�v Fnanoal SerrKes Paga4 or:] <br /> . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. ._ . _ . . . . <br />