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<br /> ' T��l ' �t.. -. �• . ..
<br /> ` � .. ' 1Of�I�[t W17Yi aU the improvemeum now or liereafter e�ted on t�e p�o�y�and�����sPP�.'� s. .
<br /> � . - 6xbues now or Qese�er a gaR of tlte praparty.All replaocameats and addidnav sball�he wveied by dvs Securityr tastrameat . .. .
<br /> �� ` All of the faiegoing is zefe�to in Wis Se�iry Instr�e�as the°Fmpcny."
<br /> � .. ` `<`,. � BORROW6R QOVENAt�STS d�at Baaowe�is taarfalIy scised of tAe es�ste Qeae�y cunveyed and da4 tRe rigQ►t to geant and '
<br /> . , ' convey tIle Ao�caty�d that the Pf�oprity is�isaed,eacept for cmcvmbrances of r�cord. Bonarrer vrarr�ts and will �
<br /> �,���s� defe�d gr��aIIy the ad�oo the PmPestY�iast al!daiats and dem�tds.sabj�t ro any enamibr�ces of zeoozd. _ _ ..
<br /> ---� _` �. 'l�IIS SF.CURITY INS1I?UME[�PI'coanbiaes anifamn ooveaPnts for tr�onal nse snd non-tmifoim ooveamits aritL timited .
<br /> -� . : ��U� vari2ti0744 bq j�aiS�xiOn[0 oons�Ut06 8 Uniform secxUityt iasuwn�ll oDVe�g�eal giopeag►. <'c.
<br /> , s� , IJATIA�RM COVENANTS.Borrower�d Leaderoove�t and ag�as fuIIaavs "
<br /> , ` `� ., _.. ..' 1.P�pment oY Priacdpal a�interes�II'rePeyffi�t a�nd Ls�te Charge�. Bormwer shaU PmmP�Y PaY whea dae the -
<br /> . p�ncip�al of and inu�est on the deht evidenc�d by the Not$and any p�epaymeat and tate chacges due andu tIIe Note. .
<br /> " . ' �� �.Hfinda for�m�es end�ns�aiace. 3nbject o�appric�ble law or to a vnittea a+aiver by Lertder.So:rower s6all pay w
<br /> _ � I�dea on d►e day monthiy paymeais ace dae�the Note�unU'1 the Note is ga�d en fnll.a sam("Funds")far:(a)Y�Y�
<br /> ,. . and a�eats whic��+ay a�ain piiorfty over this Sec�riry Insuameni as a lien on tbe PpaF�Y+(b)Y�Y��PaY�m �, , .
<br /> _ . � ar�onnd m�►ts oa the PnoP�Y•��Y.(�)Y�Y��P�P�Y�P�(�Y�Y���.� .
<br /> �, . �►3►+(e)yeffilY�tgage msisa�e psemiums,if any,and(�any sums payable by Ba�awer oo Lend�,m soao�oe wuh the '`_
<br /> � pravisians of garag�s�h 8.ia ti�of the gaymeat of mortg,age uuou�ce piemimns.lhese iaems are caIIed°Esaaw Items." -
<br />_,;; :�:_ �� Leader may,ai anq��ooltect aad hald Fands��amaunt noi to exoeed the m�amQ�t a tend�far a fe6aa�iy rciarcd . . �
<br /> ,':��;'.` m�ge taan may�faa Bas�wds�co�v accamm�t andea the fedesal Real Estare SettIe�eat Pmee�rms Asx�I974 ag -� '
<br /> 7->��
<br /> ,;°���, alnended�f�m` m m*�n,.e,,�t,o�tmae.lZ ZEs.�Sear�2�it�1!et seq. ("RFSPA'�.�mIesv anoihcs taw that applicv ts the Fimds(s��.�ts.�a�Ie�ar �:;;� `"
<br /> , .f�:
<br />--..l•:. 4"- I•,���,s.� ... �.....yu`ll$(�KdWW�yt�j Wa+M�G71Y���m�Ws�Lfuii Q���YiG �44WWai Kal4Gi� `,•�1 Y.a� .
<br /> -----�`. .t,< C4�18I8 ihC 8m0Ut1t Of FIIDdS IZIIC OA IhC�183lS @�F ADIPAL Q31S HIId IEaSOA8bIE�4tl�8�Qf CS�dtQIIIQE.4 Of�C�SQOW IICfI1.9 QI _ _.�:
<br /> • ' � •��.'��, O111P1WIS81D8000�AOCWl1h8��fIC18W. . .1,''4�,
<br /> : � :•%,,,�;..
<br /> . '. �.#j •, 'Ihe Ftmds shaD be heid in an ins�tution whose degosim�e iusu:ed by a fede�al�e�a.y.ms�a�►,or e�ity('mcdading •'<���; .
<br /> . . � ;a. �"r ' I�eaQ�,iY Leatdea is sacb aa msmnti�)os m aay Fedc�al Home Lflan Bank.I�dea sh211 apply tha Ftmds tn gay die Bst�ow, ����`��� .
<br /> _ �- Item�.Leuder may not charge Barmwer for tio3din8 aad apPtytng the F�ds.a�a�Y�Y�B the esaow�conat,or veiifymg ,. � ;��:-
<br /> , tha Bscmw Items,anlcss Lendes pays Borrower�n�est on the Ftmds and�lit�b2e taw peamim Le�tdet to ma�e such a cbazg� --.
<br /> . Howevea,Leader Q�sy ieq�ice Boaawer.w pay a on�time cba:ge for an�de�endent�eal�tare raac cepoating s�ervice ased by _
<br /> • , Lead�in oanneq�a wiab thas�t,�s appl�table Iaw�vidgs oth�Untess an a�t is made ar agptu�ab2e taw ;-
<br /> , y� �.. ; reqn�es Inteiest to 6e pa�d.Ic��aII noi be reqaired to�g Bflmowcz any m0�ct�r�iqgs on the Fauds.B�awea and �'
<br /> , . I.eadPa may a�e in writmg,�tl�at mtaasc shaII be paid an the F�.Le�dea shaII gtve m Bmrowe�,wi�out ct�ge.an �,:;�;���
<br /> ' � �nnal$caomiting of fhe Fun�s.showmg cx�s�debitg w the Fuads��e puipose far which e�x6 debit w the Fands wa9 �'._:
<br /> '�:, made.TheFmids are pledged as addidonal s��otall sams�ed by t�Secudty Insommeat �'1�
<br /> ,;,s., If the Fimds held bq Ls�da eaceed ttte amoantv peamiutd to be held by applic�ble 1m�Lea►da sLat1 accoant to Barrower far �`,�.
<br /> -�:.:.i'ply;{.• .
<br /> :,,...,:r,�;,�, � the exc�,ss�ttads tn$�sd�ce wiih the ra�qauemnems of applicable 1aw.1f ti�e amtomR a�6�Fands held by Lend�rr starry time is `. �`��'9`
<br /> � not�t m pay the Fsc�aw Imms ahen da�.�Lender may so uotify Bmrowed in wri�,aad.in sncL case Buaower s6aII pay
<br /> . �� �'! to lcadea the am�t a�y m make ap the defciency. Bmmw�shaU make ap�he de8ciency in r�o mone rhan twelve .
<br /> . ; ��Y P��.��nQer's sole dis�tIon. �
<br /> ::,.
<br /> •�r. . Upon PaYmeut i�ti�ll of�s�s sec�ed by this Secauity Iasnument,I�mder s�3�vnptty mfimd to Boaower any F�mds -
<br /> • ' held by IRadar.�If,ffid��2l,I.e�1�s6all soqmre ar seIl the Ptopealy.I�.�ar to ihe acqui�don aa s�^le of the =-�---
<br /> - ` PraDaiS►.sAatl sppty aay Fmids�eld by Le�der az the mne of acq�sidon or sale as a a�t ap,ainst @�e sams s�by tAis
<br /> � Se�auiry In.saanteut ' � �'-�
<br /> � .. ; ��� 3.ADpBcat�a oiPJaymc�. Unless�le Iaw p�vldes othe�a►is�aU payrneats receive�t�E�der mW�para�ap�.s . , , ;`�'
<br /> -. .;�::;r,,,'., ' ,' i and 2 s6aU be applIed:fuss.ro auy�epayme�t chaYges due�the Not�se�nnd,to amounB payah!e aadea�gtapL 2; �.�;;y�:',:� �
<br />-- �.;;,: , . th�rd.to in�aestdu�fourtL,ta p�ipal du��d 1ast.w�y lare c�ge�dne�mder the h�, . r. :`.:�
<br /> a C�ar�esi Li�ns. Boma�c�t sLa11 �..�,�e5�.:�:
<br /> ::,j�� • �. --
<br />: �.'";,,.•' . ` , Pay aII taxes.assessn►ents.charSes.fines and frnposiitons at�butabte to tlte Fmpetty � _-,
<br />- ` which may auaiu priorlty ovet this Sectuity►Iasuum�t,aaa leasehold paymenm or graioatd ream.if anyr.BmmN�s1�aIl pay these � � -:
<br /> -:, . . ,, .
<br /> - . . oblipaons In the�ymvided in pare�ayh 2.ar if Qot paId in that maaa�a.Bonawea shaII pay theaa on dme directty to the � ,.._
<br /> -;:.,;,.:: . . . p�son owed payaac�t Bcnmwar shall pmmptty fianish ta Leadea all nnSces of amouatv w be paid undea tlus pa�raph.If � -
<br />�_'t'','''`'. ' $OI109VC1 IDeke.4lhCSC Il'dyQlffiL9 d�10��fIy.Borrawa sLail pmmptIy fiaaisU to 1.euder r�pis evlQenang the paymeat4.
<br /> LL.,,;�',,„ _ � U , . .,
<br />_:�:;_;.. �. Banovnr s�aaU DmmDIIy dtscharge arry lien which has yrtoriry avea rbis Sac�uity Insuame�t nnlcss Ba�mw�:(a)ag,rees 3n .. _ .
<br /> �. . :. � % wrivng to the yayment of the obtigation seceffe�by 0e lien in a manne�acceptable m Lender.(b)oontests in gaod faith the tie� ' .
<br /> -_ '. ' � Ay,or Qefaids against e�t'o�ent of the � in,te�l ymoeed3ags which� the Lead�'s opinian opeaate to preve,nt the . �
<br /> �;� , ,e,nfo�meat of tY�e lien:m(c)sec�es fmm eGr hoW�of the 1i�an a�t savsfactury�u I�dea sabordinaimg the liea to .
<br /> ,. �,,: tAis SepuIty lnstrume�t 1!l.e��derramiaes d�at any part�ahe pmpaty ls sQblect to e lien whlcb may attaia psmacsyr ovea this ,� �
<br /> _ ,,......
<br /> -- .':�.. . � ' Scx��Instrumeat�Iaader m,ay�,ve Bmc�w�a notice tdeatify;ng�e tien.Bormwer shaU satisfy the lien ar a�cae or more ,�:;,.;;«,:", •�
<br /> - � '. of�escuons set f�above w��10 days of thegiving of no�icce. '�� �
<br /> �,v�;. .' � Form SOZB 9l9� ' ..
<br />`_ ��, . � ' ��R(NE�(o2t�wat vapoao�e �mr�ab:�_.
<br /> :••„`;' .,
<br /> _ , � �''
<br /> .?;. .
<br />_i .... . ' , - . - _ . - . - . . . . . . �.
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