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201210800 <br /> 16. HazardousSubstances.Borrorver shall uot causc or permit the presence,use, disposal, storage, or release <br /> of anv Hazardous 5ubstances on or in the Propert}-. Borro«-er shall not do,nor allow anyone else t.o do, <br /> anythiug affecting the Pmperty ttk3t is iu�-iolation of any Environmental Lat��. The preceding two sentences <br /> shall nat apply to the presence,usc, or storage on the Proper[y of small quantities of Hazardous Substances <br /> tikit are gexterally recogruzed to be appropriate to nonnal residential uses and to inaintenance oF the Propert,y. <br /> Borracver shall promptly give Lcndcr w�itten notice of airy i�rvestigation,claim,demand, lawsuit.or other <br /> actian b�� any �overzunecual or regulatory-agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous <br /> Substance or Environmental La�v of cvhich Borro�ver has actual knowledge. If Borro�ver learns,or is notified <br /> bj� any govenunental or regulatory authority,that any reinovai or other remediation of any Hazardous <br /> Substances affecting the Property is necessan,Borrower shall promptly�take all necessary remedial actions <br /> in accordance with Enviroiunental Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph 16, "1lazardous Substances"are those subslances defined as tosic or ha-r_ardous <br /> substauccs by Enviromnenkal Law and the following substances: gasoline,kerosene,other flanvmable or <br /> toxic petroleum products,toxic pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or <br /> fonnaldehyde,and radioactive Ynaterials. As used in t}us paragraph 1G, "Environmental Laiv"means federal <br /> laws and la���s of the jurisdiction���here the Property is located that relate to health, safety or environmental <br /> protect.ion. � <br /> Nan-UnifarrrtCovenantS.Borrower and Lender further coven�uLt and agree as foilows: <br /> 17. Assignmentof Rents.8orro�i�er unconditio��lly assigns and tra�tisfers to Lender all the rents and revennes <br /> oP the Propert�. Bono�ver authorizes Lender or Leuder's agents to collect the reuts and revcnucs aud licrcby <br /> directs each tenant of the Property to pa�r the rents to Lender or Lender's agents. However,prior lo Lender's <br /> riotice to Borrower of Borrower s breach of an��covenant or agreement in the Securitu Instrument,Borro�ver <br /> shall coliect and receive all rents and revenues of tlic Property as trustcc for the bencfit of Lender and <br /> Borrower. Tkus assignmeut of rents cortstitules an absolute assignment and not an assigrunent for additional <br /> security onl_y. <br /> if Leuder gives notice of breach to Borrowcr. (a)all renls received by Borroccer shall be held by Borrower <br /> as trustee for benefit of Lender ociljr,to be applied to the sunts secured by the Securitti Instru�nent; <br /> (b)Lender shall bc cntitled to collect and receive all of the rents o£the Property; and(c)each tenant of the <br /> Property sh:�ll pay all rents due and unpaid to Lender ar Lender's a�;eiit on Lender's written demand to the <br /> t:en�nt. <br /> Borrower has not eaecuted any prior assigmnent.of tlie rents and has not and tivill not perfor�n at�act that <br /> cvouid prevent Lendcr froxn e�ercising its rights under this paragraph 17. <br /> Lcnder sliall nat be reqnired to enter upon,take control of or maintain the Property before or after giving <br /> notice of breach ta Borrow•er. IIoN�ever,I.ender or a judiciall_y appointed receiver niay do su at am-timc <br /> there is a brcach. An_y app]ication of ronts shall itot cure or wai�c any default.or invalidate any otlier right or <br /> remedv of Lender. T2us assigiunent ol renls of the Properiy shall terminate when the debt secured by thc <br /> SecuritF lnstrumenl is paid in fuil. <br /> '18. ForeCloSureProCedure.If Lender requires immediate payment in full under paragraph 9, Lcnder <br /> may invokc the po�ver of sate and any other remedies pei�nitted b3 applicablc law.Lender shall be <br /> entitled ta coilect all expenses incui•red in pursuing the remedies under this paragraph 18,including, <br /> but not limited to,reasonable attorne�s'fees and costs uf title evidence. <br /> FHA peed of TrusLNE q�gg <br /> VMP�R VMP4R(NE){1�OSJ.GO <br /> WOlters Kluwer Financial Services Page 7 of 10 <br />