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201210800 <br /> monthly paymcuts�t-hich are referred to in paragraph 2, or change the amount of such pavments. Any exccss <br /> iiisurance proceeds over an aniowit required to pap all outstanding indebtedness under the Note and this <br /> 5ecurify Tnstrurnent shall be paid to the entity lcgally entitied thereto. <br /> In the event of Foreclosure of this Security Instrument or other t�t�nsfer of title lo the Properh lhat <br /> extinguishes the iudebLedness,all riglit, title and inlerest of Borro�scr in and to ixisurance policies in force <br /> shall pass io the purch��ser. <br /> 5. Occupancy, Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Borrower's Loan <br /> Application;Leaseholds F3orro���er st►aII occupy, estabiish, and use the Propertm� as Borrower's principal <br /> residcncc within siat� days after tlie exccution of this Sccurity InstrumenL(or wit}un siaty days of a latcr salc <br /> or tr<�nsfer of t1�e Property)and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borro�ver s principal residence for <br /> at least one year aftcr thc date oP occupancy,uiiless Lender determines that rcquircmcnt�vill cause undue <br /> hardship for Borro�ver, or wlless e�tenuating circumstances esist�vltich are beyond Borrow�er's coni.rol. <br /> Borrower shall notify Lender of any extenuatina circuinstances. Borrower shall not coinmit�vaste or destroy, <br /> dam�ge or substantially change the Property or allo�v the Property to deteriorate, reasonable wear a�id tear <br /> e�cepted.Lender mas-inspect the Properiy if the Propert� is vacant or ab�ndoned or tl�e loan is in default. <br /> Lender may take reasanablc action to protect and presen�e such vacant or abandoncd Property. Borrowcr <br /> shall also be in deFault iP Sorro�ver,during the loan applicxtion process, gave maleriall_y false or inaccurate <br /> iuforn�ilion or st.ttements to Lender(ar failed to provide Le�uler rvith any inateria] information)in <br /> connection with the toan e�-rdenced b�� the Note, incli�ding,but not limite:d to, represeutaiions concerning <br /> Borrower's occiipancyo uf the Propert_y as a principal residence. I.f this Security Instrument is on a leasehold, <br /> Borro�ver shall comply with the provisions of the lease. If'Borrower acquires fee title to the Property, thc <br /> leasehold and fee title shall not be merged unless Lender agrees to the�nerger in writing. <br /> 6. Condemnation.Thc procecds oF any award or claim for damages,direct or consec�uential,in conncction <br /> ��rith any condemnation or other taking of anS-part of the Property, or for conceyance in place of <br /> condeinnaiion,are tiereby assigncd and shalt be paid to Leuder to the e�tent of lhe full amount af thc <br /> indeUtedness thaY remains unpaid under the Note and this Security�Instrument Lender shall apply such <br /> proceeds Lo the rednction of the indebtedness under the Note and this Security Instrument, first to any <br /> delioc�uent amoimts applied in the ordcr provided in pa.ragraph 3,�nd then to prepaymcnt of principal. Anj- <br /> application of thc proceeds to the principal shall not extend or postpone the due date of the monthl,y <br /> payments,�vhicli are referred to in paragraph 2,or chanoe the amount of such payments. Ain c�cess <br /> proceeds over an axnount required to pay all outstanding indebtedness under the Note and this Securitv <br /> Instrument shall be paid to tlie enkity legally eyrtitled th�roto. <br /> 7. Chargesto Borrowerand Protectionof Lender'sRightsin the Property.Borrower shall pay all <br /> governmecual or municipal charges,fines and impositions tllat are not included in par�graph 2. Borrower <br /> shail pay these obligations on time dircetly to the entity�wtuch is ow�ed the payment. if failure to pay�rould <br /> adversely affecl Lender's interest in the Property, upon I.,ender's request Bono«�er shall pro�nptly furnish to <br /> Lender receipts evidencing these payments. <br /> lfi Bornos�er fails to make these payments ar the payments recluired by parigraph 2,or rails to pertorin any <br /> other covei�anls and agreeruents cont<�ined in tluis Seciirity Instrt�rnent,or there is a legal proceeding that may <br /> si.gni�ca.ntiv a.ffeci Lender's rig3its in the Property (such�s a procecding in banknxptcy,for condemnation or <br /> to enforce la��s or regutations),then Lender may do and pay�c�hatever is necessary to protect the value of the <br /> Property and Letider's rights in tlze Property, including payment of taYes, hazard insurance and other items <br /> xnentioned iri paragraph 2. <br /> FHA Deec!of Trust-NE Al96 <br /> VMP C�.' VMPaR(NE)('1105).00 <br /> Wolters Kluiver Financial Services Page 4 of 10 <br />