<br /> All ineurance policiav rcqtiiired by Lender and renewale of such policies shAll be subject to Lender's right to
<br /> disapprove such policies, shall include a standard mortgege olause, �u�d shall naane Leuder as il�ortgagee
<br /> �md/or as an additioual loes payee. Lender shall]�ave the right to hold the policies aud renewel certific2tcs. If
<br /> Leuder requires, Borrower shall prom�tly give Lo Lcndcr a11 receipts of paid premiums and renewal notiees.
<br /> If Bon�ower obtains any form of in�surauca coverage, noC oCkerwi�c required by Lender, �for d�mage to, or
<br /> dest��uctlon of', tihe Property, such policy al�atl inolude a standard morkgage c1anxee 2nd sliall nasne Lender as
<br /> morCgagec avd/or as an additionnl loss pnyee.
<br /> In the evc�rt of loss, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance caxtier and Lender. Lender mny
<br /> mnke proof oC loss if not�nade promptly by Borrowcr. Unlese Lender and Borrowes offiorwise agrea in
<br /> writin�, any insurance proceeds, whether or not the miderlying insm ance was requi��ed by Lendce, sliall be
<br /> applied fo reetoration or repair of the Property, if t1�e restoration or repair is economically feaslUle and
<br /> I,ender's dwurity is not lessaned. Duruig such repair and restoration period, Lender sl�all l�avo the righC to
<br /> hold such insuranco proceeds unCil L,ender has h�d nn opportunity to inspect auch Property Co ensure the
<br /> work has been eompleCed ta Londer's satisfaction, provided th�t such innpnction shall l�e undert�lcen
<br /> promptly. Lender m<tiy disburse proceeds for fhe repairs and rastoration in n single payinent or in a seriea of
<br /> progeess payinents as the work is completeci. Unless an agreement is inade iu wriCing or Ap�licaUlc C,c�w
<br /> �eqnixes interesC to bc paid on such insm'ance proceeds, Lencier shall uot be reqnired to paq Borxower any
<br /> interest or earnings on such procccds, ,Fees for puUlic adjustere, ar o[her third parties, retained by Borrower
<br /> s1�a11 not be paid out of the insurance procceds and shall be tihe sole obligntion of Borrov✓cr. I,f the rastiorntion
<br /> or repair iy nof economically feasible or Lender's scourity wonld ba lesseued, the it�sui�tnce pmcceds sliall be
<br /> applied t�o thc stims secured by til�is Security Iustrun�enT, whother or not the�i due, with the exoess, i�P auy,
<br /> pt�id to Boriower. S�wl�insurance proceads shall be applied in Che urder provided for in Section 2. �
<br /> If Bon�ower abandons the PiroperCy, Lender mny ffie, negoCiaCe anci ecttle any auailable insurance cl�im and
<br /> relatul mattera. If Borrower doe,s not respond wiYliui 30 days to a noCice finm Lender that Uia iueurnnce
<br /> cauier has of'Pered to settle a claim, flien Lendor may negotiate and settle the cl�iin. The 30-day period will
<br /> begin when thc notice ie given. In eiYher event, or if Lender�cc�uires t1�e Propertiy under 9ection 22 or
<br /> oYherwise, Borrower hereby assibns to I,ender (a)Borrower'a rights to any insw�ance proceecls in an amonnt
<br /> not to exceed the Amounta uupaid nnder the Noto or this Secw�itiy Instrtunent, nnd(b) any othcr of
<br /> Borrower's right9 (oUier than the right to any refimd of uuearned premiumg paid Uy Borrower)under all
<br /> Insm•ance policies covering Che Property, insofar as such rigl�ts tu•e npplicnble Co tho cover�;e of tha
<br /> Yroperty. Lender may use the insuranoe proceccis cithar to repair or restore tlie Properly or to pay amounts
<br /> mipaid imde��tFie Note or Chis Security Instrument, whellicr or not tlien due.
<br /> 6. Oecupaney. Borrower sl�all occupy, estnblish, a�id use tl�c Property as Bon�ower's principnl residencc
<br /> wiChin 60 da5�s �$cr fl�e execution oi'tlils Security Tnahvmenf and shall oontitine to occupy the Properly as
<br /> Borrower's�rinoipal residence for at least one year after tlie daYe of occupancy, unlcss I,ender otherwise
<br /> agrees in writing, whicl�conseut ahall not be unrcaeonably withheld, or ttnless extenuating circumstances
<br /> exisC which zre Ucyond Rorrower`s control.
<br /> 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. Borrower shnll nof destroy,
<br /> dam�ge or impair Uio Yr•operty, allow tha Property to deteriornCe or coi��mit waste on the Properiy. WheCher
<br /> or not Borrowex is residing in thc}'roperty, L�orrower shall maintain the Property in orde��to prevent the
<br /> Pro�erCy tioin deterioxaking or decreaeing in value due to its condition. LJnless it is cletormincd pm�suant to
<br /> Sc�:tion 5 that repair oc cestoration is not eoonon�ically fcttsible, I3orrawer shall promptlg repair thc Praperty
<br /> if dunaged to avoid furN�er deterioraCiou or dnmage. If ineur�nco nr wndemnation 1��•oceeds are paid in
<br /> conneetion with damage to, or fl�e taking of, the ProyerCy, Borrower ahnll be reeponsible f'or repairing or
<br /> restoi9ng the Pinperty ouly if Lendar h�s reloascd proceeds for such purposes. Lender may diabursa proceeds
<br /> 24003070
<br /> Nff]RASKA-Sing le Fam Ily-Fennle A4 eelFretldle Pd ac UMFORId INSTRUM ENT Form 3028 1/01
<br /> Vfr1P� VMI'6NE f11�5)
<br /> WOIIeYs Kluwer Flnanelel5arvlocs Po9�/of 17
<br />