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201210796 <br /> 11ny application oP payments, insurauce proceeda, or M'.iscellaneons Proceeds to priucipal due under the Note <br /> shall not cxtond or�poeipone Uie duc dakc, or cl�ange the amo�mt, of thc Yoriodic Paymcnts. <br /> 3. Fwids fm� l:ecrow Il;ems. Borrowor sl�all pay to Lcnder on tl�c day Ycriodie Paymenks are duc imder Uie <br /> Note, until the Note is paid in full, a siim(the "Punds") to provide for p�5nnent�of emounts dne�for: (a) laxes <br /> and assessmeuts azid other iTems whieh can attaiix priority ovar 11us Security Instrument as a lian or <br /> encumbrance on the Yroperty; (b) leasehold paymen!'s oe gr�und rents on tho Yroperty, if any; (c)pre�niums� <br /> for 2ny and all insurtmce required by Lender under 3ection 5; aud(d)MorCgage Insurance premiuins, if�ny, <br /> ar any sums payable by Boirower to Lender in lieu of the pa}nnent of Mortgage Inaurance premiums iu <br /> accorclance with tlie provisions oi'Section 10. These items aae called"�scrow Iteins.° At origination or at <br /> auy tiine da'ing the term of the Loan, I..ender inay require that Community Association Daes, Fees, and <br /> A.ssessmenls, if any, be escrowed by Borrower, nnd such dues, fees mid assessmeuts shall be an Escrow <br /> Item. Barrower shall promptly f'uruish to Leuder z11 notices of aanounts tio Ue�aid under 11iis Section. <br /> Barrower shall pay]..ender the Pwids for F.scrow Iteme m�lcss Lendcr waives Bon-ower's obligatron tc�pay <br /> the Nunds for any or a11�scro�v Iteme, Lender may waive Bon�ower's oblig�tion lo pny to Lender Punds for <br /> any or nll Esorow Items at pny time. Anp such waiaer may only ba in wriYing. Tn#he evenk of'such waiver, <br /> Boerower shall pay direotly, when aud wl�ere payable, the amounts due for airy Eserow Items fox whicb <br /> payment af Funds ha�s Ueen waived Uy Lendor and, if Lender rcquires, shall furniah tiu Londer receipts <br /> cvidcncit�g such payment witlun such Cii��e perioci as Lender may require. IIorrower's obligAUon to uiake <br /> suoh paymen[s nnd to provide receipta shall for�Il purposee be deemed to be a covenant aaid agreament <br /> contained in this Secm•ity Instxmnent, as the phrase"covenanE and agreement" is nsed in Section 9, If <br /> Borrower is oUligated to pay Bscrow Itams directly, pursLiant to a waiver, and Norrowcr fxils to pay tl�o <br /> an,�ount dne for ar�$scrow Itcm, Londor may cxcre'vse iCs righC� imder Section 9 and pay sneh amounC anc{ <br /> Borrower sliall lhen be obligated under Seorion 9 to repay to Leuder auy siich unounk Lender may revoke <br /> Yhe waiver es to any or all Escrow Iteins at any tnne by a notice givan in accordanoe with Sectiai I S uid, <br /> upon such revocation, Borrower shall pay to Lcnder all Funde, and iri suoh amounts, that�re theu rec�uirecl <br /> under thia Seottion 3. <br /> Lende� may, at any time, collect and hold Punds in en emount(a1 sufficient to permit Lender to n}>ply the <br /> Fmicls ak the Ynna specified mider RESPA, and(b) not to exceed the maximwn ainount a lander c.�ui require <br /> under RESPA. Lender shall estimate the amout�Y of 1^nnds due on the basis of cwYent data and reasonable <br /> estimatea of ea�enditures of fii6iu•e�,scrow Items ar otherwise in accordance wifh Applicnble Law. <br /> The Fimcis shall be held 'u� an n�stitution whosa deposits nre insured by a federal agency, iustxumentslity, or <br /> entity(including Lender, if Lender is ui institution whose deposits are so insured) or in any Federal Home <br /> Loui Banlc Lender sl�all apply the I'wids to pay the P,scrow [tems no later t11a�i tlie trme specified under <br /> RESYA. Lc;nder ehall noC charge Borrower Por holdiug and applying the Fm�ds, a�mi�lly analyzing the <br /> esarow acoount, ar verifying Che Esci ow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower inYerest on the Funds aud <br /> Applicable Law pernuts Lender to i�iake such a chatge. Onless an agreeinent is made in writing Or <br /> Applicab10 Law rcquirc.a intcrest to hc paid on thc Funde, Lendcr shall nof bc rcquircd to pay Borrowcr airy <br /> inCerest or eu�irii�ige on klie Pnnds. Borrower nnd Lender�can agree in writing, however, that inCereat ahall be <br /> pnid on the Punds. Leuder sh��ll give to Bon•ower, wiYhout ch�rge, an nsmual necounting of the Funds as <br /> required by RPSPA. <br /> If there is a swplus of'I'tuids held in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender shall account to Borrower for <br /> flie excess fitnds in aecordence with RTSPA. IP there is a shortage of T Lmds held in escrow, as defined under <br /> RLSPA, LondG�r ehall notify Borrowor as required by RLSPA, and Borrower shall pay Co�Lender the atnounC <br /> neeeasary to n7ake up the short�ge in eccordance with RESPA, but in no more�1xan 12 monthly paymente. Tf <br /> there is a deficiency of Tunds lield in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender sha11 notify I�orrower as <br /> zaooao�o <br /> NEBRASKA-Sin�le Famlly-Fannie W�ae/Freddie lulac UNIFORM INSTRUM ENT Form 3028 V01 <br /> VMP OO VMPB(NE)(17a51 <br /> Wollars Kluwer FinenclelSerWcas P$qe 6 of 71 <br />