.t.ei'.s 3. .... - - �:._.i.-..�..�_i. _. .,:...�...�... _ -
<br /> .--rz----_—`r� .. . _ . . � ` _ l� 'L_ .._ _��.
<br /> .1 � 4. '' � L. �r � � � .� � ' ' ._
<br /> _,yC•1, ��-� . Y` �.•.}' �5... l.. �r— . _ e. �.r...' ' ' - ,-hc i__'L'__.[_.
<br /> _' ' > ` —
<br /> ' . . 4. ....}� _
<br /> ' - � t �
<br /> � 17. T�ns4or of fhe �aporiy or a ��ittelictsl t�srest tn �orrower. n an or any aan o�tne Property or �` "
<br /> . . `�.�Y` at►y Urtece�in ft is sotd ar transferred(or M a benaNciaf interest In Bosmwer is said or transterted �tu�1 aU sums ewred by � , ,
<br /> '` •.'_' P�rsor�vdthout tende�s pdor w�tien eonsent.Lender may.at tis opUOn,requlre Unmediate paym y'
<br /> rso
<br /> `� .,'' �`� Mts Seanity Instrumer�t. However t�s opUon shafi rtot bo exerc(sad by Lender H exercrc�se ks prohibited Dy tederal taw as of th�
<br /> ;.. . .'�'�,h•.� tffiSe of Ws Seeurity Insttutrterrt. � .
<br /> . . It Lender exercises Ws optton. lender sha0 glre 6orrower aotIce of au�et�Borrower must pay e8sums sewreddby tA� : •
<br /> :�� tess than 90 days trom t►►e date th� noUee Is deIlvered or maIled wittdn wh
<br /> • `�: •.` Secu�Sty tnsCUment. U�ortower isDs to payl these aums pdar to the exPtratlon ot thls pertod LanQer may tnvoke any remediasG
<br /> � pe�ted tiy tA�s Seatuityt InsDwnent wUhaut tuRhsr notleo or demand on Bortawer. •
<br /> � � 1�. BaROtv@Y's Rtght to RBIQSt�. H Bertawer meets cerOntr� eond'ittans. Bartawer shull have the dgf►t to have� ., `
<br /> , . , enforcemeM af this Securitl! tns��e�►t �sconUnued at any tlme priar to the eadier o4: �e� of eatetcantelned�tF�ls�SecuriqL..�
<br /> _ , ' appUeapie taw maY SPeht�l for relnstatemenU bebre sale ot the Property Pursuam to any power r
<br /> ��• �or{b)ertry of a�dgment enfordn9 thtg ge�u�y►Msb�menL Those cand'dlons are thal8orrower: (a) Pa1is��►eiI
<br /> ares any °�.--
<br /> � `<`, sums whlch then vrotttd be�e unde►1lds Secvrity lnstrument end the Note as if no aael�ratlon Aad acaute� !b? .,
<br /> ' � defauR ot any other covensnt or ag�eements: (c)Palls 811 exPenses inwrted in eMo�cing this Secwi►Y�sUum�tA the'Gen ot
<br /> . . ,;.
<br /> not Gmited to.reasonabie attomeys'tees:and(�tekes such acYon as Lender may reasonabry requ
<br /> _ �{� Sea�r ;�strums�� Lendet's dgAts tn the Property end BomoweYs obtigaUon to paY the sums seared by this Sesur�ty .
<br /> '" �:. -- ' on reinstatement by Boaower, this Seeu�itY tnatrutrterd and the ohligaUons secured
<br /> � , Instrumettt she0 eonNnue unehanS� t1P in the case ..
<br />, � ' heteby sha0 cemain fuIIy eftedNe ps B no aecet�aiton had ocwrted. Howeve►.this dght to retnstate shall not eaPN
<br /> of acceleratlon under Para�aD�17. , _ _
<br />. .. _, 18. Sa1e o9 Note: Citattge of LAan SeivlCer. TAe Note or a a partial(ntere.st u►the Nots(togettcer with U►is .. '��
<br /> '� Sea�rity tnshument)may►6e sold ane or more t6nes without prfar noUce to Bortw��A sate may resutt in a change in the entit�/ �,'` '..
<br /> . . ` Qmawn as the'Loan Ssvlce")that co�ts manthhl Paym�+ts due under Ute�lats and this Secur(ty tnsWment There atso may .
<br /> ,`,•�` be one or more ehanges of tde Loan Servtees umelated to a sate ot tha Hota. If tAere is a ch�bte Iaw e Tli ne oUce wN .
<br />" Bortower vu�be given vm7ten natice of the change in aaordance wfth P�9�Ph 14 above and epp
<br /> state the neme and ad�ess oi the new loan Servicer and the addres.s to wfiich payments shautd tre made. The noUce wm also .
<br /> � ' eornatn anY othe.r 6iMrtna9on reQufred by eppQcabte law. -
<br /> , �. �,.•��� .
<br /> 20. H�ddus SUilsEetiCee� Bortower shat!not cause or petmit tt►e presenee.use, disposal.sto�age.or retease of
<br /> , .- - . .. mry Hamrtous Substances on or In the PropeAy. Bortower shaD nat do. nor aIlow anyone etse to do.a►►lRhtng attecUag the
<br /> . �` properiy that is in vfataUon at azry Emironmerrtal Uaw. The precedfig two serrtencea shaU not ePPtY to tfie.presence.use. or
<br /> • ',.�..�`_
<br /> - '�" .:� at Hamr�dous SUbstances that are generaQSt reco�ized to be appmpr�te to nortnal , .
<br /> � : storage on the Pmperiy of small quar►Mles , `
<br /> � ' tesidenUal uses and to maintenance of the Property►• n daim. demand Iawsuit or other adion 6y anY �
<br /> ,,S i,�r M��, � B o r r ower shaD pmmpUyl give Lender written notiee of any frnestigaUo . �.�•-.'
<br /> "•�'`!�'�"' ` �r^' govemmentai w�gulatmy a�cy or privafe parly invotvfng t he R o y e r t y a n d a r ry H a m r d o u s S u 6 s t a n c e a r E n v i r o n m e M a l Law o1
<br />. .. .�; ., ;, ". ovemmerrtal or regulatory autRotiiY,that ar►yt ,
<br /> '� �.�;,t;;;ii, which Bortmver has actual imowTedge. lt Bortower leams. or is noti&ed by erry►rt�• Boaaw� shaU prompily take aU :
<br />. ; .:. . ���` cemovai ar vther r�ne�ton of any Har�rdous Substance attectlng PmRertY
<br /> ��; -..
<br /> ';`�'ff!�s,'• �,•:�:,�.��< neeessar5►�emediai acdons in accordarice�vith Envlronmenmi taw. ..
<br /> �, ii_���� �1 , —
<br /> :F:x,��'`�-��.�`: %2„ As used in this para9raPh Z0. 'Hazardaus Substances' ere those substances defined as tox:e or hszardous suLstences by
<br /> Environmental Law and the tottowfng substances: gasoRne. kerosene, other fiammab�e or toxtc petroteum products, toxIc �,�,: '
<br /> � ;�.;��', pesUcides and herbtddes,volat�e soNents.matedals cor�ning asbe�°s or tomiaidehyde.end ramoac8ve materiais. As used in �;,�;.�
<br /> . , •'<'•" �q�p!�ap. 'Envfronmental Law' mea^�s tederal Iaws and (aws of the juris�iWon where the Property is located that retate to � _-
<br /> . � . health.ss'�Y or environmetrtal protecdars � _
<br /> NONdJMFOAM COtlEMAN'f8.Borrower and Lender iurther covensnt and agree as to�ows: �'�,.:
<br />. � ' . . 21. Accel�ratton; Remedtea Lender shatl give nottce t� 1�orra�+►er prtor to a�celeratlan ,ly�;,-
<br /> ' " tollowing Borrawer's breach a�any covenan4 or agreemen3 tn � Socuri3g [�strurrien4 (but not �,��t;�.:
<br /> ' �� prtar to acceteratton under ��aPh 17 untess applical�te law prQVtdes¢�Sarwise). The nottce ,.r,.
<br /> . _ . :;:,:; ..,�...,::
<br />_ . ' � :;��;� shall spocity: (�) the defaui� (Et) tha actton requteed 4o catre the defaut� (�D a date, n�t tess than ,. ., .
<br /> 30 days trom 4he elate the natice is givon ta Borr�wer� by wl�ich ffie dafault must Oa cured; anef rlr���:_
<br /> ,:;'::,: ,.. f:���r.i?:y��
<br /> �� %`�;.�,. . � .�,� (d� that fallure to c�s the detault on �a betore the date specified in th� ndtica may resuit in E,i,,-_-
<br /> • ..f..A,. . :t. The nottce �`--
<br /> :�-:�.:`���'. - :�;i:t•y
<br /> • �,.._,;.., aceeleration of the su�s secured by th1s Sacurity tnstrument and sale af tho Property k::.�,r,-ry
<br /> : �.,�s,:�., . ���-...
<br />- . ... ..,,1��� shall fuethee iMorm Borrower o!the rtght 40 �etnstate aRer acceleration and the right to ng a . �.-L—
<br /> , �:.'�' coi,r4 ac4ion to ass�rt the a��trexistence of a "c.c�att or airy ather de�ease oi Borrrnnrer Qa � _`_
<br />- ��� • � � acceleration and sala. H tho�stauEt is cr.�f eured aa or before the date s�ecffied� tn the nott�e+
<br /> - . >,,�., .
<br /> :,,,, � eM in iuil a4 trC1 surtas seaured by E�Sec+erihl ""�s;.
<br />'...54,;,.:. ,. Lender at i4a option nnay rea�ire immo�f�i4a PaYm ;,-
<br /> = '���'' . . tnstruenent without further dcce^,.and and may Imroice the p�z�� � eale and any o43r�7 remedies �;�,__,;
<br /> ._ � . • permi4ted by aQpiteable taw• 4.�c�der shafl be en4itted to collec�a11 e�enses ts�curred tn pursWng �_:._.-:;.
<br /> „ ::�� the remedies provtded In thia paragraph 21. inctud3ng, but an�t Iimited ba� �easona�te aitomeys' -' �`•
<br /> .. .�,., � , , teea and costs of titta evtdence. -
<br /> •:1�. : � , ff the power af sate 1s invoked, Tr�c�ee shall record a cu�ee og detauft ia e�Lb couMy in ...:�:
<br /> ' ' � which any pa�t o4 4he Property is tor.�'c-d and s6a�! mail ca�s of such natice �c�t�e manner �;::�:
<br />-- �' � presc�ibad by appltcabie iaw to Borrower and to tho ather peu�sons prescribea! by ap�D�cabte law. __
<br /> � • �•`�;�.?� After the time requt�sd by appllcabte law,Trustee sL�al� 91vp pubtic notice of sate 4a 4l�e persona
<br /> ., ,�. .
<br />~� � and In the manne�prescribmd by appt�rSe Iaw• srustee,w3tS�ont domand on Borra�rr��.afia11 sell
<br />-�%�`� � the Property at pu�Eic auctton to the �n`�ast bidder at the�and place and ��the terma
<br /> f_,�,�;,�. �
<br /> ���Ir;?;;�. " designated tn the aotice of sale in oa� or moro parcets an� Qn any ord�� T�u�a determinoa
<br /> �'''"�; ' "•�� Truste� may postpone eate of all or any parcel of the PropeRy by pubtic anrtounoement at 4he
<br /> - � .. -� tima snd place of any previous[y schaduled saie. Lender or its d�stgne� ma�/ purchase the �
<br /> . . � ' prcper9y at any 8ole. .
<br /> � � • Upon �eceipt o! paymant of the prlce bid, Trustee shall detiver to the purcEt�er Truste0's
<br /> deed conveying the Propsrty.The recitats in tho Trustee's doed shail 6�prima Tacie evtdence M ;
<br /> - '� � � the Vuth o! the s4atements made therein. T►ustea shail app(y fhe procoods M the eafe In the
<br /> _ " . �� �r::� foftawing order. (e) to all costs and expensss of exercising the pawer of saio. and th0 sale, .
<br /> ; � inctuding 4he payment M the Trustee's 4ees actuaity incuned, no��o�4he principal amaunt af the � �
<br /> � � �• note at the timo 04 the dectaratton o4 default,and reasonabte attorney's tees as permi8ed by Iaw; .
<br /> � � � (b)to a11 sums secured by thia Securi4y tnstrumen� and (e) any excess to the persore ar persons ..
<br /> - •• ' 18galfy etnitlod to it. :
<br /> : °,. ' . va�a�+s V " " .
<br /> • • F1316.LtAQ(1/911 .
<br /> - - .- � 97773 .
<br />