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<br /> _ '__ ' 'j _ i�t,, (' f '"` _.__` . , t' "_. �} .... .�. _ ... .. . • .L• t+u�:.s.' R !'. '
<br />. . . . �•,. � :t� z• - . .. . '^u". . . . . . - - . � .. - ' . . � _ .. . . . „ . . � ��� .
<br /> ' t ' . " . . " . ' " i::�_ ' ' ,'-=- _" ' . '-_ _ _ � .' �..' � _ —. =— —; .� _- �. . -� .._ c_=rt -. ._ _-C:.^ ..--.
<br /> _ � " . _ ` . . .t ' , . . . , �. ^ . t. . _ . �F , � .
<br /> ` .r. � � ' '� - ----" -_�._...�y. E:.-._.�..�..._.`:S'.....__.�_.s�....... .___. • .. . .
<br /> , ' .' _..:.. '-'____.-.��t ...�..__.
<br />. �. ..�� '*.: ' L�.. .. ?._
<br /> .. ._ • . ���D� & ��� �/� � .. _
<br /> . ` � 16.Bmre+ozseY's Capy. Bcmower sAall be gc'ven ona��onpy+of tt�Note and of this S L . . .
<br /> 17.'['wnsfer atthe Pi+operty or a Beaefic�[n4er�in Barrower. If aIl or any part of the Property ar aay intecest in it i� � .�� `:•R ` `
<br /> • . mld or uansfe�red tor if a beneQaal inte:est in Ba�ae�is sotd er transt�red and Boimwer is aot a nawsal )withnnt
<br /> '. I�ndea's psior wtitten oonsen�Leadcr maY.et ils opti�on.bre�lcad�t�f exe�is th3ited by fedasl law�as�of�S of�tWs' - ° . .
<br /> . In�t Haweva,this apuon s6ari nat be eaansed Y O1O ..
<br /> . Seauity Inst�eat `
<br /> „�.---=( If Lender exenases tLisopaon,Leader ahali give Honowea noitce of awe�ion.'Ihe aodce sP�a11 provide�a iad of aol Ics�
<br /> ° ___ - than 3(t days fcam th$d�the�is ddiveaed or ma�d�u whisD Bmmwe,r muat pay all sru�s by this Secuzity .,� ° _;
<br /> t ea
<br /> .�. ' m�,+ If Boaowa fs�7s tu pay thcse soms�iOr to the ea�i�on of tLis paiad,leuder m�y invoke an}►remedies permiued ` '.
<br /> : 6y th�s SecArity I�wme�nt wuLtont futthsr aotice or demaad on Boima� Bomow� sbaD have the tn Gave -
<br /> tic
<br /> .. 1�.Ba�rr�'s Rt�it to�te. If Bomnwes moets ae�Iain conditions, �
<br /> - eaforcean�i of this In�at discontinued at anp time prior to the eazlier of:(a)5 days(ar sud�ather peand as : ..
<br /> � -'` ,��.'� app}ic�b2$Iaw may��pfyar:eia�aent)befose s�ie of the Pcopesty Pursoaat o�a�►Y Power af sata cuamined in tbis S�rny ";,:: ..
<br /> � ` I�cumea�ar @)e�trY- o�a judgmeut enfa�ing tLis S�►Insuameut'Ihose coaditinns are thai Boaowea:(a)PaYs L�a11 -
<br /> •u�gm •
<br /> ' sQm9 w�ich the,a�ranid be due tmde,r thig Sec�iiy It�strumP�at�d dte Plote 84 if uo s�ation hed ocau�ed:(U)aues anY �s =:
<br /> , � � sQefanli of aay o�oov�er agreeauneai�(c)Pays aD�pens�m�d m enf°m°g Wis Sec�in►Insdm�t,iacinding,bnt �. �.:� M,s��
<br /> agr ea -
<br /> . . :. .,`:; ¢nt ti�ired m,re�canab2e a�rs'fe�and(d�ta�s suc6 acLwn as Irndea ma�+ma�h►rectnire w assure that the lien of tbis . .._ �
<br /> _ g�y �¢�,I�ad�'s � in @te F�opaty aad Baaower's o6ligauaa eo p�.p the smns secared bl► this S�iLY : b :_':
<br /> r I�smaII coatmus a�ged. Upan reans�s by Hozmwe�,d�ss Setc�icg�n ,m�t aad the Obligations secured . �
<br /> ::• e'
<br /> ., . . =:_' h e a e b y s 6 a 4�t a i n f W i y e ff e c��v e a s i f n o a c o e L e i a ti Q n h z d a o c a a e d.fY�rEVer,this r i�R t��siraII not appTy m the case of . �.
<br /> . ver � '
<br /> _`'••': 2scei�atian�sr��i�1�. `�' .
<br /> {a' b9.Saie Qt 1�a�es��iII.+aan ServFo� T4tC RT� (ff 3 gea�ral � m t� 1�'Cts (r�i��a Wcth ttuS SeClII�y �
<br /> r ���r 2 � g�n�?QaY b��c�e��Um�s witlmut gaiar��B�s�A s�ma�r�:t"r�a d�gz in t�'ce ea�tiiy(imoam �%�,�
<br /> �;�,,,.?y��,,�� ";5;� dcYmm�fieh��3t2ffi�cxu�F��a�anapbeonear , rp.r• �=--
<br /> ��e'�S�r��r"}c�o�fiaw�onthiy paYments ` _.
<br /> , °t', ,` ; �a.''��s a�s��S�er�.�7��,•a sale of�;^�i��e is a�a�r�T.aca S�r,B�wer w71 be � .
<br /> , ,�.S, < °`�•. ����c�a�0�:.o�,�-s ia��ith pata�rapt�14 abtrse and app��r.3'he t�,�ce ev�11 sta�e t$e�rte 2nd �.� ��;
<br /> `�,;: r r`�t' �of t6e new Laa.�S�a�3��w which paYmwta should 6e mz�.'tt�aatioe w�7t also c�tain aay ott� _
<br /> il��"�`� 'r5��k sr!'rn.^�ati�m�pjted(3y•epp*TS3L'��7E'�'ts',a_ . �� `-�`.�.--
<br /> � ?A.Ha�ardoavSnb.stanozs �si�r�t cause or permit the preseace,use,disposal. smra8e.ar�ease of aay ,;�... �:'.�,,•._��..y'r.,�
<br />- � . � Har�rdoas Snbstaaces ou ar in the Pro�t�tg.1�-ower shall aot do,nor eIIaw�►youe else to do,anytbiag affec4ing the propedty �.` .:..?,��
<br /> =�::- ,_`�
<br /> :. . . _ _ d�at is in viularion of en Bavlmmnenrdl ta�:'Y�e pieoediAg two seateaces shaII aot appty w the pre,seacc,�u m 1 r�asQs
<br /> Pmperty of smaU qaan�of Ha�rdous Snbstanc�s tbat�e ge�esaRy reoo�ize��o be apytopriare . ...` ''=:'���
<br /> � aa0pv mainten�oe of the Firopeaty.
<br /> -- Bo:mwer sha11 pmmpSy glve Leader wiittem notIce of any investigation,claim,demand.tawsait or other aAion by any .:, _
<br /> - . . :.. go�aAmentai ur regntatory e5►orp� are FaaY invo2vmg fhe FrapPSty and anY Ha�+duna Snbstance or Envh�anmemtal Law ---
<br /> _ . ,�:.-, , ` ` oi whic6 Boimwer Uas�awIedga If Bamawe,r teams.or is notified by any gavetammml or regatatory suthority.tLat�r
<br /> remaval or other rrmediaSon of aa HaTardous Snbstaesx aQec,tlmg the P�ngerty is necc�s�5►.Botrowe�r sball pmmptly taYe ell
<br /> e
<br /> � . � nxocssary remedial a��ns in b��n ����st�an�"erewthose su�stanoes defined as wxic at ha�ardoas subs�►ces by '.,;�...�;, ,��.
<br /> � ` AS uSeA in fhis D�S�P , :�,�, �, . _
<br /> , , � . ` Bm�o�atal Law and the followiag sabsf�ce� �Otine. gerosaie,othei ftammable ar toxis petroa�cts, toxlc _
<br /> .. `,;� p�sdcidca�d he�hi�Ces.voi�ite sotvent�,materlals raal�nin8 agi�os ar faima2deAYde.aad radioactive As ased in . _
<br /> � . thi�paragrspb Z0."Eavironmenta1 Iaw"�ae�s f�l t�ws aad Iaws of ine jmis�aron wAae We Pt�pe�►is�1�� _�,;; :�.-_
<br /> to Aeatih.safety ar earvhvnme�tsl pmt�cdon. .'",��-
<br /> �
<br /> .. , '. .; .� NON UNII�RM COV�NNANfS.Smmwer and LRadea further covenant and ageeas foltow� �-:` �+�._,W
<br /> . � ..;. Zl.Acceleratton;Remedica.Lender sLaD give natt�e to Bonower prEor to aceeferatinn fo�nwing Borrawer's brearp of -
<br /> c
<br /> ,:. . e�y aoveaant or agr�eem�a8 ea tLiv Secari4p Ia�tr�c�t Nut nat prtm to aweS�ratioa ander Dar�raDh 17 �I�s ' �:� :
<br /> _ �� . appLtc�Die.taw pmvides dt[te�ase).'f'�e egS�e s6sf�sge�d�y:(a)the�funit:tb)the�sttnn r�to care t'�e da?ani�(c) °.���!'_.'�`_---
<br /> ' ' '' a dat�aot!e�than 3�dags�n the dat��he notice�givea to Bs�er•bY whiz8 tM defauI!m�be cas�di and(dD f �
<br /> `" thal f8�e to care the deSa¢[3 oa c�r 6efone the date sPedficd in the not�Ce mP►y r�nit in so�on o!the snms secarecfl �° `°' .
<br />-- � � , . ,�,:i �Y���t9�"��¢�saE¢04 the Property.The notIce sbWl fim4her u�ff�m Bmrraw�of the a�g?�t to reinstute -��=:;::';::;r'"=—
<br /> sa e
<br /> _ . afeer aoceieratiun an��Ye rf�t to 6ring a cua�ac�i to as5ert t6e noa�of e defaNt or an��r detense ot �'��i;,?�;.9 �.-_---_.
<br /> •a. r.��i!r;t.._-°`'�°-�'•:
<br /> ' � Bormw�to acaelcratton e:�ssi��P t�e�Jautt is not w�ed on or 6elore the date spedited ie tice aoti�e.l.eader,at its ;.�,:;�� ;; _
<br /> �:' . . � z'3':';::'�_:
<br /> ;�. : _ ,:,i�; aDttoa,may reqodre immediate paym�3 9m frcD o!aA�ams sec�ed Dy tl�is SsctarItB Ias�rm��wIthont fiuther demand ,�:::.
<br /> - . • . ��'.• . and wa invoke tQe ower af sai�end �.�her Remedtes permitt�b a ttcabie law l.end�sbaD be enttlieG to mltect �-"��;r"�`
<br /> . . y P � Y DD l.e ...;.�.:r:.:a�:
<br /> . '. ;' aD espeas�s ins�red in pwreafng the reme�Ies prnvt�ed in fhtv Dar�gpaDh 21,tneludIng,Dnt not 6mited to.reasonable ,', ,".-":.
<br /> $ .,�
<br /> `.:�.
<br />-= •� '� atto�eys'tez9 su�aosts ot titie eetdena� ; . . �.�:;
<br />_�' • � ._ � ip the power of sale i�invoSc�.7�aster shall reaord a notiee o!defantt in eacb caanty in wlhtsD any part op the ��.���::�;:
<br /> ..�,,�,
<br />"�;,.` .r. .: . . y PlroPertY Ls Iacated ar��a6aI1 mait wDia�of sach uottoe tn the mann2r prescribed�y appltsable taw to Bormwer and to 4De _:ii;•.�:..
<br /> = - � oth�r Dersons presaibed 6y appltreDle law.After the time reqn[re�Dy applicab2e Iaw,Teastee s�sD gh'e pnDltc nmtice o?
<br /> ,�,r �_ . . .. _ eaie to the persons and ia We mannv pnseribed Dy applka6k faw Tragtee.wiWont demand on Bomawer.sh�D seif the
<br /> � • Property at pnb8c aactton to the 6lghest 6fdder at t�e time and pface aad auder the tevms d�nated in t6e notice o!sate .
<br /> — . For�aoae sreo ', �� . �`�
<br /> ���(NE7(Y212).Ot PapoSofA Initiab: _ . , . .
<br />:,__e. : •. - • � • .
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