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<br /> � '� (, ` � y`5 �� .� '. r , ` �` • `� 4 . • • . . � .. 1 . �.( , �. . , ( ` . C, } �'4 .
<br /> � . ' � ��� ... - �..� _ � .
<br /> . . <.. . . .. 4 _ _= � .�. _�Yan.r• .ilv..,._.�'
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<br /> < < , �- ��,� ��� � . `..
<br /> . . ��,��.��.� _
<br /> mGECHBR wrfA au tbe improvemea�aflw or mereafter erectee un the piapacy.
<br /> • � . ` �auw or hereafter a part of tLe propertY• Ai1�ePlaoemea�aiW additions sl�aU aTso be covend by tbis Senui�jt Iagtnuaeat. `
<br /> . �:��:
<br /> � All of tbe fozeSoinB�iefe:red w in this SecarIry tast�ent as the'FropertY.' -
<br /> ' BORROWER COYIIVANTS that Bortower is law►fu1tY seised of the estaze h�nciry ooaveyed and has tte ri�ht w graat aa+d
<br />- ,. ��-1 y� c�avey the Ptopen5'and thaz the PmgertS+is tmencumbe�ed. excePt foz eaamsbrances of record. Borrovrer warcants aad wt�t . _
<br /> ��_T__, er
<br /> : ., - 8��generally th�titte to the Prape�ty a�at a]i claims aad demaads,subjea m a�r encambraaces of tecard- .
<br /> ,��``,� �ffiS SECULRITY INSTRUMENT comD'mes uniform caveaanfs for national use aad noarumfomt covenants wUh limited
<br /> . ,
<br /> ,. �-�s 1sY I�is�aron w oonstitute a unifosm sec�ItY IaSUnmenc coverin8 real pi'oPertg• -
<br /> L;�IIFO�E1�4�t vENANTS.Boaowzr sud Leader covenant aad agtte ac follows: ,� � .�,
<br /> --.-- � ;.`�n, g,p8ymeai c�6�rtnay�al s�Iateres�I'cegra7me�a�l Lat�Char�. Boiroaer sl�all promPUY PaY ahea das tDs� _<: ..
<br />- , r $r'�' �1 of and inreresc on t�s�6t evideaced by die Note and aay grepayment and late chatges due tmder the Note.
<br /> • ,ti.., •":;�.•��.,
<br /> �, ` -�'.-, •�.�5mds ior Tases an�Insurence- Snbjest to app}irable laa or w a wriuen araiver by I.ender, Homuwer shall pay m
<br /> ixuder an tbe day mamthlY FaYme�s aze dae�der the Nott.,imn'1 the Note is gaid ia fiil1,a sum("P�ads�)for(a)YearlY� . .
<br /> ��s wlu�L may anain priority ozxr this Secm�its tnsm�mtnt as a liea on the PropertY:(b)Y�Y���FaY�� - .
<br /> L Sood'ms�trauce p�cmiums,if � -i
<br /> . , �` rems on the ��l+;(�)S'�tY�°?p�m ia�uauce p�;(�Y�Y - : '
<br /> "•'` or grrna�t �' if anA(�aaN sams Payable hY Bouower w Lender,ia a�ccos�ce with the ':v��`:
<br /> �: � ' piemiums, �Y' ,,':..
<br /> .. F::�1k, anp;(�)Y�Y �ge� ' •
<br /> • ' ' � prwisions of p�h 8. ia liru of the paym�nt of m�rtgage insarance prem�s.These items ate cailed 'Fscruw Items.' ��;;.�. '
<br /> �. �1 A �„
<br />_ , _ �`••��c",, „� }.�•, y� ^�� `�a,� ^� {'������p�q�p{} ,
<br />.' . • �.:.1(7�_�1 ��������4GK�i1V14�Ll�PY����G�L�Y!F��aaKIW+�a�1V1 a 1MY����j�"+"'�� F'�:�
<br /> ��,��'.
<br /> :.,: Ioan m�require for Bouower's esczow acco�a uader the�edeaat Real Fstate SeNeme�t Pcocefiuea Act of 1974�� , �. .
<br /> w z`e:.,,..,.
<br /> ��E`;`'••'`° �� � , �:..
<br /> -- - -, _,`;�� �ded from tmmz w t�,12 U.S.G Searau 2601�seq. (°R84PA'I.u�ess another 1aw tbat^qp}is to the Funds sets a l�sser. , -
<br /> ' ' � ,�1.�� �t.tf so. Lendex maY.at aay time,coitect and hold Fw�ds in aa mnouat nas to exreed�➢�sser ammmt. Lead�� f��t::.,;`.�.
<br /> ` �tt�amount of Funds due oa�basis of carrem data ant4 reasoaable�'�s mf exp�of fmme�W Ioems cr ;� :'�;
<br /> . � � f�z o-.�ise'ra axoidance arith aPPlicable 1�w. �f,�t� , ,`L.�
<br /> � }"� 'iHe FBnds s�ari be held ia an�on w�ose deposus are��Y a fedetal agene.y.iasOr�eNalitY.os ,_:'-
<br /> 'r^;. thE�F1ID�g t+u f��]E4�L3?(� '
<br /> �.�;..� .
<br /> �'T $�dEr.If I�4d��8 SlICh 8D��OI III SIIy I�"�1 QOIUC j.O3n�k. �:CIidCT Sh'd}l SQ�I� � % :
<br /> � '��` h`t�.Lca�er may net cuarrge�o:mwer for hotdh�g sud aPPh�S�=Fu�a,�.:raPt�r�aIY�aB�e escrow accco�,�a��s�Rg� ,r. � '
<br /> ::�IL'JI��;��,����:}'.;�!,'" a gorrower�a�rt�s�S�3�li�a�Iseimits Leader w make�a c�. � f��:�_,��,.�
<br /> � �� ,,,' the Escto�Iu�s.�Ieas Len�lex PaSre ���reai esiate r�a�pordng .
<br /> ' {��4. Howevet. Ireudes taaY�re Bottoarer ta pap a aae-timz�arge r� secv�s�t��t , .
<br />-�' .. .. :';,¢�,,`,. . I�nder in ca�oa witb this loan.�mtess aPPlicabte law provid��iss. Unless 2a a�ree�is made or applieaY+�L`s:� "1r_;
<br /> . ^, r�ul�ia�enat to be pald,Lender sball not be reqiriied w pay Borracver aqy interest or eamings oa the klmds.Bosrower a� . ' ,
<br /> •'`. .. � ',. .' Lender maY agree ia ariting.hflwever.tbat it�est shaA be paid oa the Fuads.I.eader shali gtve to Bormwer.withoua cT�atge.an . _^_:
<br /> r.. .
<br />`�{ ; . . . aaaual accaiaaiag of the Ftmds.showia8 qedits and debits tn ti�ee Fumds an�the pu�pose for wtuctt ea�h debit to the Funds was .. .r;:l
<br /> _ , made.The Fimds aie Dle4ged as addidonal secariry for all st�s seenrM bY thia Sa�uity Ius�sment. . '"'"�"
<br /> __ , - If the Fimds hdd�yr Lender execed the amouata Fe�cced m be 1neId by appiiwbk taw.I�6ea s2tati acc�mt w Porraaret far ,,�;_;
<br /> . � tbe excess Fimds ia accosdance aIth the requirements of applicable taw.lf the aatount of tlte Funds heid try Ieadst at aayr dme is �=�-_
<br /> '} .. , •;. ` not sufficient ta pay the Escrow Items ahen due.lendec maY so notifry Bonower in anidng,anG.in sach case Bo:rower sbaU gay _ .
<br /> to Lead�r the amoimt aecess�3+ to make uP the deficiency. Borruwer ehall maYe up the de6c�eaey ia ao more tlran tweSve ---
<br /> ��Y PaYm�•�lender's sole d�scredon. _
<br /> . UPa'a paYm�e�in fi�U of aU sums seaueA bry thls Securiry iasaumcnt.Lender shall promptty aefimd w Sorrower aay FunGs • -_
<br /> . beId by Iender. IP.uader paraSraPh 21.Leader abari acqufire or se31 the Propeny.Lender.DrIor to�e acquisition or sate of tbe - --.
<br /> a
<br /> , . . � � . Property. sbaU aPD1Y�Y��hetd by Leader at the dme of acquisidon or sale as a credit agaia�t the sumg secured by this <.,�,�.:
<br /> S��. __
<br /> T 3.APpIica3t�t of Baymeais. Usdess applicable Iaw provIdes othe:a�ise,all payments reseived by Leader�mdec Dat�aF�
<br /> -- . 1 and 2 sLaD be appl�ed: 8ist. to aay prepaymenc cLarges due uadei the Nau:second.to amouata paYabk undu para�aph Z: _ - -- ,
<br /> ��', • � �, tLird.w iaterest due:fmutb,to priacipal�et aad laat.to a�+late cbarges due uader the Note. � :
<br /> +_ ,. �•
<br /> , . q,Charge�ld�. Bosroaer shall pay aU taxes. assessmea�.charges. Sna aIId imposiaons ams'bumble w the Fropeny , -::
<br /> - . wLicL maY at►a#a Prlo�itY over this SeaaIry Iastn�e�,and teasehold payms�ts or�aund reata,if aay.Boimwer sba11 pay these -°
<br />__ . .. oblig,azians�n�e maaner pravided ia paragtaph 2.os�f aot paid ia that maaner.Bo�ower s6all pay them on dme Eirealy w th� ..
<br /> - yesson awed payment. Borrower shaU prom�tlY�unish to Lender all notices of amouais to be patA�mdet this para�aph If ` . -
<br />' , � Bormaer malces these payments dlr�ctlY.8orrower sbaU promptly fiunisb w Leuder receipts evideacIag d�e paymenss•
<br /> -- ' � Borrowa shall prompily dise,�arge aay Hen whlcb�aa psiorlry rner this Securlry IasuL..r*+*�I�sss Bosmwer.(a)agnes in �..
<br />�� ' � _ . � wsiriag to the paYment of the obligadon sea�red bY the lien in a maaner acce�tsble co Lender;N)�onttests in good faitL�e liea .
<br />=_� . '. . by. or defends agaiast enforcement o!the li�ia legal proceediaga wbich ia fbe Leader's opitdon aperase to psevent the
<br />'�'��� ' enforeemeat of the 1ien:or(c) secures from the�otder of the liea�ageement satisfacwry w Lender subordiaating tDe llen to
<br /> a�`�. . shis Sec�uiry Instrumsnt.If Leader detetmiaes tbat aay►ya:t of the Pmyerty is subjeet to a lien which may euain yaortry over this
<br /> _y.. .
<br />- - � Sewsiry Iagtnimeat.lender may glve Borrower a nntice idetu�yIng�e llen.Borrower sbaU satisfy�e lien ar take oae or m�re .
<br /> � � of the actiaa�set fonh above wlthin 10 days ot the giviag of notice.
<br /> • • Fo�3QE8 9/90 '
<br /> . ', A.�t6RQVE)14�117.01 Vi�elol6 InhWf:
<br /> - 'i . • .....
<br />-:i� . . .�,,,,-t„�,_•_____,.,—._..,•__......�. -, , . . . • ' , .. , . .
<br /> . , . . . � . , ' . �. . � i' .. � , . ...., .:
<br /> _ . ,. ' . . ' . , , • ' . . .. .�� � ,. .._ . . . � .
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