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<br /> � ` ;,
<br />- � - . �.: . �7�- rc���y/ :
<br /> . . ': iod i.ender may iz�oke any `:'
<br /> � , pay these sums prior to the expiration of this per . .
<br /> � remedies permitted by tlnis Security Instrwnent �ithout furthex notice or �
<br /> ' demaad on IIorrovPex's. • .
<br /> '�`-'-.•••. � .
<br /> ' ' 18. Borroraers' Right to Refnstate. i� Borro�ers meet certain �.�`
<br /> � � `, � conditions. Borroarers shall have the right to have enforcemeat of this
<br /> - -�f^'�`� Security Tns=sument disrnntinued at any time prior to the fo lreinstatement) =- -
<br /> — '_.:'>`� days (or such other period as applicable la�a may specify -�
<br /> before sa].e of the Property pursuant to any poo�er of sale coataiaed i�n this ,�
<br /> a y Security Instrument; ar (b) entry of a ji�dgment eaforcing thi.s Security 14,:
<br /> . �:. "� instrument. Those coaditions are that Horroa�ers: (a) pay Lender all sums .,..
<br /> ' . �rhi,ch then �rould be due under this SecuritY Instrwneat and the Kote had no
<br /> �- acceleratfon occwcredr (b) cure any default of aay other cavenants or : �,. ,.
<br /> - . agreementss (c1 paY all exPenses i��red in enf°rcing this, SecuritY ,
<br /> � Instrumeat, i�acluding, but aot limited to. reasonable attorneys' fees: and
<br /> . . . (di �� �� a�i� � ��r �ay reasonably require to assure that the lien
<br /> .,�': . ° of this Security iastrument. Leader`s rights ia the Prope��nt�oshall
<br /> ' .', ` obligation to pay the sums secured by thia Security •"
<br /> ` " ���� coatinue unchanged. i7pon reinstatement Izy Borrowers, this Security < .v
<br /> ,. ,.
<br /> '. '. Instrumeat aad the obligatioas see�sed herebY shall r��3in ful1Y effect�ne as �
<br /> , .� •. - : i� � ��lp�t{ea had occurred_ Ffflerever. this righ�e to reinstate shaZl not _._
<br /> " - app�y in the case of acceleration imder garagraPhs =3 ar iT� :�
<br /> ...{ ,f `
<br /> .. . . � �..��a '`; ..
<br /> � ' `• 19. Acceleration; Remedies. Leader shall give notice to Borrowers
<br /> ' � ` ,��•• prior to accelera.tion following Borrowers� breach of any covenant ar y;,,;�
<br /> _ .:�._� :.�;:•,c�
<br /> • : agresment ia thi.s Security Instrumeat (bur. not prior to acceleration under �;;,-=�
<br /> . _ � p�raq�aphs 13 and 17 unless applicable la��rovides other). The aotice �c�a /.�,':'
<br /> � ', } specify: (a) the default; (b) the action reqnired to cure the default; ::.;
<br /> �. .; date, not less tban 30 days fram the c7ate the notice is given to Borrowers. �
<br /> • �? by crbich the default must be cure�; and (d) that failure to cure the default �' �
<br /> . ' '�� , on or before the date specifie� in the aotice may result in acceleza�son of ;�'f, T�
<br /> �� the aums secured by ti�s Security Instrument and eale of t.�.e Property• The
<br /> ' '" � � notice shall further �nform Borrowers of the right to r�instate after �.� °
<br /> ' � acceleration aad the right to bring a court action to assest tYie aoa- _
<br /> . . � �_; existence of a default or any other defense oE Horraavera to acceleratioa and
<br /> : r� ' ' sale. If the default is not cured on or before the date specified in the �'��
<br /> ` • ' .,; ` notice, Lender at her ogtion may require immediate paymeat in full of all
<br /> "•� -
<br /> sums secured by this Security Instrument without furtlier demaad and may � -
<br /> •- � iavoke the power of sale and anY other remedies permitte8 by appl3.cable law. �
<br /> '� ' Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pureuis:�. .the ,
<br /> ' � . � _ . remedies psovided in this garagraph i9, including, but not limi�c�3 to, �
<br /> � . reasonable attorneys' �ees and coata of tiitle evidence. _
<br /> � � ' ' � If the po�er o� sale is invoked. '��ustee shall revcsrd a notice ,oE ., � ',;t4'..;
<br />.-;;. . � . , default in eanc �oumty ia which aay Part, of the PraPertY is iocated and ahall �
<br /> . mail copiee of such notice in the manner pYescrilsed by apglicable la�o to
<br />- � � ' � aosrowere and to the ether persons prescrf.bed by appiicable law. After the
<br />-- �;�;�;�.t� �, � .
<br /> • tim� required by agplicable law, Trustee ateall give public notice of sale to
<br />= , . � � � the gersons and in the manaer prescriDed by appiicable law. Truatee, �aithout ..
<br /> � � � demand oa Borrocoers. shall se2i tlne Property at public auction to th� �iighest
<br /> '� biQder at the time aud piace aad under the terms designated in the n�tice of -•
<br />= �� sale in one or more parceis and in any order Trustee dete�cmines. Trustee may '. .
<br /> - . �� postpone sale of all or any parcel of the Property by public announcement at .
<br />- � the time aad place of aay previously scheduled sale. Leuder or her dssignees
<br />.- � . , may purchase the Property at any sale. '
<br /> - �� Upan receipt oE payment oE the price bid, Trustee shall dellver to the
<br />__ �. ��,R_�`�'�, � purchaser Trustee's deed conveyiug t�e Froperty. The recitals in the .
<br /> - � Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the truth of the statements
<br /> '�` . mafle therein. Trustee ahall apply the proceeds oE the sale in the followiag
<br /> • • orders 4a) to all expenses of the sale, including, but not limited to,
<br /> - �, •� TYVStee�s fees as permitted hy applicable ia� aad reasonable attorneys' fees; �
<br /> - � • (b) to ail sums s�cured by this 3ecurity Inetrument; and (c) any excess to
<br /> � . ' . the person or persons legally eatitled to it.
<br /> - • � • 20. Lender in Possesslon. Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or
<br />-�;,�� . abaadonment of the Property, Lender (in persoa, by agent or by judicially �
<br /> ,� , , 5
<br />