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<br /> . . . • `ul,�v;.
<br /> � � �i ���tn�r�%/ .. . -
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<br /> ` , Eorromers acquire fee title to the Praperty. the lease�old and fee title .s� � .
<br /> � �'•�,�• shall not merge unleas Lender agrees to tAe merger in v�nciting. - _
<br /> � , ,r,:
<br /> : .�', ..
<br /> �� 7. Protection of Lender's R�ghts in the Property. YE Horro�rers fail
<br /> � � ' � to per�orm the c�venants and agreem�►ta cantained in this Security �.
<br /> � • • iastrumeat, or there is a legal proceediag that maY $i9nificaatly affect ; �'-",f
<br /> ..` 1., � in DankruPt�7f. Probate. �` : � :
<br /> '�.���� Leader's rights in the ProPertY (such as a proceedia9 -
<br /> � � for coadeamatia� or to enforce laois or regulation�?, �� �� �Y do and _
<br /> • •`�.�`�'�i for whatever is necessazY to Protect the value of the Property aad
<br /> . ��';,,: FaY Lender's actic�ns may include gaYing �Y :,� ..`.
<br /> . � .. Lender'9 rights in the Property. �n . :
<br /> �'`.�� aums secured by a iiea �rhich has priority over this Security instrument, 4
<br /> .� �°, a reasanable attorneys' fees and eatering oa �the .v`',�
<br /> . '.. • appearing in caurt. P Y�� `�•.�.�-
<br /> '. � ,• :; Progsrty to m a k e re p a f rs. Although Leader may take action uader this �
<br /> ' � ��gmph 7, Lender does not have to do so. � ..��;=`
<br /> S,
<br /> ` .�. :� k'' .� Any amouats disbursed 1uY Lender under this paragraPh ? shall become .� :
<br /> � a d d i t i o n a l d e b t of BorrovJers secure8 bY th�s Secu�citY Instxvment. Onless �Y,.{_:
<br /> , :`.`:: �� Borro�ers aad Lender agree to other terms of pa]rmeat. t.hese amouats s 2 i a 1 1
<br /> � . bear iaterest from the date of disbursement at the l�ate rate and shall be • �;;
<br /> - •.,� _= •:.r �
<br /> payable. with interest. nPon notice from Lender to Bt�rsaarers requestia9 ;
<br />, '�r� ���. . ��_=
<br /> , �',2:. ,' g. Iaspectf.on. Lender or her ag�nta may make reasanable entries upon -
<br />� � � : and inspecticns of the Property. Lendet sha21 4ive B°rr°°Qe� notice at t.he
<br />• ' � time of or prior to aa insPection specifying reasonable cause for the .,�i
<br /> � • � , inspection. F.��,
<br /> :: '` ' 9. Condemuation. The proceeds of as� amard or claim fpr damages, `_
<br /> . ' �� or c�seque�,tiasl, ia connection �ith aaY aoa�c�ation or othe� taking _---
<br /> � '. �,::� � of auy part of the Property. or for caavei►aace in lieu of c:�demaation, aze
<br /> hereby assigaed and aba11 be paid to LeasEer- . . � -_
<br /> ;,' � . r -,�-<
<br /> ' �" �� In the event of a total taking of the Property. the proceeds sha11 be �� ���
<br /> . � :.. .;.. agplied to the sums aecured by this Secmcity Instrnment, whether ar.r.��t thea �';:
<br /> .' j�mV
<br /> �.�
<br /> , .. �_ due. �oi.th any excese paid to eorrowers. in the eveat of a �a�tial takiag of
<br /> � � � the Property. unlesa Sorrowers aad Lender othen�ise ag�� � �it�J• �e Y. --
<br /> � �' �! sums secured by this Serurity �nstrument shall be s� �Sy �e amount of _
<br /> � , `{ tIIe proceeds multiplied by the folloraing fraction: L�J t�.= total amouut of 'T---
<br /> � • � - the sums secured immediately before the takia3. divide8 1ay lb) the fair «!?�_
<br /> � . - '•����'. �:: market value oE the Property immediately beYore the taki,II.g: AnY balance ---_- _
<br /> �� ' ��.'� ahali be paid to Bonowers. =.
<br /> . t.
<br /> ' �.�} If the Frapetty is a'bandoned by Borron�ers. oz if, afier notiae by Lender � _
<br /> � � :, ,���`,•,;; to Borromers that the conde�mnr offers to make an araard or settle a claim for �,�
<br /> '. ,.,..,_;���'',`; damagea. Borror�ers Eail to respcnd to L�nde� �rithin 30 days after the date � ,__-
<br /> ���� the�aotice ie g5.ven, Lender ie authorized to coilect and apply the preceeds.
<br />- „I��. .'• � ��'•� at the9x option, either to reatore or repair the Property or to pay the sums =
<br /> � '� secured by th�s Security Inatrumeat, �ohether or not then due. _
<br /> ' IInless Lender and Borro�ere othessoise agree in c�riting, �y application T;__
<br /> . � • �. :�:� of proceeds to principal shaii aot extend or poatpoae the 8ue date of __
<br />_ . � pay�neats referred to in paragrapha 1 anfl 2 or change the amount oY such _
<br /> : � .. � .. .� paymients.
<br /> � : •i�:'s�;..,'' 10. Bono�ers Not� Released� Forbearauce by LenB.er Not a Waiver. .',`,.
<br /> . � :;�,;?�l;•t; ���
<br /> .. ,�.;:±.�};:-�' .' Extension of the tims for payment or madification of amortization oY the sums
<br /> • • secured by thie Security Inatsument granted by Le�der to any successor in
<br />--- � " � intereat of Bono�oers ghall not operate to release 'the lS.ability of the , �
<br />_ � � � � ' ' origfnal Borro�aere or Sonamers' successore fn interest. Lender shaii not be � .
<br /> = �; r e qnire3 to cammence proceediaga aqainst any successor in intereat or refuse _
<br /> - .. � to extend time Eor payment or otherrvfse mcdify amortizaeion of the sums
<br /> � i. secure� by this Security instr�ment hy reasoa of aay demand made by the
<br /> � � . � . �� original Borrowers or Borromera' succeasore in interest. Any forbearance by
<br /> = 1�ender in exercisingt�nY right or reme@y aha].1 nat be a �afver of or preclude
<br /> - .. .� � , � ' the exercise of any right or remedy. .
<br /> . , �:
<br /> -';� . .. 3
<br />:: - __ , .•..� ._�
<br /> ' ' ' �
<br />