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<br /> PAEiT1ES:This Deed af Tmst is made on agsv�mHar�u �9, i a�7_ .among the Grar�wr.���RIr•�_ -
<br />-_ _ � t'�rrowee').! .
<br /> ,. , `s.
<br /> � ' "•:;,_ � aRAnm ta �nnc�c� a�[�rotzlaSY - � � ..
<br /> . '''z"'``'" �reslQence flddtess Rs oe Rex vo�r.�.,a rain.,a unt• Catmiy.RteLreske i'Tiustee').end the Benef�iaN. ` �'__
<br /> a, n , _
<br /> ' .,.�r.e�.�.�e nw� �nn s r�wwt rL+eAe�TIlTTATf .g colDa���8�d \ ..
<br /> '.�.
<br /> • . � 8f1�07dSdt1$IRt�BT t17B�dWB Of NBSAnRStA - --W110S9 SQQf8S8�$ wn� enn.na tivRfeR� �qTRTS1Y1'� .•�,�t�
<br />. ' {��.BRdEt�• :$:���-.
<br /> , ..: "� :: ���:ct:
<br /> `' s� ,,. �y �:'�' COANEYAMCE:Fot vaWe racetved.Bortowe►irrevocahiy grarns and eomreYs to 7ruatee tn bvst v�itA pawer of sate,tha ceai O�i+�h►.of wNch � �` .
<br /> ~ 'f-'� and tuWre improvemartts ther.eon eud ett rigT►ts-of-vvai►. �.-,��.
<br /> . �c� Bonowet is�awfliN seized. descd6ed�eIow and eU buitd'ings.fumites,and e�stin9
<br /> - " .�±s,�.�r« eaaemerrts, rents.issues. Prafits. tneame.tenemeMS.Aeraditamer�.priv�7eBes end enfl eDP�nanc� there�mw CeIOngirtg EaD�llsd 1tro
<br /> �. . • ; ;' 'Property'1. [1ALpfl T�`T.AND .NeLraske f,AAR1 ,
<br /> PAOP6ifYADDR�S• �e s w �z - . .�
<br /> LEQAL DESt�t�i[O;�f: � � t�� �
<br /> _,.'�:.;, THS W83T SSV51�'�-TG70 FBBT (NT2•� OP LOTS FIFTY-THftSS I53) 1lIdD '�.�•£i�.
<br /> . .. : FIPTY-FOIIIt f�7€ �xZDID 1�8 P1BST SBV813TY-ZRIO FSST (W72•f OP T� PTORTS
<br /> 1�
<br /> . -`!�.;��;,, FdRT7F-Q� EBBlf :�,;�1`41'I OF I.O� FIP'TY-TUiO E5Z}, ALL ZN WBST LAWN .
<br /> � . .,,.:. '. . ,
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<br /> :s_�1.:
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<br /> .,:' IocaLed in srnr r CamttS►.NeLraska. ' � -
<br /> ` � wer covena�s�warra.�s�Ia to the proDeK1►,exca�tw' �'�u
<br /> .gortp �';a:
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<br /> g�ppp p�gT;Thts�md(r.�uyst s�rea ta Lender repayment of th9 seaaed Qebs end t�e peifarmance ot the cavena�rts and agteemertta E _
<br /> � � BoROinrea�owes to Lerrder der U►is deed�trustQ or�imQer a�iry i�h M se�by U sf deed��ust.anA all modfft�cado�exteens ais� . tk =
<br /> • .� renewals thereof.
<br /> l:.:-^'�
<br /> " • ' The seaaed deDt ts evldeneeA by tlist�if lnstrumems ar.d agreamenm se�tued by thfs deed at uust and the dates thereof.l:
<br /> . r � � �+_�;"_
<br /> • � �Poturs Aavmces:The above amourtt is seuued even thougfi a0 ar pan of it may not yet Ce aCveneed. fudue advanees aro _
<br /> - w�emptated artd vm'�be secured W tha same extert as if made on the data thia QeeA of trust is atacutee. _-
<br /> • . �
<br /> . , � � Q Ravotvfig ttne ot aedit eBrtac�+ent Qated ,witA in(tial am�ual Urtarest rate of 96. . '. _
<br /> ;��°`- - � +AIt emaunts owed under m►�s�eement•are secured even though aU es�awm may not yet ba advaneee.Fuaue advanees under . . _
<br /> _ .:����x: ";.:� �se egreement are canto:r�Tluti�d and will be eewred m tho s�ame a�rtt as R made on�tlt�date tnis doed of trust is c�ab: • -•-
<br /> .. ' Tha atiode obligatum.ia due an0 paqabia on �gr�vmmrtsigtt �s �aoR _ if rici�aui caA:�r- � .
<br /> ���• g The totaf unpaid 6�aiu�a BeaueO�y this deed of uusi at airy one Umo shall not c�cteed e maatmum prindpal amow�t of
<br />_- • .•` � arear�u�nrrnraaicts f�iae�e/+n _OOn81�8ISU�Ann nA 1.nlus int@t� �-_-
<br /> • ptus asry amwr►ta Aisbwsed under the terma of Ws Qeed o!uust to ptotect tt�a seeuriry o!this Qaed of trust o►to pertartn s�nyl of the '
<br /> _ . � covenar�ta cantem:d tn tAig daed of VusL vslth lrrterest on sucf�d[sbursemarrts. � � �
<br /> � • ❑Varia�e Raa�s•1"tr�interest rato on the obiigeeian seaaed by thia EeeO of trust may vary aeeordtrtg to tha terms of that ohligation.
<br /> r�
<br /> . . • � ❑A copY af r1�ioan egreemerrt eo�aintnp itw torms under whicfi tho irtTmeri rate may vary is etteched to Shts deed of Vust and
<br />= • . . . ' . made e paR l:�reof.
<br /> .� 8lDERS: �Commercial � naarc3tautFnrr eta nAnrr� ❑ � �•
<br />__ � . CESIOHAT[�WOiNOELF.B�D .
<br /> - . � . P�usuaM to tt�a Fara�Home�tead proteeUan AcL Qesi9nation of homestea0 D 19 attached tn tltla deed of bust and made e part heroot ,
<br /> - ;. ❑ has been dLdaDne�dts Nsdalmer is attaehed to thSs decid oi trust end maQe o patt hereM.
<br /> , �:
<br /> - StaAiANRES:By et�dng matnw.Batrowat cQrc�to tlto teima and ewanams eomafnad N ttda Qeed at tniaL(nci�tn9 ffioso ae page Z,end in •
<br /> - ., �. ._ . erry A d�seADss ebovs a1 a Ey e . .
<br />__N : � a �^— . .
<br /> � �� ��� v Y ' tt .
<br /> - . .� w ��r�w�n*_ � � a+�ici�1.� . _
<br /> a•�asa.a.r�+
<br /> .-,��� - . , .
<br /> ACKNOWLEOdMEHT:STATE OF NEBRASKA. s�T r __Cowty sa: �
<br /> Tho faregoing insbumsnt was aeknawledged Delaro me on thts �o'►'a daV oi-SHP�BS, +o--�?.- �
<br />-_ ' . ' •.. �Y /RLAR 67/ Aitf At7B R1iRI�tA RIFlT�Atf t� {ftlCRnRtI ARIf OlIP(! �
<br /> ' fitttettll
<br /> _ ' � � O} . Qbmoo�Corpon'.roeaomn+a�nm1
<br /> on befiati of tfio cotporation or partne►ahiD.
<br />- : ' - c� � ��� 19/95 e,.... �� 1����7�T'lrw/!�^ rtmtmrvwflU
<br /> ��f��Q�19.I499 c`�—�• �—°---�—
<br /> _- - 1 TR1s tnstrumont was prepare . .
<br /> L,.�;' � � -. J At883��lf[6L4SYS�EtA9.ae..st.eww.ea+asao�n�soaas�•ne+�waraaewero�ens�, ppPL# 00038459 �sgo�o�?� ��B�S� ;
<br /> � � � � Cm# 0100468594 .
<br />