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<br /> .f.• � • .
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<br />. v .�. i' d:r.. ��.� .._.__ ' C... .
<br /> . ` �/
<br /> � .
<br /> � ' _ .(.
<br /> t` , � �� � �•1• ..
<br /> , , . • from to 7�ustnr or other fltnue ab cns of�Tnisto��to�meficlaty uader any
<br /> E , H. AU ti�tare advaaoes Beaefidary► 1i8�
<br /> � �- ' p�missory not�contrn�. guar�ary. or ot�er evtdenoe of debi existIng now ar e�o�d aRer this Deed of Tn�st -
<br /> . ��,� urhet�er or not this Qeed of 7tust is sgecIficalIy refetroA w in the evIdence of deb� •� r
<br /> . , �: C. A13 obllgatlons Tms3or o�ves to Beaet�ciary.wDlch nuw e�dst or may later arese.w¢he extent not proh�ited by f
<br /> . < • law. iactudinB. 6►�s aot limired w. liabil�ties for ovec+daaRs zettadn�to anyr deposit acoouat a�betwem
<br /> � • �" 7lrustoraadBeneHdaQy. '
<br /> � �� `'' D. All addtttanal sums astvanoed aud�inaurod AS►6ene&derY for insudng.Presecving or otheiwise p��
<br /> ;'., the prog�ny aad�ts vatue snd anp other sums advancad�d expenses�by 8e�ficiazy under the ceims of •
<br /> ` � this Deed of Tttut. Plus intaest at the 6igltest rat�ia effect, fmm time to time.as pmvfded in the Evidea�e of ,
<br /> = - -;'�-�--_� E. Tmsmr's pafo�anae m�der the terms af aay�ment evId�g a d�ht by Taistor to 8e�etidazy aa�aay Deed --_; _ _
<br /> 5^
<br /> - �`��'.. . . of Trust secauing.guarantyin8.or otheiwise relatiag w the debt.
<br /> `,: � . t <-` If more thaa one petson s�gas this IIeed of Trusc as Tn�swr.eacb Tznsmr agceea that Wis D�ed of Tn�st wili sewx+e all
<br /> � " � f�e advances artd fudue obligatioas descn'6eA above that a:e giveu to or incarce8 by anyr oae or moie T�stor,or any . ..�:;
<br /> ,' - ��� � � . .- � one o=mo�Tmstor fmd oth�ts.Tbts I?eed of Tmst w�l nnt secaa�e auy other debt If B�e&ciazy faiLs.with iesgect w such ��'
<br /> m
<br />_ '' , other debt,ta ma�e any�qnired disctosur�about tLLs Deed of Tmst or if Beaei�ciaty faits W give any required notise of �.,,. �,.
<br /> _ ` the right of ies�ion.
<br /> . , 5. PAYN�N'�'S.Traswr agrees to make aIl paymeuts an the S�Debt arhe�due sud in accotdance aith the teims of tne .
<br /> �. . . Bvideace of Debt or tbis Deed of Tmst. _ `
<br /> `'�' " :''• 6. WARBANaY OF�iTLE. 'huswr covenants that 1Yustax is Iawfiiliy se3�d of the estate oonvey�by this Dead oP'I4ast '. .
<br /> � �� � . `,'��� and IIas the rigtu to iaevowbiy grant.convey aud sefl w Tn�stee,ia tmst,with pawer of sale.the Propecty aad waaants . 4
<br /> . . . thai the Pmgeity is tmeauc�ea,except for�nbrancea of reoord.
<br /> - • -:; --• -- '� .
<br /> - ---� - - ?. CI.A�IS E,GAIlVST T1TL�.Ttustor w�l pay a11 taxes.assPSSments,li�s.�aaoea.lease PaJ►meats.B�d�.
<br /> . - ^" uu'lities.aad other�sige.a xelating to the Pmperty when due. Benefcciaiy►maY�1��r�Pmvide w EmeBdacy :�;;'�,_.:
<br /> '' . .`..-'`, wpies of all uutices.thai snc�amounts are due sud the�pts evIdencjag Tcnstor's payut��Traswr wiU defe�d tltle w
<br /> ".. + ' '�. �. ��P�Y���Y�aims that woaltl�mpair the lieu of this D e e d o f Tnut.T m s wr a�ees to a s s ign t o B�e 6 c l a n t.a s _
<br />-,r ,. . ,. .
<br /> �-` � :�t • requested by Beueficiary.aaY dgHts, claim.s ar defeases which Tiaswr maq have against pa�e.s who sapply labo:or •
<br /> �' . :T��j" ' � __ -
<br /> . �"i'������- .- . ID2D�818 LO�IdYC O!�f$C pLOPCl1y. ":. i_
<br />-'.•j�.� ''r,��., -'�_ �.` - c
<br /> '� ��' �' S. j�j��s��.Wlth IC�Id t0 2IIj/Oi1lEr ID�2t�gC, �1 Of�USt.S�CUi�tS►S�III�Of OfhCf 1�CR
<br /> I '. : • ' '�..+
<br /> �;�,;, ,;.;`>�.� "�, daamnent tbat created a prior secariry�or�ce on the Pmperty and that may I�ave prtority over tLts Daed '' .
<br /> �'�, �,��t,;t�_ '°` c�f Tnut,TsusWr ag�ees_ � �-
<br /> c •
<br /> �_ ., A. To m�ke all paymenu mhen dae and to perform or comply with all covenauts.
<br /> s�'.':. . Q - ..
<br /> • , B. To�aamptly deliver w B�eficiaty aay notioa that Ttustor receives from the holder.
<br /> k�� ' C.�No2 t+a auake os per�f any moda�on or extension of,and not to requcst or aa�pt any fimue advances�mder anY . -
<br /> �` note an secured by,ti�x�er mortgage.doed of uust or se�miry agreeme�t�mless Bead3d�y cons�ts �.,�,
<br />�-` . ., . in wtitin� . � ':"r'.::a:�.
<br /> �. ..
<br />,� , `. .� �� ' .
<br />_ra : , . . _ 9. DUE ON SALE OR L�IC[1MBRANCE.BenPfiCIazy m3y�at its optioa,decdax�e e�enti��e balFmce of the Se�v�ed Debt to :•_�:;�:;
<br /> � P C _�.�_
<br /> ,�:.: �. be i�.Qdiately due and payable upoa t�e cression of aay lien,enauanbrance,�+oz sale,or�nuact for aay of ttu� ,.`�"�
<br /> r:. .:. • on the Propsaty. However, if the Propz�sy includes Tinstor's res�deace. this searon shall be snbjea to the rest�cxions �.""�`;`°
<br />�-'• � " imposed by federal law(12�.F.R.591),as appl�cable.For the pntpases of this sect�an,flie tesm°Praperly"also iaclndes �-'.�::;,
<br /> �` ' � ' mterest w a11 or aay gc�tof t$e 'ihi.s oovenant shaU tua wltb the Propeny an�sttatl rea�aia in effect aatil the �"''"'�°:�
<br /> �;. �. . : � �3►� Pn°pertyr• �,.,.,...;;:=-:
<br /> �.� ;:;j; . � Sec,ur+ed Debt ie paid in fnli�a3 ffiia Deed of Tcust is�.lEased. . ,
<br /> � ' t 4��•'-- -.I. , �� JM�)11
<br /> 10.�N3I�'ER OF AN II�PI'ERF�'r IN T�GRAI41mR If Tmstor is an effiity other thaa a naturel person(saeds as� _
<br /> . 1. . . ooiporation or other orgauizadon).Ber,eHcla:p m�►dem�d�ate payment if(1)a beaeficlal inte�est in Tinstoz� _-
<br /> ' �, ;: :; sotd or t�ansfieRed;t2)��a�������Y os¢�mber of inembere of a parmersl�p:or(3)thete is a�� .
<br /> :...[�a� :..,.".�.'�: cbaage in avmeisbip of mo�+e Nan 75�ent of tbe��:.ciag stock of a wrporatia�.However.Bene&1ar9 a�9�ut deman� ,
<br /> �� ��.�::� . . payment in the above situat�ons if it is pmhibited by iaw as of th�date of this m�ef�st. _
<br /> . �<
<br /> ' 11.Eri1Ti'Y WA�tRANT�6 AND RF.i�LBi£SF.l�PPATION3.If Tmsror is aa em�tq other than a c.aiural pelson (sucL as a
<br /> . . . oa:pqration or other o�Hon>.TYustos makes w BeneSciary the followlt�waaaades anQ a¢psesentattons wtdch shaU� --
<br /> �• � ;, be cantInuing as long as the Seaurd Debt remains o�ding: � _ ,
<br /> �,.�• �.�,�;;::�.. _� , :�° A. Tmstor is an endty affich is duly org�iz� and validly e�dsdng 6a t�e 1Yustor s state of ie�s�oratlon (or .. .
<br /> o r g a n i z a t i o n).T n�s wr is in good standin g in al2 statea in wh�ch Tiust�a a�sacts buslness.Ttustaa�the.powes .
<br />�; � � . and anthorIry w own the Propaty ana co carry on its Q�siness as�auw being conducteA and, as appllcable, is . �.
<br /> �. , qualiRed to do so in eacb st¢te ln whitb.Tn�ssor operates: ,,
<br /> .. . B. The execution.delivery aad perf^•*^9-^-^°of this Deed of Teust by Tiastor and the obligadon evidenced by the .
<br /> i ; •''� � Evidence of Debt fue witvlfl the power af Tmstor, have been dul� �vthorized, bave receiv.sl s1Z nece.ssary►
<br /> :;;'.:;�.'_;.. govemmental appr�val.and wi11 not vlolate ap pmvlsion of law,or orc'r�of court or govemme�D�ency.
<br /> :'��<< � C. Other than disclosed ln wridng 7Yustor Has aoi cbanged its aame with4n t�e last ten yeazs and bas not used�p .
<br /> � � • . � other trade or fictitious n�e.Nithmrt Beaeficiary's prlor wiitten oonseat.Tiustar daes aat aad will not nse any .. .
<br /> — �.. . :;:�';I other name aad will pceserve its e�dstiag aame.uade aames sad franrliises natil the Secvred Debi is satistied. .
<br /> '�p '
<br /> � � : ; �. 12.PROPERTY CONDJTION,AI.TLAATIONS AND INSPEClTO1V.Ttustor wlll keep the Pmpeny in goos!c�ndidon .
<br /> _ � aad make all repatre that are reasonably ne�essary.Trustar will glve 8eneficisry prompt aot�Ce of any loss os damage W
<br /> the Property.Trustor wlll keep the Property free of noxtaus werds and grasses.Tnisto:ai11 not initiate,�oia in or oons�t ..
<br /> � � � to any chaage in at►y prlvate �+eshictive covenant. wning ordivance os other pabllc m psivate restricHon l�dtiag or,. ...
<br /> ' � de}1n9ag ti�e uses wHic�may be ma8e of the Pmperty or an}►patt of the Prapertq,withaut BeneRclary's prior wriuen
<br /> - _ .. coasent.Tmstor wy11 notify Beneficiary of all de�nauds,praceeNngs, claims.and acxtons against 7'iustor o:aay ot$er ' .
<br /> � owner made under laa or regulatinn regardiflg use.oaraeish4p aaQ occup�r of the Fmperty.Tnutor cv�l oomply aritL all � ��
<br /> , legal requirements aad r�stslcdons,ahether pnbl�c or pm+ate,witL respect to the use of t�e Property.Trastor also agrces
<br /> �'� ..� .. wil w Wout Benefi 's or written cansent.
<br /> . t L a t t h e n a t u r e o f t h e a c a�p a n c y a n A u s e 1 a o t c h e n g e 1 c i a ry p r l
<br /> �:
<br /> ?�.: �.. �� � ' No portioa of the Property wUl be removed,demolished or materially aItered wlWout Benefciary's prior writcea consent � � .
<br /> �;: . , 3 except that Tn�stor hns the ri g ht to remove items o f pe�so n a!propeity wmp r L s i ng a part o f t he�r apeny t h a t b�come wora � �.
<br /> .._ - . .
<br /> .
<br /> ,_--- -- __. :
<br /> '_..•;. , - pogo a ol e •
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<br />-G¢- ; . - . • � , 0�993 Bantms 9�stau.Irc..St.CIauO.AlN 17-800�387•Yd4/1 Fam ApIC60TJYF 9rf$!9E _. .
<br /> •i • .
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