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<br /> � - � Attacfimerrt to[Jeed of Trust datesi Sepiember 24,1997 b�tween JeNrey T.Ramsa.husba►td
<br /> � and Wendy J. Rac�esa,wife,as Tivstors.and F'cve Points Ban�,as Benefnaary � .�..�:
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<br /> • ; p tract af land ce�sing a�art of the NaRheast Quarter of tf�e Northeast Quarter{NE3�.NE'/•} _
<br /> - � � of Sedian Thirty(�£1},Tou�mship Ten(10j North,Range Eight(8)West of the 6th P.M.,Hamitton �,,;.«.,
<br /> � County,6�tebra�t�,�r�tore particular[y descnbed as follows: Beginrring at a poiM on the rtorth iine ����;
<br /> , af said Sectlon s��►(30),said point beirtg Seven Hundred Thirty five and Fifty One Ff;;,�, ;f
<br /> �:.'��-,�: J� Hundredths fT3�.�'��feet west of the northeast comer of said�ection TP�ir4y(30);tttence � � ��.�fi:
<br /> � `�� �� w�st�along the north line�said Sec4ion Thifty(30),a distance of Four H�andred S'�xty One �'`�,'
<br /> . �.� (461.��f�e�thence defled��i�t 89°Q4'S!°and rurming southerty a distan�of One 'f::y��;�i:.
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<br /> � � ' distance of One Thousand One Hundred One and One Tenth(�,9a9.1)feet#o.the pfa�af ;7 y ;:
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