_ . , �_��F��� ,'�r. ��s$�2't�� ��.u..`--'-----J'F�x ` � °w z-'..
<br /> .. � s� � .�'�-_.�6 - 5 ;:�ic4�: _ " ,'`.� 'C.� ; � s ��F°
<br /> • �, . .;r�.����'�,4���.���..1�2,�`� �.i �t -���� t t ,� ; '�` _z , .v ny,,� ? t �
<br /> �r/�' � �c .A�,v �*�;.�F `� ,F: ��r.r .i, .vi r.
<br />. `��'�``�i:: ..*, ' •:�:-.
<br /> f Bormwer shall m tl �ve Lender written nouce of any investigation.ctaim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any t
<br /> � `',r= :� ��° p � y g mvolvin the Property aad anY Hazv'dous Substance or Environmenta�taw' ° .<,�
<br /> „:: •w...:.�. governmeatal or regulatory agencp or private party' g �,.
<br /> � ._,;. . .., �
<br />_ . _ r'. .,� o f w h i c� Borrower has actual knu��•ledge. If Borrower teams.or is notified by any govemmentalBorro&er�h�a la rom p t l y take � <`.�;
<br /> .::.K- ::.:�. any c+emoval or other r�emediatioa af any Ftazardous Substance uffecting the Property is ne�ry. P ; :�'`�, t'.
<br /> ' � " ` all necessary remedia!actions in accordance�vith�nvironmentaf Law. , `...:. .
<br /> ._ -: ��� ` `���,+ ps�����p�grapl�2Q, °({azardoas Substances' are those sabs�utces defined a�toxic ar h a t a n t ovs su b.t a n c x.+h y �,
<br /> ' ��S','z: .r .g llil�Y5. IORlC ! ' ..
<br /> -,;r;�,n E m h m n m e n t a l L a w a n d t h e f o llowin g substances: g a s oline, keroscne, other tlanunahie or toaic petroleum pm Q
<br /> :' '� .•>� p e s ticides and herbicides.volatile solvents,materials rnntaining s�bestos ur fn r m a l d e hy�i e.a n d r a dio a c t i v e m a t e r i a l s. A�u s e d i n � � ��
<br /> , :� thu parap�aph 20. "Environmentai Law" means f e de r a l la ws�n d l a w s o f t h e j u ri s diction wt�ere the Property is locatcd that `,�„.
<br /> `'' "��' ` �elate to tQealth.safety or environmental pmtcctian. �
<br /> � " , �.',:i NO N-U M F O R M C O V E N A N T S.B o r r o w e r a n d L x n d e r f u r[h e r c o v c'n a n t:+n d 3 8n:c as foltows: . �,
<br /> ' 21. Accelerutton;R�ttedtes.Lender ehaU�ize noti�e to Borro�er pstos to acceteretion[o4lowinR B orro�rer's d m a c� �:Y..�•��
<br /> I',,.:.=� oY uny coveQant or a�reement in tt�is �c�ctt�ity In�Uvment tbut nut prl�r to eccelerntton uader paragruRh 17 untes9 �;
<br /> — app�tca b te iaw providtx uikec�risel.'��s��spediy: (ss!the defaWt:lb>the acHon required to cure the de[sutt:
<br /> �.°€ (ct n dute.not Ic�v thmn 30 dsyx fmm the date tde uatice i�Riven to Bor�r►Heo.by�r6ict�1hs de tuu H m u s t be cured:and `
<br /> c
<br /> =� td)ttmt ��ittue to cure the dcfuWt on or befam the dute spect�e a���fuather infom�Bor�a�e�'��6E�f�t° � -:=:'��`.
<br /> .. .< . , i i secured by this�ecw�ity la9trument und sate of thr Pmperty. _
<br /> ,4 reinstote uiter aocelerution and the�tght to bring a rnurt actton to assert t6e noirexistence ot a defautt or any othRs
<br /> . defen�t of Borrower to naceiecatloa and ss�le. If the��� f���on o�by t�e������tho�t�
<br /> . ,°� (.ender. at[ts opiton. rtiay req�ttre immedtate paym IIqbie law.lxnder sha11�e � �
<br /> _`'���` , . .:`, [urii�er demaad aa�may invo�e We power ot sale and any other retned�es permitt�ad bY h 21.tadudtaA.6ut ao�Iimtted� ,-��_,+::
<br /> '�` entitied to colled all eacp�t�s fuc�ured in pnrsving tke remedies proYfde�in this�raS�D �,.
<br /> ' '� , "�aF��� �- - ti�,� _.
<br /> � .� to.reasonabie auorneys'feev tucd costs of titte evtdeace. .
<br /> uc of the
<br /> • , i f t h e p n w e r n f s a l c i s i n v o k e d,T r u s t e e s h a 9 1 r�o M a nottcr of defautt in eacb��te l aa Eo B o i r o�s�e r a n d t o '�`
<br /> �';:� PropertY is tocpted and sball mail coptes of such anSce tn the manner prescrtbed by app -. -
<br /> '� tDi�aYh�'pessonc pres�ibed bY$PAUcable la�v.After the time required by applIrable law,Trustee shall glve publi�l setl -'" .�
<br /> ���•�..1:'.e f a S s n l e t o t h e p e i s ons and in the maaner prescrihed by appltcabte taw.Trnstee,�vithout demand oa Borro�ver, �_°r� ..
<br /> �` �-3 {�c aactton to the hlghest bid der at t he t ime an d p t a c e a n d a n d e r t h e t e rn u d e s 3 g n a t e d i n tRe uoti��oe , t _
<br /> ` We Propert9�P� ae sale of ap or any p�arcel -:
<br /> .t s sate in one or more parceis aad in any order Tmstee deteemisses.Trastee may pos�tpu _-
<br /> .. '� pi.operty bY pabfic announce�u�t at t6�e time and plave of aoy prevfously schedoled sate.[xudes or[ts dcsigrta aiay
<br /> ` � } purehase the Property at any sate. � .
<br /> , �i ITpoa reoe3pi of paynamt of the pzEce bid, Twtee shall defiver w the purcGaser Tr�t�e's deed oonveying We _ � ! �`
<br /> , �' � _ property.The►�dtats in the Trastee's dee�shalf 6e prima fade ev[deace of the Wtd of the stateutents made t6erein. ;.:.'-;'
<br /> the raceeds of the saie I»tQte foltowIag order.(a)to all costs and ex(seas�of exer+cf.�sng the pnwer of
<br /> ' � �"�:� Trastee sha11 aFA�Y P » "'^
<br />- :- �� - ,�'..����• sale,and the sate.IncYudlti8 the IraYment of the Trastee's[ees aauallY incurred.not to exoeed the�af$50.OOor'-g% ��,..
<br /> • . .. = of�he prind�'„B�mount of the note at the time of tt�e dedaratton ot defaWt,and reasonabie attasaeys'fees�eatitle�A� ����';`Y
<br /> ', '.. by Iaw;(b)to a9 s�mos secared by thLs Swa�rtty Ipstrument;and(c)any excess to the pe�son or peisoas tegaUy �
<br /> ..� � _; �
<br /> - • "' it.
<br /> ' ,_:4.; 22. Recanvcryance. Upon payment af all sums s�cured bY d�is Security Instrument. Lr.nder shall request Tmstec to �Z ,�.,
<br /> reconvey the Pcaperty and shall surrender this Serurity [nstrun►ent and aU notes evideacing debt secured by this Security _-_ --
<br /> , d:w: Instnuaent to Tcustee.Trustee shall reconvey the Property withont warrantY ar►d W�ihout churge to the person or persons legally -
<br /> ' :..� � • `°zd°���` entitled to it.Such person or person5 shall�paY anY recordatIon coscs_ lnt a successor miste�� °".°�`"
<br /> � �'!;`�'u ?.3.Snbstitute TntsEee.lxnder.at it,oprion. may from time c,o ame remove Trustee an3 aPP� R`��n:�
<br /> r�,.,� _....m�._
<br /> �:'•r,:''::„ any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Securin Irstrument is recorded•Wi�C n-���
<br /> �,�;.�s cunveyance of the Property.the saccessor tnutee shall succeed eo all the titte,poner and duties conferred upon Trustee her�ia v_
<br />- �+,�,•.:, and by applicabte iaw. �..-_-
<br /> "�'�`?' Z4.Request for Notices. Borrower requesu that capies of the notices of�de€ault and s�ate be sent to Borrower's addr�s.� , T
<br /> . �,.. , °-
<br /> r��•,•.� �vhich is the PropertY Address. � Yy
<br /> '''�_ ?S.Rt�s to tHls Securtty lnstrument.If one or more rid�zs:�.:e executed by Borrawer and recorded together witi��s
<br /> " ' � '� Security Instrnment.the covenanu and agreements o f e a c h sach rid�u s;�ali be incorporated into and shall umend and supplea�t �_.: _.
<br /> '' ¢�:e wvenants ar►d aSceements of this Secunty Instrumemi as if the rider(s),were a�rt of this Security Instrument.
<br /> ' _ •°� (Check applisable boa{esll �•
<br /> . „ � _
<br /> �.• ,t;'�'':
<br /> ����fl�+��1 � ❑A�'4�csabte Rate Rider Condominium Rid�r Q 1-4�amily Rider �
<br /> •' �J(',raduated payment Rider �Planaed Unit Developinent Rider ❑���veekly Payment Rider � -,,
<br /> � � • • +;• ❑Second Home Rider
<br /> � 0 Rate lmpravement Rider �•=`"
<br /> . []Balloon Rider �' °-
<br /> . �'.7: D OtheHs)[sPecifYl .,,-=_
<br /> , Q V.A.Rider gome Equity Acces� Line Rider `
<br />_" . '�f. �''`_.
<br />-` `"� R Attachment Eshibit A-Notary form for Sharom,
<br />- • , v ts contained in this Security Instrument an4 "'`1,�w±
<br /> ' .�<. ,�.' BY SIGNWCi BELOW.Bonower accepts and sgree�to the tertns and co enan _
<br /> • _ ' �. in any rid�rds?eaecuted by Borrower and recorded with it. _
<br />