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<br /> . . , .•
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<br /> . :=.f �9 . � . _ _ s ��t�c• -•�: �' r t.
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<br /> �r t � � L \. 'r ' _ ' ' . 4 tr°'� ' q..
<br /> � � T _; Y . , k `. y.• -Z'� �� � �3 �' :r 'L<
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<br /> t �te
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<br /> �"? ^`�`��,.� S,orcower shali pr+ompdy give Lend�r written notice of aay IrnrestiSation. claim.demand. lawsuit or other action by any ;� ';��.
<br /> `.;<ti'`,.r,.`,' gov�mmental or regulatary aBencY or privsue party ipvolving the Propet?Y and any Hatardmmentuabls�r�egourla��a tiwnry.that ;', '�,,�;
<br /> ,>,- :.:,�`�,>:• of wbid►Borrawes has acntal tcnnw�edge.If BulioctiCi le�tms. oi is RoUfied by any g :�:e-;`
<br /> . ' any removal or other remediation of su►y Hamrdous Substance affecti�g the P�O�rty�s nece�ur�+.��wer shall Qrompdy take� "��,. '-:
<br /> .:,°,,, •, � all neressary remediaf rudons in nccordance wit�6nvironmeaml Law.
<br /> <`,•,:�.. >� ps used ia t6is paragraph 20. 'Hazardous Substances'are those substancc�defin�d a1 toair ur haz�rdouy substance�by .
<br /> ` Emrironmertta� Es�w and the following substanoes: gstsoliire, icerosenc. other flammabte or codiaa�vi etmatergalsaA ed inO �� ,
<br />;•,�,';,; : ,�
<br /> . p�ticides and herbicides.volatile solvents.materials oonta�n�ng asbestas or forntaldehyde.and ra �� � •
<br /> " �'..� ."' Wis pa:a ph 20. 'Envimnmental taw' tneans federal iaws and taws of the jurisdicaon where the Property is tarated that pn � �.�,.,
<br />- - - : � r�elate to�th.safety or environmemal protection. .
<br /> �.F ,�<.. r�ela
<br /> NON-UI�ORM COVENAN7'3•Borrower nnd Lender funher caeenar►t and agree as fullows: .
<br /> °��<t<��•.::.�. Zl.�e�€ou:Remedies.Leader sha[I give ttotice to BorrowRr prfor to acceteratton fol[owins Boreo�h 17 uNess .
<br />. '.��- '_—°�'- ai ar�y�aant ar � in this Secnrity Tn�rumen4 (but aot p�tor to acceteratfon under paregraP ----
<br /> �. ,�....
<br /> ..-r- ,°�. aPpttcabie!aw pmrtdes otherwi.se).The aotEce sL�sllll specify: (a)the detaui�lb)the acttoa reqatral to eure tite defatttt:
<br /> s
<br /> ° � (c)a date,uot tess than 30 days fmm the date the aottce is gi�eett to Bon�ovr�,by whirh the ddaalt mast 6e cured;aad
<br /> g
<br /> ,f' :�� :< (�t6at faIInre tu cm�e t@e d�adt on or hrtore the date s�c�ed tn the not�e may r�vlt Lt ac�e[�on of the sums =
<br /> secar�d by t6is SecuritY Iastr�ent and sa[e of ttie Propestp.'Fi�e aotIce s6s+11 further inforn�Barmaer oi tite dght to .,.:,
<br /> s +
<br /> ,,�.'`'. ;� reip�state after soce[eration an@ the rigi►t to brtng a oo�t acbton to asert the aoa-extsteace af a sief�eed in ihe aotPcry � _
<br /> ��_ ;, �`_ defetse oY Borro�to acceterat�on and saie. If the defau[t ts aot cured on or 6efose t6e date specif' -
<br /> - Leitder.at its optIoa,maY�I��e d i a te p a y m e a t i n f a ll o f a ll s n m s s e c u r e d b y W I s 3 e c u�r l t y I n�t r a ment�ittioui
<br /> � • further demsad aad may invoice t6e p�wes af sale and an9 affia'remedies pesmitte�by a Z�inciud3ng,6trtannt Iimitea _ _
<br /> ` enYtBed W coltect all esp�es iacarred tn pmsuiag the rrme�li¢s pmvided in this paragrapi� � .'�
<br /> to,reawna6le attorueys'fe�an d c o s t s o f t i t l e e v t d e a c e. ot tQee � �'•'�
<br /> �• :.:-s.:`�;�• If tiae pos��of sale is invo�ced,Tn�stee shaU ceooM a notice of defaWt in eacL ooamty in ss6isi�a� part � � _f
<br /> , : : Ytvgerty is loeated 8nd s�al!mail copics of sac6 not�ce iu the manner Prc�cribed bY aPPlts�bte[aw 3m Borrower and w ,_ `.:
<br /> ;. ;,,<� , b a ltceble law.Tcastee s►�IDl+�ve pubfi�Qotiue ',� .
<br /> _„;{,.,.�.�-4}n :� ¢�e oth��eeisons pr�d by applicabte law.After We time required Y PD ,, .:
<br /> af sat�to 46��p�sons aa�i�s�e�'Pres c r i b e d b y a p p t i c a b l e l a w.T c u s t e e,w i t i t o n t d�nanfl cr�a B�rewer,shall seia `:.r `:
<br /> � " l��"y;` ;^ sa ai b��q a�'��t 6idder at the time and place and and�t�e ter�d��e�e e^�q2 of '
<br /> �t� r t�,�'�, ����, i� � ne s�e of�c�r��.codt�u�e >,F '
<br /> r F `���,,���Y :; sa�`��oa�a��sna+e i�'rr�s a��im - ard�Trostee determiaes-�lvstee maY p n s t�t O
<br /> f - 4`{�r 7�4k • . �7.���}y�rIt c^...'�.4�T Si'2�L$t!e 2II���SOC 04 8II���!��S�.'L•' �'"°'�„"�t',��1�89T :,x,s-
<br /> �;+��r`;� .:' � tp�'i�t�E�t�Op¢t4FS2�YszR� �f%�:
<br /> = ur��es c�2$OD71vEyiIIg 4he _
<br /> `'`jb���E � �.T,�teceipt of�pat�t uY t�P�� 6�a�.�� �e evid�ce oP the� t�ff�'ie stateffiends made the�ein.
<br /> :�s=�• J pro�r�riy.The redtais in the T�ustee's dPed shall he prima • . .
<br /> . ..�. ; ,.,
<br /> %�� TnuteP sliatl appIy the prnoeeds of the sate in the�oIIoWing order:(a)to all wsfs an�esp�s o f ea e r d s i n g t h e p ower of �_�,:.
<br /> °:"' . � sale,and the sate,irtcluding the paymeat ot t6e Trastee's fecs acdmltq inenrred,not to esceed the�af$50.OOo r'�°�o �'J`
<br /> ' � of the princtpai emonnt of the note at the tfine of the deciaration of defaalt,and re�asonable attorneys'fees as permitted _
<br /> �. .. 's by taw.(b?to all smas seau�l by 16is 3eeuritY Insavmenti and tc)aay excess to the pecsoa or peesons legaily ea8tted to _-
<br /> � , i� � _
<br /> ` �. it¢convey�ce. Upon payment of all sau�s secured 6Y this SecuritY Insm►ment• I.�nder shall reqaest Trussee to _
<br /> . ` �.' r�onvey the Praperty+ and shall sunender this Security Instrument and all nates ev[dencing debt secured by this Secur�ty �_ .
<br /> Instrumem to Trustce.Trustee shall teconvey thc Ptoperty witiiout warranty anA without charge to the person or peesons legally ;__
<br /> entitled to it.Such psrson or persons shaU pay any recordatian costs. �nt a successor uustee to ;
<br /> � 23.Sutistttute Trastee.1.ender.at its option.may fmm time to time remove Trustee and appo' `� .
<br /> ' ' any'I'tustee appointed heneunder by sn instrument recorded in the county in which this Security lnstrument is semtded.Without �:;.
<br /> • canveyance of the Froperty.the suooessnr uustee shal!succeeA to all the ade.power and duties oonferred upon Trustee herein _
<br /> `� � and hy apphcable taw. =_
<br /> � ��:i ?A. Request for NoiIces. Borrower requests that copies of the norices of defautt and sale be sent to Borrower's address ..._°--
<br /> . :•; wdich is the Prvperty Address. �`,
<br />- . � ;� y5.Rideas to t�is Secarity lastrtmtent•1f one or more riders are executed by Borrower and reoorded togetiier wit6 thia �_:-
<br /> � Secuti t y Instrt�ment,the covenants and agreements of each such rider s6a11 be incosQorated into and shall amend and supplement �
<br /> ' ��� ihe covenants and ageemeats of this Seturity Instnunent as if the ri der(s)were a p a rt o f t h i s S e c u r i ty I n s t r u m e n� _
<br /> . . . [Check applicable box(es)l =`
<br /> . . �:._:;,_
<br /> - � . • Adjustabie Rate Rider �Condominium Rider �I-4 Family Ri�er �;:`-`:-
<br /> � � � Qraduated Payment Rider �Planned Unit Development Rider O Biweekty Pay�aznt Rides �_ - .
<br /> ` ,��. ' Balloon Rider {�Rete Improvea�ent Rider (�S9cond Home itider _._
<br /> • . • (]V.A. Rider 0 Other(s)[s L.�] • . �____
<br /> • –FtQ�e Equity Liae Rider _
<br /> . . . _ � 1��=
<br />— . -. :. �-:. .
<br />--' � � BY SI(31�TING BELOA►.Borrower accepts and a�to tt�e tem�s and covenants contained in this Security Instzument and
<br /> _ „ . • ' in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded wich it. �``'-=°
<br /> ' � • � . Witnesses: _
<br /> ,�. ; (g�) ._
<br /> '. . ' � � Geraid Mu h -Bormwer �
<br /> � ' , ' E:Q�
<br /> �_--°
<br />- � r (Seal) ..�
<br />_ ... �,; :.: ' ; Y�me la S. Murp�ty -Horrower
<br /> � , .., . . (Seal) (Seal) �
<br /> .. . � -sortower -eorrower
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, County ss: Hall _–
<br /> -� ;� �� . The foregoing instrument was acknow�edged before me this 18 day of S ep t embe r . I�S 3 7 :
<br /> Y �\; . , � by Gera2d J. Murphy and Pamefl� S. Mnrphy, husband and wife �
<br /> . ,, �; V�'imess my hand and notarial seal at G r an d I s l an @ N E I in said Co::r.ty.the oresaid: �'
<br /> .
<br />__ ,:�::,.� ',: � - .
<br /> `'%;�_�' � ' My Commission Expires: l2/23/2000
<br /> _- _ t Notary Pub;ic
<br />- .'- - ��Jt�E"+,.i+POT�tiP�$fi'lC�E�7� '
<br /> IIiCK166�
<br /> �,•� ��'m'�'��� va9oao+e Form3�28 9I90
<br /> . r,.•. .
<br /> . .
<br />