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201210549 <br /> All insurance polieies required Uy Lender and renawals of such pnlicien shal] Ue subject to Lender's rigl�t to <br /> disapprove such polieies, shal[inchide a etanclard mortgage clause, and ahall name Lcuder as�nortgagee <br /> and/or ae an additional loss payee. Le�ider ahall have thc right to hold tlie policies end re7iewal ccrtificatias. IY <br /> Lender xec�uires, Borrower sl�all proin�tly give Yo Lender all receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices, <br /> If Borrower obtnins auy form of insLuaaice coverage, not otherwise required Uy Lendar, for demage to, or <br /> destruction of, fhe Property, such policy sha11 include a stuidard mortgage clause aud shall nama Lender as <br /> innrtgagee ancUor as an ndditionel loss paye� <br /> Hi the evanY of loss, Borrowex shall give ptnmpt notice to tlie Insurance caxrier and Lcndcr. l,ender inay <br /> malcc�n oof of loss if noti ina�de promptly by Borrower. Uiilcss Lende��and Borrowex otl�erwise agrcc in <br /> v,n iting, nny insurance procoode, whether or uoY tlie underlying insuranoe was required Uy Lender, shall be <br /> a��lied to rustorafion or repair of the Property, iP the resforaCion or repair is economically feasible and <br /> Lender's security is not]csec��od. During such repair and restoreGon period, Le�ider shall ha�ua the right to <br /> hold such insurance prooeeds until Londcr has had an opportunity to inspeet such Property to ensure 11ie <br /> woflc has been eompletecl to Lendei°�s aaCis�Paction, provided thz�t such inspection shall be twderfalccn� <br /> promptly. Leuder may disUw•se proceede fo�the repairs avd roaforat�on in a single payment or in a serios of <br /> progcss payments as the work is completed. Uuless eu�greemenC is madc in writing or Applicable Law <br /> requires inleresE Co be paid on such 'visurance pxoceeds, Lender shall no[6e required to pay Ro�rower any <br /> interest or earnings on such proceeds. Fecs f�r puUlic adjnsters, or other third parties, xefaineci by 13c�rrower <br /> shall uot Ue paid ouC of the instu•ance proceeds anc�shall be the eole oUligation of Borro+��er. If the resCorafinn <br /> or repair is nof econoinically feasiUle or Lender's security would be lessened, tl�c insurance proceecis shall be <br /> applied W the sums seoLtred by lhis Security Instr•wnent, whether or not then due, wiCh uhe exces�, if any, <br /> �aid Co Borrowar. Such insur2nce proceeds shall be applicd in thc order provided for in SecYion 2. <br /> If Borrower abeuidons the Property, Lender mny file, negotiatc and settle any auailable iuem ance claim a�id <br /> related�natters. If Borrower does uot respond witlun 30 dnpa to a notice from Lender Uiat the insw uice <br /> carrier l�as offered to settle a claiin, Uiai2 Lender mfly negotittte nnd aettle che clait��, 'Che 30-day period will <br /> begin when thc noticc iy given. In eiCher event, or if L,ender acquires tt�e Property uuQer Seofion 22 or <br /> otherwise, Borrower hereby essigns Co Lcndcr (a)Borrnwer's ribl�ts to auy insurance proceeds in�u an�oimt <br /> not Eo exceecl the amoturts ttnpaid under the Note or lliis Sectu�ity Ivsix'umcnt, and(U) auy other oP <br /> Borrower's rights(otller thau Ehe i ight to any rafund of unena•ned premiums pvci by Borrowc.K) w�der all <br /> instuauce policies oovering the Property, niso£ar as suoh riglits are a�plicable to the coverage of tl�e <br /> ProporYy. Lender may tiue fl�e insura.nce peoceads eitlier to rapau'or restore the Property or to p1y amounts <br /> unpaid under Lhe Note or tlris Seow�iCy Iv�truincnt, whcthcr vr not then�due. <br /> $. Oceupancy. Borrower shall oocupy, establish, and�isc thc Property as Borrower's principal residence <br /> within 60 days after the execurion of this Seci�ri6y Ii��stnrmenC anci sliai] continue to oocupy the Property�s <br /> Borrower's pruicipal residence f'or at least one year after the date of oocupancy, unless Lcndor otherwise <br /> agrees in w,dting, which consent sha11 not be unreasonably witlilield, ar unlese extennaLing cironmetai�cos <br /> exi�C which arc heyoncl Borrowcr's control. <br /> 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. Barrower shnll siot descroy, <br /> d<lniage ar impair the Property, allow the Propextq to cleterioraCe or coi��mit waste oi1 the Pi•ope�ty. Whether <br /> or not Borrowar is residing in(1ie ProperCy, Borrower sht�11 maintEtin the ProperCy in orcier to prcvcnt tl�e <br /> Propert}+ fi�orn dotcrinrating ��r dooroasing in value due to its condition. Unless it is determined ptixsuant ho <br /> Section 5 that xepair or restoratiou is noC economic�lly Pe��aible, Borrowor shall prompCly repair tl�e Proparty <br /> if daanaged to avoid fw fher detarioration or demage. If insurnnce or couclemnaCion procecds are paid in <br /> coimection wifll d�nuge to, or the taking aP, Che Property, Borrower shall be responsible for tepairi��g or <br /> restoring tho Property only if Lc��dor has re,lea�ed proceeds for such purposes. Lender may disburse prooeeds <br /> znooaooa <br /> NEBRi�SKA-Single Femity-Fannie Pdae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTHUfdENI' Form 302b 11�1 <br /> V1.7 P�� Vfd P6(iV E)(7 1051 <br /> Wollers IQuw er Ffnnnclal Sorvlcos Pape'I o117 <br />