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201210549 <br /> .Any applioalion of plyn�an�.s, insurancc pcoccccln, or Misoellaneous Proceeds tio prinoipal due under Lhe Note <br /> sha11 noY extend or postpone the due date, or ehnnge Che anlounl, of thc Ycriodic Payments. <br /> 3, F�uids for�acrow Ttente. Borrower shall pay to Lender on the day Periodic Payn�cnts are dne wider the <br /> Note, until the Note iy paid in full, a�swn(tYie"Funds") to provide fox payment of arnounte d'ue for: (a)tax�.c <br /> anci asscssmG�ts and ofl�cr items which can attain priority over tlus Seeurity L�st��mnent as a lien or <br /> encim�brvice on lhe ProperLy, (I�)leasel�old payments or ground re�its oii fhe Property, if azry; (c)premiums <br /> for any tuid all insurAnce required by Lender under SecGoi�5; and(d) Mortgag� [r�surance premiums, if any, <br /> or uiy aum,9 payaUle by Borrower Yo Lender in lieu of the payuient of Mortgflge Inaurance promiums in <br /> accordancc with theprovisiony of Section 10. These ite�ns�are called "Escrow Items." AC origination or�d <br /> any tiine during the term oP the Loui, L,ender inay rcquirc tl�at G'oinmunity Aeeociation Dues, Fee�s, and <br /> Assessments, if aaiy, be escrowed by Borrower, and such dues, fees nnd asseasments shall be nn Pssorow <br /> ICem. Borrower shall prompily furnish to Lemdcr all noticcs of amouuts to be pRid under this Section. <br /> Borrower ehall pay Lender the IIunds fox Escrow S[ema imleas Lendec waives Borrowor's obligation to pay <br /> khe FLutds for any or all Escrow ICeme. Lender may waive Borrower's oblig�tion to pay[o Lender Fuuds for <br /> any or all Lscrow ltems at any time. Any such waiver may only Ue iu wri@ing. Ili the evenC of such waiver, <br /> Borrower shall��ay directly, when and wl�cre payablo, the amoimts due for any E�crow Iteins for which <br /> pnyment af Tuncls hna been waived by Lender �nci, if Lender requires, shall furnish ta I,�Zder receipts <br /> evidencing such payment within auch time period as Lender may require. Borrower's oUligation to malco <br /> suoh payments aud tu provide receipts shall for all pwposes be deemed to be n covennnt and agreemeuC <br /> containcd in tl�is Security insh�ume��t, ets khe phrase "covenrmt and agreement" is useci iu Section 9. If <br /> Boxrower ia oblignted to pay E+scrow Itiems directly, pursu�n[fo a waiver, aud Borrowc�-fails to pay tlie <br /> ainomrt due for a�i Escrow Item, Lender may exercise its riglits under Secrion 9 �nd pay such amoimf aud <br /> Borrowcr nhall thon be obligated Lmder Sectiou 9 To repay to Lender qiry such a�nounC. Lender may rovoke <br /> tl�ie waiver as to nnq or all L+aorow ICems aC any fiv�e l�y a notioe�givon in ac�rdancc wifih Soot'ron 15 and, <br /> upon such revocation, Borrower ehall�pay to Lender all P'unds, �t�d in auch amounts, tha[Fue theii required <br /> tiinder Uiis Section 3, <br /> Lender may, Tt aaiy Yime, oolleet a�id hold Funds iu an ainount(�)sufFicient to permit Lender to npply, the <br /> Funds xt the time specified wide��R'RSPA, and(b)not to exceed the maxiinum a�nount alender can require <br /> iuider R�SPA. Lencier shnll estimate lhe amounk of Fitnds due on Che basis of current data znd teasonable <br /> estiinafeti of expenditures of fuhu�e Fscrow Items or ot6erwise iu accordance with Applieabla Law. <br /> Cl�e FLinds shnil Ue held in an institution whose deposits are insured Uy a i'ederal a�ency, insUwnenCality, or <br /> enCily(includ'nig Lexider, if Lenc�er is az�inekilution whose cieposiCs tuc eo insurcd) or in �ny Federal L-Iotne <br /> Loan Bank. Lender sha11 apply Yhe Funds to pay the Escrow Steme no leYer than the flme speoiffecl unc{er <br /> RP,SPA. Lcnder shall not charge I3orrower fm�holding and applying tlie Ftmds, auuually analyzing the <br /> escro�aoconnC, or verifying Cl�c L�scrow Itans, ui�le�.s Londcr pays Rorrower inte��est on the Pmids and <br /> Applicable L2w permits Lender to make such a ohnrge. Uiiless�n agreement iF inade in writing or <br /> Applicable Law requires interest to be paid on the rmide, Lender shall not be requixed to pny Bon owcr any <br /> interest or oarniugs on the Pnnds. ]3otrower aud L,ender cAn agree in writing, however, fli�t interest shnll be <br /> paid on lhe PLmcls, Lender shall givo tn Sorrowcr, without d�arge, an aiTitwz1 accomrting of tlie Ftuids as <br /> required Uy RESPA. <br /> If there is a surplus of Funds held in esorow, as defined under I'�,+SPA, I,encler ahall xccoiult to Sorrower for <br /> the excess fimds in accordance t�ith R�SPA. If there is a shortlge of Punds held in escrow, ns deCined under <br /> RL5PA, Lciidcr sl�all iYotify Borrowcr �s required Uy RESPA, and T3orrower sh�ll pay to Lender the amount <br /> neceseeiy to malce up the shortage in a000s�clnnce with RLSPA, buC iu no more Ll�an 12 montl�ly ptryments. If <br /> thera is a dafioiency of Ftuids held in escrow, es defined uncler RBSPA, Lendex shnll uotify Bon•ower ae <br /> zaaoaoo4 <br /> NEBR4SKA-Single Famlly�Pannle M aelFretltlle hlac UNIFORRI INSTRUAI ENT Porm 3020 1l01 <br /> VA7 P O VM F6(Nt)f11051 <br /> Nlniters Kluw er Finnndel Services Page 6 of 1 Y <br />