<br /> sntisfaofion, providcd that such inspeotion ehnll be undertakon promptly. Lender may pay Por the rcpairs
<br /> and eeatorAkion in a single disbm•se�nent or in a series of progress p�ymenCs as tl�e work is completed.
<br /> Unless aii agreement is mflde in wcifing or App1icable Law requires interesC to 6e paid on snch
<br /> Misccllancous Pi oceeds, Lender shell not be required to pay Borrower any interest or ea�nings on sucii
<br /> Mvscellaneous Proceeds, Lf T�he iestocation or repah�ia noC economically feasible ar Lender's seourity would
<br /> be lessened, the Miscellancous Yroceede shall be applied to the sums securcd by this Security Instruinent,
<br /> whether or not then due, with the cxcess, if a�ry, p�tid to Borrower. Such Misoellancr�us Proceeds shall be
<br /> applied in the order provided for in Section 2.
<br /> In the eve�it of a total tal�ing, deshnetion, or loss"vi value of the Property, the Misoellai�a�us Pi oceeds shall
<br /> Ue applied Co tiho sums secured Uy tilus Security Instrumenf, wliothor or nof then due, with the excese, if amy,
<br /> paid to Rorro��er.
<br /> In the event of a partial taking, deal��uctiori, or lose in value of'tlie Properry in which tl�o fair ma��ket value of'
<br /> tlte Property iinmediataly before the partial tplting, dest�'uction, or loss in value is eqnal to �r grcater thvi t�l�e
<br /> emounl of tho sums secured by this Security Instrumenl immcdiatcly before the partial tnldng, destructiion, or
<br /> loss in velne, unless Son'ower aud Lender ottierwise agree in wriCing, thc sums secme<l by this Securiry
<br /> uistrwnent sk�11 be reduced Uy thc arnc>unt of the Miscell�uieoua Prooeeds multiplicd by the tollowing
<br /> fi•action: (a) the total flmount of the sLuns securnd immedlately bef'ore the ptartial takivg, destrucCion, or loss
<br /> in vali�c clivided by�(bj the fair mtw•ket vnlue of the Property invnediately before flie parCial taking,
<br /> desh•uction, or loea in value. Any Ualance shall be pAid to Borrower.
<br /> Iu the evenl oP a partial tal<ing, desiruction, or losa in value oP lhe Pro��aty in wMclj the fair market valne of
<br /> the Property invnediafely bePore thc partia1 talcin�, destiucYion, or loes in value is less than tl�e a�nomit of Uie
<br /> sums secw�ed immediately before the partial Caking, ilesd'aotion, or loss in value, unleas Borrower and
<br /> Lender otllerwise agree in writuig, the Miscellaneoua Proceeds shall l�e npplied to tha stune secured by t}ue
<br /> Security I��strument wl�ether or noC the sums are then due.
<br /> If t1�e Property is aUandoned by Borrower, or if, after natice by Lender tio Borrower that tihe Opposiug Party
<br /> (as ciefiucd in the next sente�ice) offers to maka an awacd Co settle a claim for damages, B��rrower fails to
<br /> respond to Lender wifhin 30 days after thc datc the notfice is given, Lender is 2uthorized to oollect aud apply
<br /> tlie Miscellu�eous Prooeede either to restorption or repair oP 11�e Property or to the yums secmed by tl�is
<br /> Seouri[y InsLxvinenf, wheCher or not tlw-�i due. "Opposin�; Party" means Uie Uiird party that owes IIorrower
<br /> Misoellanaous Proceeds or the party�gainat whom Borrower has a right of acrion in regard to Miscellaneot�s
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> l�onnwer shall be in dafault if any action or prooeeding, whether civil or ariminnl, is begmi that, in Lender's
<br /> j�id�nent, could result rn forfeiture of tl�e Property or oUier inaYerial 'vnpairment of Lender'a inCeresl ir� ihe
<br /> Property or rigJiCe under Uiis Security insti'ument. Aorrower cau cure such a dafault aud, if ncceleratiou kea
<br /> oceurred, reinst�tte as provided in Section 19, by causing the nction or��roeccding to be disinissed with a
<br /> ruling Uiat, in Lender's judgment, preclades forfeiture of the Property or oHier mal�rial impainnent of
<br /> Lender's intetest in the l'roperty or rights Lmdei this Security Instirtunent. The proceeds of�ny award or
<br /> claim for damnges lhnC are ntlributable Co the im��aiiviovti of Londcr's interest in the Properdy ai�e hereby
<br /> assigned and sku�ll be paid to Lender.
<br /> All Miscellaneous Proeeeds that are not applied to restorntion or repair oP the Px�operty ahall be applied in the
<br /> order provideci for in Section 2.
<br /> zaaoaooa
<br /> NE6RASICA-Single Famlly,fannle MaelGYetltlfe Mao UNIfORM INSTRUM ENT Fo�m 3028 1101
<br /> VM P� V1.7 P6(NEI(71�51
<br /> WoAers Kluwer Flnenolel Serulces Page 10 af 7 Y
<br />